The issue of the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers and younger students was raised by teachers and educators already at the end of the 70s of the 20th century. The problem was due to the fact that children came to school who did not perceive the world around them as a whole. First-graders could not connect several academic disciplines in order to find the answer to the question posed by the teacher. Teachers began an active search for ways to eliminate such a problem, it was from that moment that integrated classes in the preschool educational institution appeared.

An integrated approach to educating preschoolers
Currently, the topic of applying an integrated approach to preschool education is being raised again. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation adopted official resolutions, according to which integrated classes according to the Federal State Educational Standards should be held in all kindergartens.

Relevance of approach
The relevance of such mixed classes lies in the fact that the differentiation of skills is realizedpedagogical workers in approaches to creating an ideal model of preschool educational and educational process. Any integrated lesson in the senior group of the kindergarten is aimed at preparing kids for school life, forming a versatile personality of the child.
On unifying the content of preschool education
Synthesis of different sciences contributes to the selection, uniform distribution of educational material, the search for interconnected educational areas, the choice of the most important aspects. The curriculum of an integrated lesson in the federal state education involves an interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and skills, includes mandatory reflection. At the end of each lesson, the teacher receives feedback, thanks to which he analyzes the degree of assimilation of the material by the students, determines those points that need to be analyzed again.
Any integrated lesson in the senior group of a preschool institution is conducted according to the abstract, which must comply with all the requirements of the Federal Educational Standards. In addition to setting a triune goal - educational, educational, developing - all the skills and abilities that a child must master during the lesson are written in the abstract. It also indicates the planned results: training, education.

Aspects of preschool blended education
In their works, G. F. Hegel, I. Ya. Lerner note the relevance of combining several branches in the education of preschoolers. Open integrated lesson in the nurserygardening involves demonstrating to the audience the complex skills acquired by the pupils. In the course of such classes, the child develops a creative socio-cultural experience, he learns to transfer the information received in the lesson to different life situations.
This approach is necessary for the development of the child's emotional and value attitude towards people around him, wildlife.
Any integrated lesson in the preparatory group is necessary for the harmonious development of the child's personality.
What are the main aspects of early childhood education?
The knowledge gained during the lesson helps to format the scientific worldview of preschoolers. An integrated lesson in the preparatory group contributes to the search for one's own solution, teaches the child to "responsible" for his actions. Children perceive themselves as active participants in such activities, learn to work in groups.

Sections of the program that is approved in each preschool educational institution are aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children. As one of the manifestations of the basic component of preschool education, we note the presence in all educational areas of the following aspects:
- Practical significance. It is these sections that play an accumulating role in the formation of cognitive interest.
- The use of information technology. The integrated lesson technology involves the use of multimedia presentations, video clips.
Forcreating a close connection and effective convergence of different areas, educators try to highlight several priority areas in the programs.
An integrated lesson in the younger group of remote control is possible in the following areas:
- Development of speech skills. This skill will be required by preschoolers in the future life. Such an integrated lesson in the younger group is aimed at systematizing and expanding the vocabulary of schoolchildren. As a result, literate and structured speech is formed in preschoolers.
- The technology of the integrated lesson allows you to acquaint preschoolers with the outside world, systematize and deepen knowledge about natural phenomena, and develop cognitive motivation. The lesson helps to form interest in a variety of phenomena and processes. Such an integrated lesson in the preparatory group involves the use of elements: experiment, modeling, observation, analysis, discussion, reading. Such productive activity is aimed at shaping the speech culture of future students.
Preparing to gain knowledge. An integrated lesson in the preparatory group allows you to prepare preschoolers for learning: develop speech hearing, form sound synthesis and analysis, develop sensory language communication, and acquaint children with the meaning of words. In the classroom, the child learns to compose complete sentences.
During role-playing games, which may include an integrated lesson in mathematics, productive activities are carried out, the guys realize their impressions,knowledge, emotional state. The staging of a trip to the store helps kids demonstrate their communicative qualities. Joint creative activity develops not only mathematical skills, but also speech, attention, memory.
Music education

Musical combined education is available for preschoolers. It is when listening to music, discussing the melodies heard, that the teacher teaches children to create mental images. If an integrated lesson in mathematics involves the formation of logic, then music lessons fully contribute to the development of creative thinking, the ability to correlate expressive images with literary descriptions. Such types of art as graphics, painting, sculpture help the educator to introduce children to the world of beauty. When learning songs, the vocabulary of preschoolers is replenished. In the course of the classes, the children also get acquainted with works of art, learn to distinguish ballet from opera, painting from sculpture. Numerous legends and myths, which are rich in music, act as a kind of core that unites all types of contemporary art around them.
At music lessons, memory, observation, attention of children develop, the connection of music with outdoor games, allows you to increase coordination of movements. Role-playing games used in classes in preschool institutions help children develop a vision of the world around them through sounds, colors, and vivid musical images. Drawing and modeling contribute to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, in its absenceit will be difficult for kids to learn how to write beautifully.

Integration options
According to the results of research conducted at the preschool educational institution, the best result is the combination of mathematics and music, drawing and speech development, reading works of fiction and getting to know the outside world.
Features of a combined lesson in kindergarten
The methodological literature used in the preschool educational institution involves a certain construction of combined classes. As a subject in such a lesson, multifaceted objects are chosen, which are considered from the point of view of different sciences. The lesson structure uses a combination of spiral, concentric, linear models. This combination allows you to make changes to the content of the program, adjust the teaching hours.
- Introduction. This part of the lesson involves the creation of a specific problem situation that will stimulate preschoolers to find ways to solve it. For example, the teacher asks the children about the possibility of life on earth without oxygen and water. It is on how clearly the goals are set that the final result of the entire lesson depends.
- The main part. Children receive new skills, knowledge, skills, without which it is impossible to solve the problem set by the mentor. This section involves the use of visual material, presentations, fragments, collections. During this stage, the guys enrich their vocabulary, learn to answer questions, ask them.
The final part. In order for children to have the opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge, practical work is necessarily used in each lesson in kindergarten. Actualization of the acquired knowledge is carried out with the help of modeling, drawing, didactic games.
summary of the integrated lesson on fgos
Combined classes allow preschoolers to have a bright and broad view of the world around them. Such classes are needed to create a relationship between objects and phenomena. Only in the course of such events do children develop mutual assistance, an awareness of the versatility of artistic and material culture. The main emphasis of preschool education is not on the assimilation of specific knowledge, but on the development of creative thinking of preschoolers
Meaning of activities
Integration also implies the obligatory development of the creative activity of the individual, thanks to which it is possible to combine several branches of knowledge during classes at once. Among the distinctive features of any integrated lesson in kindergarten, experts note the synthesis of practical and theoretical content. The lesson is built not only on the internal, but also on the external integration of subjects. To do this, the same object under study is considered from several positions at once, a general conclusion is made about the properties, characteristics, and application of the object under study.
Method of preparation for the lesson
Before the start of work on integrated learning in DU, the following activities are carried out:
- the area of knowledge is determined where it will be rationaluse integration;
- selected content taking into account the age characteristics of children;
- tasks and goals are being thought out;
- options for practical activities are identified.
It is mixed classes in different groups of preschool educational institutions that are an effective means of shaping the personality of a child and a teacher. Such events help educators to constantly improve their professional competence. Contribute to the reduction of static load, as they involve a combination of various activities. They allow you to use during the lesson not only the office or the hall, but the entire territory of the kindergarten, because such classes always include mobile role-playing and story games. Children attending kindergarten enjoy doing the tasks offered by the mentors during the various integrated activities.