One of the most common types of analysis in Russian language lessons is linguistic text analysis. Its purpose is to identify the main stylistic features of the text, their functions in the work, and also to determine the style of the author.
Like any other analysis, it has its own algorithm that should be followed. So, how to do a linguistic analysis of a literary text?

Of course, before considering the text, it should be read. And do not skim it hastily, but read it carefully, thoughtfully and with expression. This will help you understand the work, plunge into it with your head.
Now you can proceed directly to the analysis. Let's look at the basic, most common scheme.
- First of all, it is worth determining which functional style of speech the analyzed text belongs to. Whether it is scientific, artistic or official business, epistolary.
- Determine the main communicative purpose of the analyzed text. It can be the exchange of information, the expression of one's thoughts,an attempt to influence the emotional sphere of feelings.
Further linguistic analysis of the text involves identifying the main linguistic means used in the work. These include:
- stylistic means of phonetics: alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia;
- vocabulary: antonyms, paronyms, synonyms, homonyms, as well as metaphor and comparisons, dialect vocabulary, archaisms and historicisms, onomastic vocabulary;
- stylistic means of phraseology: these are phraseological units, proverbs and sayings, aphorisms and winged expressions, as well as all kinds of quotes;

- stylistic means of word formation: suffixes and prefixes;
- morphological means of the language: you need to find polysyndeton and asyndeton in the text, indicate what functions in the text perform certain parts of speech;
- stylistic resources of syntax: types of sentences, presence of rhetorical questions, dialogues, monologues and polylogues, find incomplete sentences.
Linguistic analysis of the poem, as well as ballads and poems, should be carried out according to the same pattern. When analyzing a poetic work, due attention should be paid to the rhythm of the text, its sound.
Sometimes some other items may be included in the analysis scheme:
linguistic analysis History of writing the work. Sometimes the events that preceded its creation help make the linguistic analysis of the text even more accurate.
- Define topic and problemworks. The use of certain linguistic means is often associated precisely with the problems of the text, its genre. For example, in satirical works ridiculing the authorities, metaphors, metonymy, and transfers were often used.
- Describe the main characters of the work. Quite often, this helps to determine why the author uses certain vocabulary in the speech of a particular character - clericalism, slang, dialectisms.
Linguistic text analysis involves a deep knowledge of the basic language tools, an understanding of exactly what functions they perform in the text. In addition, it allows you to better understand the author, his intentions and immerse yourself in the world invented by the writer.