"Keep" or "keep"? Soft sign in verbs: rule

"Keep" or "keep"? Soft sign in verbs: rule
"Keep" or "keep"? Soft sign in verbs: rule

Action is the most important thing in the life of any person, that's why such a part of speech as a verb is so important in our language. And, of course, it is important to be able to use it correctly in your speech.

One of the hardest spelling problems for verbs is the use of the soft sign. For example, they often ask: "What is the right thing to do, leave or leave?" We will answer this question by getting acquainted with the conditions for choosing this spelling. To do this, we still need to remember one of the moods of the verb.

When is a soft sign written? Rule for imperative verbs

Often you have to ask someone for something. In such cases, we use verbs with the meaning of will. They answer the questions: What do you do? What do you do? Often this form ends with a soft sign, for example, the word "leave." If you put this verb in the plural, then the ending will appear - those, and the soft sign will be stored in this word form. And if you ask: "How to spell, leave or leave?", then in accordance with the rule the word "leave" will be correct. Let us remember, besides this, that the soft sign is preserved not only in front ofbut before –sya:

leave or leave
leave or leave
  • stay;
  • introduce yourself;
  • meet me;
  • get rid of;
  • be famous;
  • get better.

Examples of soft imperative verbs

The letter-related soft sign rule applies to all plural imperative verbs. Here are some sentences with examples:

soft sign rule
soft sign rule
  • Send a letter to Nikolai Ivanovich.
  • Correct the text.
  • Email me the document.
  • Don't touch the papers on my desk.
  • Don't torture me with your questions.
  • Save us the extra work.
  • Do not defame the name of this holy man.

Keep or leave?

Let's say we are faced with the task of choosing the correct one from two options in the following examples:

  • Leave… those papers on my desk.
  • Children, when you go, leave…those dishes in the sink.
  • See documents without leaving…those.
  • Please leave me a message.
  • Leave…the ones behind a good memory.
  • Ah, leave…those words.
  • Keep…those hopes.
  • Leave outerwear…those here.
  • Leave all the luggage…they are still on watch.

We will, of course, opt for the leave form.

You can do the same work with similar examples:

  • Put a bucket under the faucet.
  • Fix…those mistakes in the sentence.

In these cases, we choose the forms"substitute" and "correct".

Next, we will continue our acquaintance with this topic, using texts-recipes of sweet Chinese dishes.

Sugar roasted peanuts

leave the spelling
leave the spelling

Toast five hundred grams of shelled peanuts. Leave to cool. In the meantime, pour one hundred and fifty grams of granulated sugar with one hundred grams of water, put it on a heated stove. If bubbles appear, dip the peanuts into the mass and stir. After that, add rice flour, mix it all again. As soon as the syrup completely covers the nuts, the dish can be considered ready. Leave it to cool and then cut it into pieces.

Milk figurines

Here is a different text and the same task: the use of a soft sign and the correct spelling of words (including leave or leave).

Put two and a half liters of the freshest milk in a warm place, you should get curdled milk.

Then place it in a saucepan, heat until it boils, as soon as it boils - immediately reduce the heat and evaporate excess moisture.

leave the spelling
leave the spelling

Add 100 grams of sugar, stir and remove from heat. Divide this mass into molds and leave in a cool and dry place. Half an hour later you can serve.

Apricot tea

Rinse five hundred grams of rice well, sort and leave in water at room temperature for two hours. Rinse apricot kernels in running water for fifteen minutes, separate the upper skin and rubnuts together with rice in a liquid porridge, add two hundred and fifty grams of water.

Boil four liters of water, dip the prepared gruel into boiling water and boil for five minutes. Then leave on low heat to cool.

Cinnamon shake with granulated sugar, pour in one hundred grams of water. Pour apricot tea into cups, add sugar as you like, and cinnamon dissolved in water.

Nut jelly

Continue to use the imperative verb. The lesson of the Russian language on the example of Chinese cuisine continues. Let's check ourselves. In this text, you need to insert a soft sign in place of the ellipsis, choose the correct form of the word: "leave" or "leave".

Wash fifty grams of glutinous rice and leave…those in water for twelve hours. Pour… those four hundred grams of sugar in a bowl, add… a little bit of cinnamon, one hundred grams of hemp oil, one hundred and fifty grams of rice flour, add… those boiling water and mix real well. Put it all on the board, remember so that a pancake is formed two centimeters thick, cut it … into square pieces. Moisten them with water, put them on a flat dish and sprinkle them with rice flour using a sieve. The squares should be evenly coated with flour. After this procedure, place them in a pot of boiling water, let them boil until they float. Then take--them boiled dumplings out of the water. Leave…those to dry.

Scald…those two times one hundred and fifty grams of hazelnuts with boiling water, peel and chop. Thoroughly rinse fifty grams of dates,boil them, peel them and take out … those bones, then cut them … those, the smaller, the better. Now drain the water from under the rice.

Nuts, dates and previously soaked, from which the water was drained, put the rice in a bowl, add … those two hundred grams of water, mix everything thoroughly, you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps.

verb Russian lesson
verb Russian lesson

Pour seven hundred and fifty grams of water into a saucepan, dissolve four hundred grams of sugar in it, bring it to a boil, remove the foam, and very quickly pour the prepared nut mass into the syrup, do not forget to stir until the mixture will become similar in consistency to jelly. Pour this mass into a deep cup, pour … those “squares” into it, and you can serve it on the table.

Answer: leave, pour, add, cut, sprinkle, take out, scallop, cut.

So you know how to spell "leave", along with this, you learned about the spelling of all imperative verbs, in which a soft sign is written before the ending -te.
