Any educational process involves an assessment of the effectiveness of the work being done. The analysis of extra-curricular activities allows us to track the feasibility and effectiveness of measures taken in this direction. It is conducted by members of the administration, inspectors or colleagues.

Extracurricular Activity Analysis Structure
Any educational institution has its own form of such an analysis, which will allow you to track as objectively as possible whether the event meets the goals and objectives of educational work. But there are clear structural units that are observed everywhere. Let us give an approximate scheme, on the basis of which it is possible to analyze an extracurricular activity.
Information section
This section indicates the data of the teacher or educator who conducts the event, as well as the data of the inspector or person present. The purpose of the visit, date, form of the event and name are also specified. In this section, you can specify the number of participants, venue, etc.

Here it is necessary to make an analysis of the conducted event for compliance with the goals and objectives of the educational process of the entire institution and this class or group separately. The compliance of the proposed form of conducting with the age characteristics of children should be assessed. Also, any extracurricular activity should include elements of local history and practical significance, albeit small, but specific and appropriate for the age perception of information by students. Thus, such an important task of modern education as the formation of the viability of the individual will be carried out.
Implementing a personal touch
This section evaluates the preparation of children: their initiative, the opportunity to demonstrate their creative abilities and skills acquired in the process of education or upbringing. An analysis of an extracurricular educational event should allow tracking the degree of preparation not only of the teacher, but also of the participants. The number of children involved and the organization of favorable conditions for their self-realization are also taken into account.

Organization block
This block should contain information on compliance with the time frame of the event and the logical alternation of its main stages. The main stages of the event include: the presence of an organizational moment, the main part and reflection. An analysis of an extracurricular activity must necessarily contain such information, since it allows you to assess the levelteacher's possession of basic pedagogical skills.
Pedagogical activity
This section defines the style of pedagogical communication with the children's audience and the level of the teacher's knowledge of pedagogical technologies. In modern pedagogy, there is a wide variety of traditional and innovative technologies that allow the most accurate implementation of the tasks and goals set in the process of preparing for the event.
Here the inspector should indicate the positive and negative aspects of the event, as well as offer specific recommendations. The teacher must be familiarized with this section of the analysis for his choice of an individual trajectory of self-education in the future. An analysis of an extracurricular activity must be certified by a verifier and a teacher.