High school students should learn how to draw historical portraits. This will help you successfully pass the exam. In addition, the description of the portrait of a historical figure is by no means a boring task. When studying the biography of the ruler, one can understand the reason for certain events that influenced the fate of millions of ordinary people.
A portrait created by a skilled artist has little to do with photography. The painter paints a person as he sees. The same can be said about historical portraits, which are compiled by researchers on the basis of various documents, but often under the influence of subjective opinion. Perhaps a more reliable biography is one that consists of assumptions and versions. After all, no one, even the most experienced researcher, can know exactly what Ivan the Terrible felt when he killed his son, and how Joseph Stalin treated Hitler.
Historical portrait plan
Where should you start with such a task? First of all, you need to understand the events that take place during the years of the life of a person whose historical portraitto be compiled. It is important to read the biography as well. History is a relative science, and therefore one source is not enough. It is advisable to read one or two books. It can be both journalism and fiction.
In drawing up a portrait of a historical person, as mentioned above, an important role is played by the events of the early years. Worldview is formed in childhood. The attitude of parents, environment, education - all this is taken into account by researchers when compiling historical portraits. You should also list the characteristic features of the ruler, politician or commander. Then talk about the deeds, thanks to which he influenced the course of history. Attention should be paid to recent years. That is, a historical portrait of a prince or king is drawn up according to the following plan:
- Childhood, youth.
- Years of government.
- Important historical events.
- Recent years.
Below are some brief historical portraits. Not only a description of events is given, but also interesting facts from his personal life. Moreover, the heroes of the story are both rulers and personalities, whose role in history researchers are still arguing about.

Childhood of Ivan the Terrible
The historical portrait of this ruler is interesting and easy to compose. Many books have been written about him, many films have been made. For many, the name of Ivan the Terrible is associated with cruelty, numerous executions. But not everything is so simple and unambiguous. Firstly, in the 16th century, murder was not considered such a terrible sin, in any case.if it was performed by the king, whose power was given, as it was then believed, by God. Secondly, the childhood of Ivan, the future king, was far from bleak.
The first memories of the future ruler were associated with a desperate struggle for power. This struggle was waged between the Shuiskys and the Belskys. No one cared about the prince until he was in power.
Ivan was orphaned early. There was never a kind close teacher next to him. Around from an early age, the king saw lies, cruelty, intrigues. You can read about coups and struggle for power in any history textbook. The historical portrait of this ruler should be drawn up, taking into account the mores of that era. However, even for his time, Ivan the Terrible was excessively cruel. At first he watched how others were killed, then, having matured, he himself joined in the killing. But before executing the "infidels", he trained on cats and dogs. The young sovereign traveled through the streets of Moscow, killing animals. He did not spare the old people who got in his way. When he got stronger, he set about his enemies, the main of which was Andrei Shuisky. Since then, the boyars have been imbued with fear and respect for the sovereign.
First king
Ivan the Terrible is the first Russian ruler to receive the royal title. In Monomakh's hat, he went out to the people in 1547. The queen was chosen for a long time, scrupulously. Decrees were sent throughout Russia on the immediate delivery of girls to the young tsar. One of them was destined to become the wife of Ivan IV. Those who did not submit a candidate for the Kremlin casting were expected to be executed. However, there were few who did not want to obey the royal decree. Everyone dreamed of intermarrying with Rurikovich.
Ivan the Terrible proved to be a tough, uncompromising ruler. Former wives used to send to the monastery. As you know, he killed his son. True, sources say this, the reliability of which is highly doubted. One way or another, it was a great ruler: Kazan took, Astrakhan took, Revel took …
Pious Satrap
With his propensity for quick reprisals, the king was a very pious man. He built several temples and churches in the capital. There is a version that the only person capable of instilling fear in Ivan the Terrible was St. Basil the Blessed - the same holy fool who walked around the Kremlin in the nude and uttered strange, incomprehensible speeches.
Peter the First

After the sudden death of Tsar Fyodor, the boyars announced the new ruler of nine-year-old Peter. There was another candidate for the throne - Tsarevich Ivan. However, he was not so lively and lively. Miloslavsky did not like the choice of the boyars. And again began a fierce struggle for power. The Miloslavskys managed to use the archers for their own purposes, who organized the famous rebellion, and then, years later, paid for it. Young Peter was sent away from Moscow. His sister Sophia reigned for a time.
The archer's rebellion and the death of loved ones sunk deep into the boy's soul. Just like Ivan the Terrible, he, having matured, took revenge on his offenders. But before that he received a good education. From an early age, Peter was fond of shipbuilding, showed an amazing craving for knowledge. Composinghistorical portrait of this tsar, one should tell at least briefly about the foundation of St. Petersburg. A city built on human bones really cost the lives of thousands of ordinary people.

