Not only schoolchildren, but even adults sometimes wonder: why do we need physics? This topic is especially relevant for parents of students who at one time received an education far from physics and technology.

But how to help a student? In addition, teachers can give homework an essay describing their thoughts on the need to study science. Of course, it is better to entrust this topic to eleventh graders who have a complete understanding of the subject.
What is physics
In simple terms, physics is the science of nature. Of course, at present, physics is moving further and further away from it, delving into the technosphere. Nevertheless, the subject is closely connected not only with our planet, but also with space.

So why do we need physics? Its task is to understand how certain phenomena occur, why certain processes are formed. It is also desirable to strive to create special calculations that would help predict certain events. Like howIsaac Newton discovered the law of gravity? He studied an object falling from top to bottom, observed mechanical phenomena. Then I created formulas that actually work.
What sections does physics have
The subject has several sections that are generally or in depth studied at school:
- mechanics;
- fluctuations and waves;
- thermodynamics;
- optics;
- electricity;
- quantum physics;
- molecular physics;
- nuclear physics.
Each section has subsections that explore the various processes in detail. If you do not just study theory, paragraphs and lectures, but learn to imagine, experiment with what is at stake, then science will seem very interesting, and you will understand why physics is needed. Complex sciences that cannot be applied in practice, such as atomic and nuclear physics, can be viewed differently: read interesting articles from popular science magazines, watch documentaries about this area.
How the subject helps in everyday life
In the essay “Why Physics is Needed”, it is recommended to give examples if they are relevant. For example, if you are describing why you need to study mechanics, then you should mention cases from everyday life. An ordinary car trip can be such an example: you need to drive from the village to the city along a free highway in 30 minutes. The distance is about 60 kilometers. Of course, we need to know how fast it is better to move along the road, preferably with a margin of time.

You can also give an example of construction. For example, when building a house, you need to correctly calculate the strength. You can not choose flimsy material. A student can conduct another experiment to understand why physics is needed, for example, take a long board, put chairs at the ends. The board will be located on the backs of the furniture. Next, load the center of the board with bricks. The board will sag. By reducing the distance between the chairs, the deflection will be less. Accordingly, a person receives food for thought.
When preparing dinner or lunch, a hostess often encounters physical phenomena: heat, electricity, mechanical work. To understand how to do the right thing, you need to understand the laws of nature. Experience often teaches a lot. And physics is the science of experience, observations.
Professions and speci alties related to physics
But why do you need to study physics for someone who graduates from school? Of course, for those who enter a university or college in the humanities, the subject is practically not needed. But in many areas science is required. Let's look at which:
- geology;
- transport;
- power supply;
- electrical engineering and instruments;
- medicine;
- astronomy;
- construction and architecture;
- heat supply;
- gas supply;
- water supply and so on.
For example, even a train driver needs to know this science to understand how a locomotive works; a builder must be able to design strong and durable buildings.

Programmers, IT specialists also need to know physics in order to understand how electronics and office equipment work. In addition, they need to create realistic objects for programs, applications.
Physics is applied almost everywhere in medicine: radiography, ultrasound, dental equipment, laser therapy.
What sciences is associated with
Physics is very closely related to mathematics, since when solving problems you need to be able to convert various formulas, make calculations and build graphs. You can add this idea to the essay "Why you need to study physics" when it comes to computing.

This science is also connected with geography in order to understand natural phenomena, to be able to analyze future events, the weather.
Biology and chemistry are also related to physics. For example, not a single living cell can exist without gravity, air. Also, living cells must move in space.
How to write an essay for a 7th grade student
Now let's talk about what a seventh grader who has partially studied some sections of physics can write. For example, you can write about the same gravity or give an example of measuring the distance that he walked from one point to another in order to calculate his walking speed. A 7th grade student can supplement the essay “Why do we need physics” with various experiments that were conducted in the lessons.
As you can see, creative work can be written quite interesting. ExceptMoreover, it develops thinking, gives new ideas, awakens curiosity in one of the most important sciences. Indeed, in the future, physics can help in any life circumstances: in everyday life, when choosing a profession, when applying for a good job, during outdoor recreation.