In our country, legal educational programs are in great demand. Every year, about 300 thousand applications are submitted to them, and about 150 thousand people become students of higher educational institutions. Unfortunately, after graduation, not all graduates get a job. Some do not develop a career as a lawyer due to lack of knowledge, due to the fact that they studied at a bad university. South Ural State University (SUSU) offers quality education at its Law Institute. What is an educational organization? What advantages does the Faculty of Law of SUSU (Institute) have? These questions, which are relevant for applicants, should be answered.
South Ural State University: information about the university
This is a higher education institution,currently functioning in Chelyabinsk, appeared in 1943. It began its work on the training of specialists in the form of a mechanical engineering institute. For a long period, the university specialized in the production of specialists with higher technical education. In the last years of the last century, it acquired the status of a classical university. Thanks to this, the university began to produce various specialists, from designers, journalists to economists, civil servants.
Today South Ural State University is a national research institute. It is one of the largest universities in Chelyabinsk and the entire Urals. More than 30 thousand students study here:
- on 240 undergraduate programs;
- 24 graduate programs;
- 150 graduate programs;
- 200 continuing education programs.

Structure of a higher education institution
During the years when the university began to develop after the date of foundation, various faculties were created. In 2016, South Ural State University, guided by the program to improve competitiveness, enlarged the existing structural divisions. As a result, schools and institutes appeared (Construction and Architecture Institute, Higher School of Management and Economics, Polytechnic Institute, etc.).
All structural units are subdivisions of the new format. At SUSU, the faculties, which have become schools and institutes, unite the best student,educational and scientific traditions of previously existing departments and divisions. The law school is no exception. Since it is very popular, let's take a closer look at it.
About law school and higher education
The legal institute currently operating has come a long way in its development and formation. It grew out of the Faculty of Entrepreneurship and Economics and became a major structural subdivision of South Ural State University. It has 8 departments. Applicants for higher education come here. People who choose a bachelor's degree are offered the direction of training "Jurisprudence". Applicants to the speci alty can choose "Forensic examination", "Law enforcement", "Legal support of national security". The listed directions are available at the full-time department. The last two speci alties, as well as “Jurisprudence” (on the basis of higher education) are offered at SUSU by the Faculty of Law to part-time students.
Also in the structural unit you can get a secondary vocational education. The proposed program is Law Enforcement. Applicants come here on the basis of 9th and 11th grades. From the walls of the institute at the end of the training, qualified specialists are trained to ensure law and order and the rule of law, prevent, suppress and disclose various offenses and crimes.

Law school at law school
The SUSU Faculty of Law (Institute) has created a free law school for schoolchildren studying in grades 7-11. Its name is Pre-Higher Education Legal School. In it, students receive basic legal knowledge that can help in various life situations.
Law school is attended by students of secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums. Classes are held in an interesting way, thanks to which children quickly understand and remember the information given to them. Classes are conducted by senior students at the Law Institute, undergraduates, postgraduates.

Elite Training Area
The SUSU Faculty of Law organized an elite training area called the High Law School. Only the best students with excellent knowledge and who entered with high USE scores study here. Enrollment in the elite training zone is carried out after the end of the first course. Among all students, those people who have the highest indicators of intermediate certification are selected.
In the elite training zone, students study in depth a foreign language, the theory of state and law, administrative, constitutional, criminal and civil law. Thanks to training here, highly qualified specialists are formed from ordinary students. Many of the graduates who leave the SUSU Faculty of Law (Institute) after mastering the bachelor's program enter the master's program, where they supplement their existing knowledge and begin to conduct research.

Legal Clinic based on Law Institute
The legal clinic was created by the institute so that students can master their future profession, apply the knowledge gained in lectures in practice. Here, students, together with teachers, provide free legal assistance to all people who apply:
- give oral and written legal advice on various issues;
- draw up legal documents;
- represent the interests of citizens in various institutions, including in court (by proxy).

In conclusion, it should be noted that the Faculty of Law of SUSU (Chelyabinsk) is a modern structural unit in which students receive a quality education. The institute is recognized as the leading university in the region for training personnel, so graduates are in demand in the labor market.