How to write a story based on what you hear?

How to write a story based on what you hear?
How to write a story based on what you hear?

Writing a story based on what they heard may seem like a really difficult task to some, despite the fact that there is nothing difficult in the process. However, if you do not understand such issues, you should not panic ahead of time, because in the article you will learn how to make the writing process easier for yourself.


As in any other compositions or other texts, a story based on what you hear must contain some kind of beginning. In it, you can either express your own point of view regarding the issue that was raised while reading, or very briefly state what was discussed, what you heard.

Storytelling based on what you hear
Storytelling based on what you hear


The story about what you heard should include several things:

  • summary;
  • explanation;
  • personal opinion.

So, a summary. This does not mean that you need to completely retell everything that you heard, not at all, you are not writing a presentation. The essay should cover only the essenceread by the teacher and transmit it in a short, concise form. This leads to the second point.

Explanation. In order to correctly and adequately write both a summary and a personal opinion, you must determine the meaning of what you hear. Yes, there are texts “about nothing”, but it is unlikely that you will choose a similar fragment for your composition. Most likely, you will have to listen to an interesting, informative story, on the basis of which you will have to compose your own. You must write in the retelling not just a summary, but its very meaning. This will not only help you form your own opinion and do a decent job in the future, but also raise you in the eyes of others, because the ability to grasp, squeeze and process information in your head is an extremely useful skill that can be useful to anyone in the future.

Of course, what is an essay without a personal opinion or attitude to the issue under discussion? Without this, you simply will not get a high-quality text, no matter how hard you try, because the matter will not be limited to the usual retelling. Since this topic is considered one of the main elements of a worthy story, we have taken it out separately.

Essay writing based on what you hear
Essay writing based on what you hear

Personal attitude

It doesn't really matter what topic you come across. Even if you are not very versed in it, at least a little bit you should have an idea about it. It doesn’t matter whether the essence of the issue is pollution of nature or something else, the main thing is to try your best to convey to potential readers your point of view, your opinion, because the story, and especiallywriting a story based on what you hear is no different from ordinary and familiar texts, where the main role is given to personal impression.

Among other things, you should try to explain exactly how you understood what you heard in order to make a great story. Based on what you hear, the foundation of your essay will be built, so if you don’t fully understand what was discussed, try to take a little time to think about it, because it’s really important. You must make it clear to the reader that you yourself are aware of what you are writing about, otherwise it will be a useless text with reasoning that comes from nowhere.

The story of what he heard
The story of what he heard


So now you know how to write a story based on what you hear. Use the acquired knowledge wisely and create such texts so that you can be truly proud of them. It may not always work out the first time, so it would not be superfluous to also recall that only practice can help. One theory will always not be enough, so if you have free time and a desire not to slip at a crucial moment when it comes time to write that very story, then ask friends, parents or a brother / sister to help you. Have someone read you one or another text, after which you will have to try to write an essay. It is desirable that it is an adult, competent person who is able to notice your mistakes (we are talking not only about spelling and punctuation) and guide you on the right path.
