What is a proof and what is it eaten with?

What is a proof and what is it eaten with?
What is a proof and what is it eaten with?

With the development of social networks, slang has also evolved. Words were invented and forgotten with great speed. Now it is difficult for a person who does not spend most of his time on the Internet for entertainment and social purposes to keep up with all the new words.

What is proof? Why does someone constantly demand it from someone?

Translated from English…

This word was obviously invented by non-native Russian speakers. What is proof?

Proof is the pronunciation of the English word proof. Let's look into the English-Russian dictionary.

Proof (proof) - proof; evidence; the confirmation; justification. As you can see, this term was most often used in geometry and jurisprudence.

It is not known exactly when this word came into use. Maybe eleven years ago, maybe a little more.

What does proof mean?

It can be assumed that this word is used in situations where evidence is needed. So what is a proof? The habitat of this word: the Internet (chat rooms, comments, posts on social networks, etc.). In real life you can also hear it, but not so often. Simply put, proof is the evidence required in a given situation. BUTalso often this word can be found in various memes.

There is another meaning of this word. It is less popular, and you are unlikely to find it on the Internet. Proof is a rare coin in numismatics.

In some countries where English is spoken, this word means a unit of measure for alcohol in drinks.


Guy doing a trick on a skateboard
Guy doing a trick on a skateboard

What proof is, you already know. There are several types of this word:

Effective proof

Needed when someone asks you to back up your words with action. For example, in a company you claim that you can easily slide down a dangerous slope on a skateboard. This is where proofs are required from you. You either show your abilities live or provide other proofs.

Proof link

Proof-link. Usually it is a link to a website. For example, you tell a friend that the moon is slowly attracted to our planet. He asks for proofs. And you send him links to reliable scientific sites.

Proof peak

Evidence is an image that confirms certain words. For example, a famous actor posts a photo with the address of his page on social networks, confirming their authenticity.

If you don't provide proof, you will be treated worse. Nobody likes people who throw words to the wind.

Memes explaining or related to proof

Proof related meme
Proof related meme

Memes are symbols that require no explanation and take shapedrawing, action, words, and so on. The main task of memes is to convey a specific idea, most often of a sarcastic or humorous nature.

There are a huge number of memes with proofs on the Internet, both in English and in Russian.
