There is practically no such person who has not heard about the Egyptian pyramids. Of course, not all of them have survived to our time, but even about those that can be seen now, there are a lot of rumors and a lot of assumptions are made about how the pyramids were built, who did it and why. In our article we will try to deal with at least some issues.
Why pyramids?
Modern architects are at a loss why, if there was such a desire to build something unusual, the choice fell on the form in the form of a pyramid? And the answer is probably quite simple. At that time, there was no question of any competent architects and designers, especially among the sandy deserts.
Each of us remembers himself as a child playing in the sandbox or on the beach while relaxing with his family. At that time, we were in almost the same conditions as the builders of Ancient Egypt, and we also tried to build something out of sand. And what do we almost always get? That's right - sand pyramids.
Of course, amongEgyptian sands also had various shapeless or unusually shaped stones, and using them in addition to sand for construction was an excellent help to strengthen the structure.

So it turns out, it's not so important how the pyramids were built, but it can be assumed that this form was chosen only because there was simply no opportunity, equipment and knowledge to build something else.
The purpose of the pyramids
It is probably safe to say that the Egyptian pyramids to this day hide some secrets that neither scientists nor clairvoyants can unravel. There are many versions and hypotheses about who built the Egyptian pyramids and how it was done, but there is still no exact answer to these complex questions.
But answering the question about the purpose of the structures is a little easier, at least speculative conclusions can be made.
According to one version, the pyramids served as the tombs of the pharaohs. As evidence, they provide the mummies of the pharaohs, which were found in some pyramids, and grave goods. In the oldest records available, it was found that only priests had the right to enter the structure, and everyone else was forbidden to enter there.
But you can find fault with this version too. The pyramids in Egypt are not all the same, they differed from each other in their structure, the presence of aboveground and underground parts, even the building material used was not the same.
The Pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 2560 BCera of stone. Those that appeared later were made of clay bricks, which were not even fired. It was possible for people to build such structures, only a lot of time would be needed for such construction. By the way, it is these pyramids that are most affected by environmental factors, and under the wind and rains they are gradually destroyed. Some of them have almost turned into a pile of sand and bricks.
There is a second version of what the pyramids were built for. They served as giant energy accumulators. It is already known that many of them had a huge underground part, which was equipped in strict accordance with the map of the starry sky. The upper above-ground part in the form of a pyramid was a kind of channel for the release of energy.
According to the third version, the first pyramid was built to store Pharaoh's treasures. It is impossible to say for sure, but some arguments can be made in favor of this theory:
- All the pyramids are capital structures that have managed to withstand the onslaught of the natural environment and practically do not change. So, we can assume that they were built for centuries. For example, the pyramid of Cheops was built around the year 2560 BC. No one doubts that at that time there was no question of any banks for storing money and jewelry, but it was necessary to store your treasures somewhere. Then, among the sands and dunes, it was quite difficult to do this, at any moment a sandstorm could sweep up so much that it would be impossible to find your hidden treasures. That's why the pyramids were builtof such a height that they were not afraid of dunes and sands.
- The very size of the structure confirms that it is possible to hide huge we alth in it, the owners of which were the pharaohs. In this case, it doesn’t matter how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built. The external forms do not betray the internal dimensions, so it is difficult to imagine how much we alth can fit within its walls.
All this, of course, is a version, and it is almost impossible to give an exact answer to the questions of who built the pyramids and why.

Material for building pyramids
Material for the construction of such huge pyramids required a huge amount. Many scientists believe that it was mined in quarries. Archaeologists near Aswan (this is an area located near the pyramids of Giza) found a slab of granite, preserved from those distant times, its weight reached about 1300 tons. Surprisingly, it had a neatly sawn depression and cracks. Apparently, because of them, the ancient pyramid builders considered it unsuitable for their grandiose project.
There is also evidence from some researchers about the presence of traces of wooden formwork inside the pyramids.
Concrete, which the ancient builders made from crushed limestone, has good plasticity and, when cooled and solidified, takes the necessary shape. Presumably, various images on such walls and hieroglyphs were squeezed out on concrete that had not yet hardened, and were not carved later.
Somearchaeologists have even considered that construction cuts in concrete blocks were made using bronze chisels. Is it really possible to do this, especially if you consider how many years ago the pyramid of Cheops was built? Let's assume that scientists know better.
Material for the highest pyramid
Currently, the pharaoh who built the largest pyramid is known. This is Cheops. It is believed that it was on his instructions that they began to build it. But the whole process was not led by the pharaoh himself, but by his nephew, the vizier Hemion. Until now, it remains a mystery to scientists what kind of new technologies he used to get one of the seven wonders of the world as a result. In what year the pyramid of Cheops was built is not known exactly, but presumably it was before our era, around 2560. What technologies could be discussed?

