Morphology is the science that studies parts of speech. Therefore, morphological analysis allows us to understand the essence of the grammatical features of words or entire sentences.

So, as you know, in Russian all parts of speech are divided into two large groups: independent and auxiliary. The functions of each group can be understood thanks to the name: independent parts of speech can act as a separate element of speech or enter into turns, while auxiliary ones only help independent ones to clarify the meaning of what was said. Thus, morphological analysis also has its own structure for different groups of parts of speech. Let's start with the first group.
To correctly parse a word, you need to know what features each part of speech has. It is worth noting that to start parsing, any word must be put in its initial form.
So, to parse a noun, you need to determine the gender, declension, case or number, proper/common, and animate/inanimate.
For a verb - aspect, conjugation, verb forms, tense/number, person, transitivity, reflexivity. For adjectivesyou will need to determine their relativity (adjectives have types: qualitative / relative / possessive), form (short / full), case, number / gender, as well as the degree of comparison.

For numerals, it will be enough to determine the complexity, type - ordinal / quantitative, and also case / gender / number. Morphological analysis of adverbs will require knowledge of categories - personal / possessive / relative / definitive / interrogative / reflexive / demonstrative / negative, changeability, degrees of comparison. These discharges cause great difficulty. The morphological analysis of the word-pronoun also requires the definition of categories, person, number/gender and case. For participles, the characteristic features will be the form - real / passive, the form - full / short, as well as the form, number / gender / time. And for gerunds, it will only be necessary to determine immutability and form.
As for the auxiliary parts of speech, the morphological analysis scheme for them is the same: first you need to name the part of speech, then determine with which case it is used - for a preposition, the category - for particles, and also the type - coordinative / subordinative for unions, the last point in the analysis will be which member of the sentence is the part of speech.
Morphological text analysis involves understanding the text, identifying its structural features, correctly determining the type of speech - narration/reasoning/description, and the writing style - bookish/colloquial/scientific.

Morphologicalanalysis helps to reveal all the grammatical features of the word proposed for parsing. Knowing the types, categories and other signs of each part of speech allows you to do this easily and quickly. Frequent practice tasks will help students develop skills in identifying parts of speech. This is very important, since such tasks cause great difficulties for graduates at the Unified State Exam.