The moon is the only body in the solar system that has been visited by man. This satellite is under the close attention of scientists around the world, it is studied not only from Earth, but also from space. However, our knowledge in this area has not been greatly enriched in recent decades. In addition, the deeper mysteries of the moon have been revealed.
During the period when the American Apollo program was completed,

explore other areas of our solar system, and the Earth's satellite has become less and less attention. However, the Moon never ceases to amaze to this day. For example, in 1994, the Clementine automatic probe was launched, which became a joint project between NASA and SDI. The main mission of the probe was to test advanced technologies, including new ultra-sensitive measuring instruments. The images obtained by the apparatus, taken at a distance of 400 km from the surface of the satellite, caused a lot of surprise among scientists: at the bottom of several craters, which are located in the southern part of the moon, there is more likelyeverything, frozen water.
The fact is that up to this point the Moon was considered a dead body, the conditions on which exclude the possibility of the existence of ice. These secrets

The moons amazed scientists because the moon's day is 28 times longer than Earth's and the surface heats up to 122 degrees during a lunar day. Therefore, it is quite logical that the question arises of where the ice came from. This is the second secret of the moon. Of course, it can be assumed that water hit the surface of the satellite along with meteorites, which have been bombarding the celestial body for billions of years. However, this version has not yet been confirmed, although it has not been refuted.
Some secrets of the Moon are connected with the direct origin of the satellite. The most plausible version is that our planet collided with a certain celestial body, which was close in size to Mars. The countless debris that remained in Earth orbit gradually gathered together to form the Moon. This theory is confirmed in

computer calculations: in order for this result to appear, the impact had to occur at a certain angle at a speed not exceeding 15 km/s.
Another hypothesis tells that this celestial body was previously a natural satellite of a large planet in the solar system. More than 4 billion years ago, when the Earth was very young, ships from another intelligent civilization arrived in our system. They decided that the third planet from the sun was perfectsuitable for protein life forms. However, there were several obstacles to the origin of life: it rotated too quickly, and there were strong tidal processes. After these conclusions, they took actions to eliminate these problems, namely: a satellite was “attached” to the Earth. "Fantasy!" - you say. However, until all the secrets of the Moon are revealed, these versions also have the right to exist.
In addition to these mysteries, NASA experts have described the main mysteries of the Moon that great scientists are trying to unravel: How did the Moon really become a satellite of the Earth? What is her story? How and at what time did craters appear on the satellite? What is the history of the lunar atmosphere… Of course, to answer these and other questions, more than one manned flight into space will be required, and, probably, more than one century will pass before the Moon becomes a satellite for us without riddles and secrets.