According to information from ancient sources, the preparation for construction itself lasted more than one year, and more than 4 thousand workers were involved in this process. Since it was planned to build a structure of a huge scale, it was decided to choose a rocky area near Cairo as a site.
To level the surface of the earth, the Egyptians built a square-shaped shaft with the help of stone and sand, which was impervious to water. Channels were cut inside it, into which water was launched to determine its level. After that, notches were made, the liquid was lowered, and all the stones that were above this level wereremoved, and trenches laid. This is how we got the foundation for the pyramid.
No matter how many years ago the pyramid of Cheops was built, there is still no doubt that the main material for its construction were blocks of stone, which were mined in quarries. With the help of hewing, they were processed to the desired size, usually they ranged from 0.8 m to 1.5 m. Some specimens were more impressive in size, for example, a block above the entrance to the "pharaoh's room" weighed about 35 tons.
It is assumed that the prepared blocks with the help of thick ropes and levers were dragged to the river and transported to the construction site. There are no questions about this process, but how and with the help of what technologies these blocks were on top of the structure, is still an unsolved mystery for all scientists.

The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built in about 40 years, although some believe that it took no more than twenty. Unfortunately, some blocks have not survived to this day, because (according to one of the versions) they were used by the inhabitants of Cairo to build their houses after the Arab raid on their capital.
The eternal question - who created the pyramids?
The question of who built the pyramids is still without exact answers. Disputes and conversations do not cease around these grandiose structures, and more and more versions of the alleged builders appear.
This question will always worry the minds of scientists, since the whole point is not even who they arebuilt, but in how the whole process was carried out. What technologies were used to not only get the correct geometric shape, but also a structure that is almost immune to the influence of natural disasters, wars and vandal invasion? There are many versions on this subject, but we will get acquainted only with some of them.
String and log
According to the first version, the Egyptians themselves were engaged in the construction of the pyramids. They dragged huge slabs and blocks to the place of work with the help of ropes, they put logs under them and dragged them.
Herodotus claimed that the builders had wooden formwork, which was disassembled and moved, and with its help the next level was erected.
In what year the pyramids were built, it is difficult to say exactly, but Cheops is not considered the first pharaoh who proposed to build such structures. Pharaoh Djoser the Magnificent is considered the discoverer of the era of the construction of the pyramids in Egypt. On a stele from his time, you can find instructions for making mortar.

