A variety of borrowed words from other languages often come into our Russian language and soon become full-fledged, independent words. Every day we can use a lot of neologisms, because there are more and more new things around us. And a person from the past would probably not understand what you are talking about. Think of words like smartphone, computer, presentation, or interface, for example. Of course, most of them are English words, although earlier, for example, in the era of Peter I, there was a huge stream of borrowed words from other languages: fleet, compass, globe, flask. All this was also due to the appearance of many new things, previously unseen by the Russian people, because Peter was the one who, as you know, "cut a window to Europe".

In the article we will analyze one of these popular words, the meaning of which you may not know. We will also find out what "arividerchi" means, and the translation of this foreign word.
Loan words, slang and jargon:is it good?
In our time, various slang expressions, jargon, words that some representatives of the older generation may not understand are very popular among teenagers and young people. Slang is generally some specific words inherent in one category of people. There is also slang on the Internet. For example, do you know words like "hype", "zashkvar", "bro" or "lol"? According to many people, both jargon and borrowed words impoverish our Russian language. Many famous personalities said that you should not use borrowing in your speech, because in the Russian language in any case there is a word that replaces it. That is why you need to get rid of such jargon and parasitic words (like the annoying word "type") in your speech.

What language did the word "arividerchi" come from?
So we come to the meaning of this borrowed word, which will be discussed in the article. Let's start with the fact that it is borrowed from the Italian language and is written as Arrivederci in it, and it is pronounced in exactly the same way. Translated into Russian as "goodbye." Italians generally use it both when meeting and when parting.
What does "arividerchi" mean in Russian?
And in our language, we often use it to jokingly say goodbye to someone. It can be translated into Russian as: "chao", "see you", "see you". Saying goodbye to a personin this way, you kind of leave behind some kind of ambiguity and even a riddle. Sometimes "arividerchi" is used in a joking manner, sometimes it's the other way around. It can be said that this word sounds a little insulting if you say goodbye, for example, after some unpleasant quarrel or disagreement, thereby hurting the interlocutor.