The primary task of the school is to provide an average level of education. Whatever the program of study, the student is obliged to obtain basic knowledge in subjects determined by the state. But the main goal of education is the upbringing of a harmonious member of society. Therefore, in addition to teaching, the school also performs educational and developmental functions. Experienced educators know that achieving this goal is impossible without combining the educational process with a program of extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activity has a number of features. It is conducted in a more free form than a lesson. Although it is led by a teacher (especially if it is extra-curricular activities in elementary school), students are given more autonomy. Outside of the classroom, children can be more creative and develop thinking, learn communication skills in a team and group work. The educational function in extracurricular activities plays a secondary role, even if the event is aimed at an in-depth study of a particular subject. Much more important in the organization of extracurricular activities is the ability of students to put into practice the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom. This iscontributes to the development of interest in the subject being studied. No less significant is the expansion of the horizons and the improvement of the cultural level of schoolchildren, the development of a sense of respect for each other, for traditions and customs. It is these goals that are a priority when preparing an extracurricular activity.

Depending on the goals and objectives set, the teacher chooses the form in which the extracurricular activity is held and determines its content. It can be a quiz, KVN, sports and intellectual competitions, a costume performance, a tea party. The form of extracurricular activities provides great opportunities for involving parents and other adults, for contact between students of different ages. Such an activity can be held on vacation, in nature, on an excursion.

A well-organized extra-curricular event becomes not an additional burden for schoolchildren, but a welcome holiday, an opportunity to prove themselves. Such classes strengthen the team, help to form leadership qualities and communication skills in schoolchildren. The special emotional state that occurs in schoolchildren in such classes significantly increases the efficiency of their activities and improves the assimilation of knowledge. Therefore, for example, to consolidate especially complex grammar rules, it makes sense to organize extra-curricular activities in the Russian language. Physics, chemistry, mathematics, history, geography, biology - any subject will seem easy and interesting to studentswith the right combination of curriculum and extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular topics do not always have to be directly related to learning. They can be devoted to studying the history of your city, a he althy lifestyle, and compliance with traffic rules. Quite often, an extracurricular career guidance event plays a significant role in the choice of a particular profession by high school students. Both teachers and parents of schoolchildren should be aware of the educational impact of extracurricular activities and pay attention to them no less than traditional lessons.