Courtesy and restrained manners are highly valued in secular society. They help to avoid sensitive topics and lead the discussion in such a way that each of the participants is satisfied at the end of the evening. In completely different conditions puts arrogance. This character trait not only demonstrates to others a fair amount of self-conceit of a person, but also serves as a manifestation of obvious disrespect for the interlocutor. Why is this happening?
Proto-Slavic roots
Even without Vasmer's research, the connection with the verb "to carry" is obvious. But is it only about transporting heavy loads? By no means! When you fail to stick to the boundaries, if you often go beyond the boundaries allotted by society, this is arrogance in its purest form. The closest example would be a standard harness with horses.
Usually animals obey the driver and are sensitive to any command. But if they are afraid of something, they will bear it. That is, they speed up their run. And with a sharp turn and / or on a slippery road, both the horses themselves and the load can be pulled off the path due to inertia. The term under study transfers the situation to human nature, which is also sometimes “accelerated” beyond measure.

Bad temper
Communicating with a proud person is difficult. No wonder the words "arrogance" and "arrogance" are synonymous. Moreover, they can be interpreted through each other. They denote the first meaning of the word along with concepts:
- swagger;
- insolence;
- excitement.
Imply an openly dismissive attitude towards the interlocutor, the inability to refrain from a bad word or defiant behavior. The most frequent situations are the impudent communication of young people with the elderly or those in power, when the younger generation does not want to recognize the traditional explicit or tacit hierarchy. From this follows the second interpretation, according to which “arrogance” is an abstract noun that characterizes the manifestations of a daring disposition in relation to:
- behavior;
- nature;
- speech, etc.
Not the best property if you want to make friends, get to know colleagues, or be liked by superiors.

Modern usage
Not to be confused with pride, which is based on self-esteem. The speaker gives a negative connotation of "arrogance". This is impatience, and disrespect, and closeness from everything new or unpleasant. The term is more common in fiction than in colloquial speech, and carries a fair amount of negative connotations.
To never hear anything like that addressed to you,try to observe etiquette and polish your manners, and also be tolerant of the shortcomings of others, their ideas and statements.