Elizaveta Petrovna has never been a married woman and had no recognized children. But history has preserved evidence of the empress's frivolous and full of sensual pleasures lifestyle. Next, consider the biographies of several favorites of the Russian Empress.
Brief biography of Elizabeth Petrovna
Elizabeth I (1709-1761) became Empress following a palace coup in 1741. Those dissatisfied with the reign of Anna Ioannovna pinned their hopes on the daughter of Peter I, but did not consider her decisive enough to become the head of the preparing conspiracy. Taking advantage of the fall in authority, 31-year-old Elizabeth proclaimed herself the new autocrat and was crowned in 1742.
She ordered the arrest of the young Ivan VI, all relatives and supporters of Anna Ioannovna. The favorites of the former empress were first sentenced to death, and then exiled to Siberia. This was done to show the tolerance of the new autocrat.

The Empress continued in many wayshis father's program. Domestic policy was distinguished by stability and a focus on increasing the authority of state power, strengthening autocracy.
In the cultural life of this period there was a transition of Russia to the Age of Enlightenment. The time of Elizabeth Petrovna is marked by the strengthening of the role of women in society. Ladies now not only became more and more actively involved in the management of estates, but also sometimes surpassed men in their cruelty.
For the reign of the absolute monarchs of the seventeenth century, and especially the successors of Peter I, was characterized by favoritism. Personalities who enjoyed the favor of the Empress spent the state treasury, and in the last years of the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, they actually ruled the state.
The personal life of the Empress and character
Already at a young age, the princess was distinguished by freedom of morals. There was a rumor that she was in a secret marriage with Alexei Razumovsky, but no evidence has survived to this effect. It was rumored that the autocrat had a son from Razumovsky and a daughter from Shuvalov.
All this has led to the emergence of a large number of impostors who call themselves the children of Elizabeth Petrovna. The most famous is the so-called Princess Tarakanova, who in 1774 declared her right to the throne and even found support from a small number of supporters.
The beginning of Elizabeth's reign was a time of excess and luxury. Balls and so-called "metamorphoses" were constantly held in the palace, when ladies dressed in men's suits, and men in women's ones. The empress herself was a trendsetter. AfterAfter Elizabeth's death, about fifteen thousand dresses were counted in her wardrobe.

Elizaveta Petrovna was distinguished by excessive emotionality and inconstancy of character. There were times when she was overcome by violent outbursts of anger. Memoirists confirm that she could beat a man at a ball for some inaccuracies in his costume or behavior.
An interesting fact: despite her reputation as a frivolous person, the autocrat was very pious. Right from the ball, she left for matins, regularly made pilgrimages to the surrounding monasteries, especially to Trinity-Sergius. In processions along the Trinity Road, Elizaveta Petrovna was accompanied by the whole court and favorites.
Favorites of Elizabeth I Petrovna
The list of favorites includes both men (mostly) and women who enjoyed her favor and occupied a special place at court. Some figured in the intimate life of the princess and the empress, were her lovers, while others were just friends who received favors from the empress who was favorable to them. They often spent public funds on their own needs.
Favouritism and the constant change of lovers during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna became part of politics. The same was observed under her successor Catherine the Great. Apart from short ties, only A. Razumovsky and I. Shuvalov played an important role in the political life of the state. Let us recall some of the most famous favorites of Empress Elizabeth.
The first clear favorite of the princess: Alexander Buturlin
In 1720Alexander Buturlin, the 26-year-old son of the captain, the future count, field marshal general and Moscow mayor, was granted by Peter I as orderlies. The young man enjoyed the confidence of the emperor, carried out his secret orders. Under Elizabeth Petrovna, he not only rose to the rank of chamberlain, but also became the first favorite of the tsar's daughter.
Buturlin was known as Elizabeth's lover, but perhaps these are just rumors. It was not the first wife of the military commander Anna Golitsyna, who had already died by that time, but a quarrel with I. Dolgorukov, that could serve as an obstacle to communication with the princess. Alexander Buturlin was sent to Ukraine. Subsequently, he was appointed commander-in-chief in Little Russia, and on the day of the enthronement of Elizabeth, he was promoted to general-in-chief.

The rapid development of the career of the favorite of Elizabeth 1 continued. Soon he received the dignity of a count and was granted the rank of Field Marshal.
Alexander Buturlin also managed to improve his personal life. He married the daughter of an associate of Peter I Boris Kurakin - Catherine. Three children were born in this marriage: Peter (married Maria Vorontsova, became a privy councilor and chamberlain), Varvara (married Vladimir Dolgorukov) and Ekaterina (was married to Yuri Dolgorukov).
Rumors of a secret marriage with Semyon Naryshkin
The Naryshkin family was associated with the ruling dynasty, but in the historical literature the degree of kinship is deliberately exaggerated. The favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna was the fourth cousin of Peter I, although he is often called a second cousin or cousin of theempress.
As for Semyon Naryshkin and Elizabeth I, there were many rumors, especially among foreigners. It was rumored that a secret marriage was concluded between them. But the reigning Peter II intervened and sent the favorite of Elizabeth, who was the emperor's aunt, out of the country.
During the reign of Anna Ioannovna, Semyon settled in Paris, and after the ascension to the throne of Elizabeth, he became a chamberlain and went as an envoy to Great Britain. Soon, however, the empress returned him to the capital, where Narshykin became known in high society circles for his love of horn music and luxury.
In 1746 he married Maria Balk-Polevaya. A very beautiful girl caused jealousy in Elizabeth. For example, the following case is known. Once the empress called Naryshkin to her and, in front of everyone present, cut off with scissors the lovely decoration that the favorite’s wife put on that day.
The most modest favorite of the empress: Ivan Shuvalov
The son of the captain of the guard, Ivan Shuvalov, ended up in the palace thanks to the patronage of two cousins - Alexander and Peter Shuvalov, active participants in the palace coup, as a result of which Elizaveta Petrovna became Empress.
After a while, the 40-year-old Empress drew attention to the 22-year-old Ivan. The young man was promoted to chamber junker, he became Elizabeth's favorite, and he remained until her last days. The Empress was attracted not only by Shuvalov's youth and beauty. He received a good education, by the age of 14 he knew four languages.
In the last years of the reign of Elizabeth, the favoriteShuvalov was the only speaker, wrote the texts of orders and announced the decisions of the autocrat to the dignitaries.

