Learning foreign languages in a playful way will help not only to broaden your horizons and learn more about culture, but also to fall in love with the subject, to facilitate its study. What is an extracurricular activity in English? This is something like a lesson, but only in a fun and relaxed way. Thanks to these activities, students understand the educational material faster and easier.

General statement of the purpose of the lesson and objectives. Making a plan
How are extracurricular activities at school? This is for class time. It is best, and even more useful, to conduct such classes in the fresh air. You should definitely show your imagination and diversify the lesson with bright pictures, equipment, think over songs and, of course, the script. Without it, any event will be boring and dull. Choose a fun scenario form and make sure every student can participate.
This pastime has 3 goals

1. Expanding horizons. Extra-curricular activities at school allow you to learn the language in more depth, analyze a certain topic, develop reading and dialogue skills.
2. General development goal. Improves communication skills, develops attention and memory, allows you to take the initiative.
3. Educational process. Acceptance of fresh information, introduction to the studied country, development of interest in the language.

You can take any topic as a theme. These are the weather, April Fool's Day, animals, Christmas, traditions, national cuisine, sports. Younger children should choose simpler ones, such as an account. In this article, we will try to think over a script for children of primary school age on the topic "Alphabet".
How to host an extracurricular activity in languages

To increase the motivation of students, the lesson should be conducted in a relaxed and half-joking manner. The beginning should be such that the children themselves want to develop the theme, that is, inspiring. Talk about the importance of teamwork.
Exercises and tongue twisters
To improve pronunciation, to form the necessary accent, tongue twisters will help, or rather their correct pronunciation. This is how the muscles of the tongue are trained. Tongue twisters should be the easiest. Even if the kids of primary school age cannot repeat everything, the main thing is that they will hear the correct speech. Fun exercises and jokes will help relieve tension, dilute the atmosphere even more, and allow you to relax. The development of an English language event is a very responsible process that can both introduce children to the subject and unite the school team more.
Guess the riddle
For older children, rhyming riddles can be used during the event. And little students will gladly listen to their teacher. For such kids, it is imperative to translate everything you say. And if the lesson is held on the street, carry out, armed with a large number of pictures.
An example of an activity for elementary grades "Funny Alphabet"
Children who are just starting to learn a foreign language will be interested in a script on the theme of the alphabet. Letters can be used in the form of pictures or in the form of soft toys. Be sure to come up with a light rhyme for each of them, preferably combining Russian and English phrases.
Tasks, goals, equipment

It is impossible to imagine an extra-curricular activity in English without defining in advance the purpose and objectives of such a lesson. It is on them that they rely when developing tasks. When conducting the "Funny Alphabet" scenario, the goals and objectives will be as follows:
1. Learning letters, correct pronunciation of sounds, learning the alphabet.
2. Games in a relaxed atmosphere.
3. Development of team skills and individuality of each student, self-confidence.
For this event you will need the following equipment: music, songs in English, alphabet cards,festively decorated school board.
Distribute all the letters among the students. Let the students take turns entering the classroom and also say the rhyme they have learned. Cards with letters should be distributed in advance for review before conducting an extracurricular activity in English. Examples of rhymes might be:
1. A:
There was a knock on the door.
- Who's there?
- Letter A and autumn autumn.
2. B:
Letter B, and the ball is ball, I put the book book on the table.
3. C:
S. went hunting
Kitty, take your paws away, So that our delicious lunch does not go to a soft cat.
4. D:
Don't come here, Suddenly the letter D bites?
Cat runs as fast as it can
From the angry dog dog.
5. E:
E came to us for the night, Egg starts from E.
The crotch is hatching him.
Here is the end - the end and period.
6. F:
Sit boldly on the water lily, The letter F croaks loudly, After all, it is known that frog-frog -
Very loud wah!
7. G:
Swifts fly high.
Make friends with the letter G.
Proudly raising his head, Looks from a height of giraffe.
8. H:
H will quickly wipe everyone's nose.
Here a horse rushes towards us.
There are no obstacles for her, If the rider is wearing a hat.
9. I:
We are so similar with this letter, Because I and I are one and the same.
We laugh and eat
ice-cream ice cream.
10. J:
How sweet is this J, Even sweeter than all cakes.
This letter is known to everyone, More for those who love jam.
11. K:
Letter is subject to any locks.
The key will easily open them.
The kingdom will lead to the castle
And we will be plunged into luxury.
12. L:
The letter addressed everyone:
Help the lamb lamb, So that he could lie down in the crib
And the lamp managed to light the lamp.
13. M:
Ah, what monkeys!
Well, where would we be without monkey!
She wants something sweet, So she needs melon.
14. N:
The letter will never get tired of hanging, Because there is a nest - nest.
We would like all the chicks
Calculate as digits number.
15. O:
All days until dawn
Watching oak-tree.
The oak is calling everyone soon.
We tell him: O'Key.
16. P:
Pirate - militant pirate -
The parrot is happy.
Just look - here we are
Waving palm branch.
17. Q:
I sing a cool song
About the funny letter Q.
This queen is queen
Has a very important rank.
Tip: An extracurricular activity in English will be even more fun if you choose a separate song for the output of each letter.
18. R:
Rumour everywhere in the city:
What is this R?
Here is my main secret to you:
She looks like a rat rat.
19. S:
Curvy letter S
In the blue sky we will see a star -
It's a bright star.
20. T:
I called T.
to a distant world
You need to visit her.
Play with you there
Funny toy.
21. U:
There is a sign: you will meet U -
It will rain this day.
The letter is very kind -
Gives an umbrella to schoolchildren.
22. V:
Let's catch the ball soon, After all, V.
The ball is high!
How interesting volleyball is!
23. W:
W is known to all the kids, It is worth turning M. to us
In the forest, flashing our eyes, Howls loud wolf.
24. X:
The doctor called out to us from the door:
- Who's next on X-Ray?
Don't be afraid, that's all
You need to get an x-ray like this.
25. Y:
Come on, jump on the oars, Or it will catch up with Y.
Far away to the sea calls
White sailboat a yacht.
26. Z:
Are you familiar with the letter Z?
Because we won the ticket, See fox, goat
At the zoo - local zoo.

Game over
At the end of the output of all the letters, put each one in the correct order and sing any children's song on the theme of the alphabet. You can play the game "Letters are confused" and call other students who did not have enough elements to build the correct alphabet. All activities must be accompanied by cheerful songs and encouraging participants.
Educational activities in English can be carried out at any school age, only the older the children, the more difficult the program should be. Such classes contribute to deeper communication, eliminate conflict in a team, teach students to take the initiative and not be afraid to speak in front of others, and also develop attention, logic, memory and other qualities.