“France is in my hands”
Let's digress from Russian history and let's talk about one of the most controversial French rulers. In Peterhof there is a monument depicting the founder of the Northern capital with a baby in his arms. The monument is located in the Lower Park. “The whole of France is in my hands,” according to legend, Peter I said this phrase, taking the little infante in his arms. This happened during the stay of the Russian Tsar in France.
Louis XV was orphaned early. Versailles, like the Kremlin, was filled with intrigue. True, the French power-hungers got rid of their enemies more cunningly and subtly. The future king was lucky - there were no other contenders for the throne. However, this does not mean that the Infanta was surrounded by love and attention.

The Lazy King
Villeroy was engaged in the upbringing of Louis, who was known as a mediocre military leader and turned out to be a mediocre teacher. The main part of the educational process, in his opinion, was participation in solemn ceremonies. From an early age, the little boy was forced to follow strict rules of conduct at court. That is why Louis XV later, becoming a full-fledged ruler, avoided all sorts of ceremonies and preferred to spend time hunting, away from the Palace of Versailles.
He was called lazy, mediocreking. Louis showed weakness, lack of will in front of his favorites, spent a lot of money on them. The Parisians, meanwhile, were dying of hunger. In his youth, Louis entrusted the affairs of state to de Fleury. After the death of the “grey eminence”, Madame Pompadour decided most of the state affairs. However, it is worth saying that Louis did a lot for the development of the arts, encouraging poets and artists. In addition, he was an educated and well-read man. Nevertheless, the king made many mistakes, for which his grandson, Louis XVI, had to pay.

Marie Antoinette
The Queen's biography inspires filmmakers and writers. However, Marie Antoinette would not have attracted such close attention if it were not for her tragic death. The Bourbons and Habsburgs shared power for too long. In the second half of the 18th century, they suddenly decided that it was time for them to find a common language, and for this, according to the mores of those times, it was necessary to conclude several marriage contracts. Which they did. The daughter of the Austrian Empress became the Dauphine of France. Marie Antoinette was only 14 when she was married to Louis XVI.

These were absolutely different people. Louis preferred to spend his time in solitude, reading. Marie Antoinette did not master a single book in her life. The queen loved to have fun, among her confidants there were exclusively intriguers and hangers-on. Marie Antoinette did not notice that France was mired in poverty, and that in the vicinity of Parisrevolutionary shouts. Her husband, perhaps, saw and understood something, but he lacked firmness and determination. Both of them ended their lives on the block.
Little is known about the early years of the great commander. According to one version, he

spent most of the time reading. According to another, the future Napoleon had the nickname "Troublemaker", which is in no way consistent with the image of a closed child. The Corsican began learning French at the age of nine. He spoke with a terrible Italian accent all his life.
Leader qualities Napoleon showed already in childhood. He clashed with teachers, as a result of which he won the respect of his peers. He was bold, determined, ambitious. This is easy to believe. Only an extremely ambitious and self-confident commander would come up with the idea to get the keys to the Kremlin during the days of severe winter frosts.
Grigory Rasputin

Among the bright historical figures there are not only rulers or politicians. One of the most mysterious personalities of the 20th century is Grigory Rasputin. There are so many rumors about him that even historians today find it difficult to determine where is the truth and where is fiction. A simple village peasant, who in his youth was a horse-stealer, somehow became a close friend of the Romanov family. Perhaps he really possessed the gift of a healer and was able to alleviate the suffering of the Tsarevich. Nevertheless, historians often portray Rasputin as a person who had an indirect relationship with the death of the royal family.