A distinctive feature of Shuvalov was amazing modesty. Elizaveta Petrovna prepared a decree conferring on him the title of count, the rank of state senator and the salary of ten thousand serfs, but Ivan Shuvalov categorically refused. He agreed to accept only the rank of adjutant general.
Under Catherine II, Elizabeth's former favorite was sent abroad, although he was formally on sick leave. When he became close to Marie Antoinette, the new Russian empress began to involve Shuvalov in the execution of diplomatic missions. Fruitful activity led to the fact that he was granted the rank of Privy Councilor even before returning to Russia.
Shuvalov is known as the organizer of the first literary salon in Russia, where G. Derzhavin, Ekaterina Dashkova, D. Fonvizin, the creator of the Dictionary of the Russian Academy - the first explanatory dictionary, the founder of Moscow University and the Academy of Arts.

Beloved of Elizabeth I: Alexei Shubin
Elizabeth's favorite Alexei Shubin was an ensign of the Semyonovsky regiment. It is known that she loved him very much. Poems of Elizabeth I written to her beloved have been preserved. The French ambassador even claimed that they had a daughter who was brought up at court, but under the guise of a distant relative.
The connection between Elizabeth and Alexei Shubin ended with Anna Ioannovnaordered to arrest the favorite. Formally, he was accused of conspiracy, but in fact there was nothing of the kind. The favorite of Elizabeth Petrovna was exiled to Kamchatka and forcibly married to a local resident.
After ascending the throne, Elizabeth ordered to find Alexei Shubin. He was granted the rank of major general of the regiment and endowed with rich possessions in the Vladimir province. The following year, Shubin retired and settled on his estate. He was dissatisfied with the preferences given by the Empress to another lover.
Chamber junker of the groom Elizabeth: Pimen Lyalin
Pimen Lyalin belonged to an old but impoverished noble family. Elizabeth drew attention to the young man only after the forced separation from Alexei Shubin. They say that a special role in the birth of their relationship was played by a sailor suit, in which Pimen rolled the princess along the river. The favorite of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna was known for harsh statements that he got away with.
The most famous favorite. Alexey Razumovsky
Elizaveta Petrovna's favorite became the one for whom she traded Shubin after his arrest. Alexei Razumovsky ended up in the Russian capital by accident. The nobleman of Anna Ioannovna was sent in 1731 to Hungary to purchase wine. On the way back, he stopped in a village in the Chernigov province. In the local temple, the nobleman heard a wonderfully beautiful voice. He was introduced to the owner of the voice. It turned out to be the Cossack Alexei, the son of Rozum. The nobleman took him with him and made him a chorister in Moscow.

According toAccording to legend, the secret wedding of Alexei Razumovsky and Elizaveta Petrovna took place in a village church on November 24, 1742. The favorite of Elizabeth Razumovsky kept his exclusive position until the death of the Empress, although in recent years another man took the place of her lover. Rumors about joint children led to the appearance at the court of Princess Tarakanova, who claimed the throne.
Young favorite of the Empress: Nikita Beketov
The attention of the autocrat to Ivan Shuvalov unusually upset not only Alexei Razumovsky, but also his friend - A. Bestuzhev-Ryumin. The chancellor decided to "create" a new favorite for Elizaveta Petrovna with his own hands. The choice fell on a young pupil of the Cadet Corps Nikita Beketov.
A handsome and energetic young man who played the role of the first lovers in theatrical performances in the corps and at court, became Razumovsky's adjutant. Nikita Beketov received rooms at the court. He lived there for more than a year at the same time as Ivan Shuvalov.
The Shvalov brothers attempted to remove the young favorite from the Empress. Nikita Beketov liked to walk in the shade of the alleys with young court singers, which caused accusations of debauchery. Pyotr Shuvalov gave the young man an ointment for freckles, but from it he became covered with blackheads. The Empress was told that this was the result of Beketov's shameful behavior.
Elizaveta Petrovna moved to Tsarskoye Selo and forbade her favorite to follow her. He got sick and almost died. Beketov was removed from the court, but he managed to make a career. Nikita Beketov was appointed mayor of Arkhangelsk. He nevermarried.

Failed suitors of Elizabeth Petrovna
At different times, the Empress was wooed:
- Louis XV, the Bourbon king of France, whose reign was one of the longest in world history,
- Moritz of Saxony - French commander,
- Peter II - grandson of Peter I,
- Karl-August Holstein - the younger brother of her sister's husband, who died in St. Petersburg before reaching the altar,
- Nadir Shah is the Shah of Iran.