The Step Pyramid at Saqqara was created for this pharaoh. It had 6 steps, each of which meant the next stage of construction. Inside there were 11 chambers for the burial of members of the pharaoh's family. Subsequently, the mummies of wives and children were found there. It was much later that each pyramid was intended for the burial of only one king or pharaoh.
Building Giants
According to the second version, it was not the Egyptians who built the pyramids, but the ancient civilizationRossov. It is believed that it was they who, due to their enormous growth, had the opportunity to engage in such construction. The Atlanteans were not only more than 12 meters tall, but also possessed a huge supply of physical strength, so they could carry blocks weighing several tons quite easily.
But, according to some legends, the giants did not rely on their physical abilities at all, but used the power of thought, with which you can move objects through the air.
These assumptions were confirmed by many scientists. For example, Blavatsky is an esoteric and theosophist, as well as a clairvoyant Edgar Cayce, who claimed that the pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 10,490 BC. It was this clairvoyant who named the exact place where the Atlanteans hid important documents and materials - between the paws of the Sphinx. These artifacts contain information about Atlantis and its destruction.
Many scientists adhere to the version about the construction of the pyramids by the Atlanteans. These ancient superhumans wanted to convey their unusual history to the next generations, and so that there was no chance of getting lost in all this, they came up with such unusual and huge structures.
Alien origin of the pyramids
There is also such a version, according to which, perhaps, there is a pharaoh who built the largest pyramid, but this was already after extraterrestrial civilizations built most of these masterpieces.
Scientists who adhere to this point of view, in favor of this version, cite the results of the analysis of the pyramids. At that time, such unique processing technologies simply did not exist.stone and the movement of huge blocks in space. It is believed that only aliens could have some kind of super technology that coped with such a task. In the temple of Abu Simbel there are statues of seated pharaohs, the height of which reaches more than 20 meters. Was it really possible to build such a thing in those days for ordinary people without special equipment and technology, and even from bronze? For many scientists, this is doubtful enough.
What questions are not answered?
Even if we assume that the ancient Egyptians were much smarter than us in the construction of unique structures and decided to keep how the pyramids were built a secret, then there is no answer to the following questions:
- Given that chisels made of stone and copper were available in ancient Egypt, how could they be used to process a block of granite so that there were no gaps between the blocks?
- What did you have to use to be able to go almost 100 meters deep into the base of the pyramid?
- It is also amazing that in just twenty years the Egyptians were able to lay bricks with a total mass of 3 tons along magnetic lines, and in perfect order. It took about 5 minutes to lay one brick. And if you imagine that the height of the pyramids was huge, then you can’t believe it at all.
You can find a lot more questions that arise regarding each version of the appearance of the pyramids, but they remain without intelligible and truthful answers.
Man-made miracle
The name of the pharaoh who built the highest pyramid is Khufu, but he is usually known as Cheops, and the building has the same name. The pyramid impresses with itsimpressive in size, there is no doubt that its construction lasted more than a dozen years. It differs from other pyramids in its unusual layout, but the most interesting thing is that when it was opened, the body of the pharaoh was not found there. Then the question arises: for whom and for what purpose was it built?
Nowadays, it almost doesn't matter when the Cheops pyramid was built, because it is definitely included in the list of the seven wonders of the world.
Only impressive dimensions already amaze the imagination of modern man, and this is considering that over the past few millennia it has become smaller. Modern scholars can only guess at the proportions of the pyramid, as the edges were taken apart by the Egyptians themselves for their own needs.
Here is some information about this pyramid:
- Now its height is about 138 meters, but according to some reports, when it was completed, this figure was 11 points higher.
- The foundation is a regular square shape, each side is 230 meters long.
- The total area occupied by the pyramid is 5.4 hectares, that is, more than five modern largest temples can be freely located on it.
- The total length of the foundation around the perimeter is 922 meters.
There is another interesting fact: the case on the outside has uneven grooves of different sizes. If you look at them from a certain angle, you can distinguish the image of a man about 150 meters tall. According to some assumptions, this is how the Egyptians depicted one of the ancient gods. There are several such drawings. On the northernon the side there is an image of a woman and a man bowing their heads to each other.
Scientists are inclined to believe that the builders applied these drawings even before the completion of construction, but then it remains unclear why, if the outer plates that decorated the pyramid hid them?
It doesn't matter how many years ago the Cheops pyramid was built, but even inside it is very different from the rest. There are corridors along which you can go both up and down. The main one first goes down, and then branches into 2 tunnels - one of them leads to the unfinished funeral chamber below, and the second to a large gallery above. From this gallery you can go to the main tomb and the Queen's room.

At the very base of the pyramid there are several underground structures. In one of them, scientists managed to find an old ship, which was a cedar boat disassembled into 1224 parts. The length was about 43 meters. Probably, it was on this structure that the pharaoh intended to go to the kingdom of the dead.
And the pyramid for Cheops?
The pyramid of Pharaoh Cheops was built around 2560 BC, but more and more often the question arises: was it built for him? In the direction of such doubts, the fact that after its discovery the body of the pharaoh was not found there, there were no decorations in the burial chamber.
The body sarcophagus was in an unfinished state: the stones were roughly hewn, the lid was missing.

This data only makes the adherents of the alien origin of the pyramids even more convinced that the creators of such huge and unique structures were representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations, but it’s not clear why they did all this.
Pyramids of different sizes
The name of the pharaoh who built the highest pyramid is known, but besides such a huge structure, there were also very small ones. Some scholars believe that, in addition to using the pyramid as a tomb, it was also a place for various religious rites. According to other opinions, the Egyptians simply did not want their culture to sink into obscurity, like many others, and with the help of such structures they passed on information about themselves to their descendants.
Pyramids were just perfect for this purpose, as they differed not only in their shape, but also in material, strength and size. By the way, scientists also have their own ideas about the size of the pyramids.
They believe that structures that are too small do not honor the pharaoh, but there may simply not be enough funds for a huge building. It was from this point of view that the size of the pyramid was discussed before construction, taking into account the financial capabilities of the treasury.
But there are those who claim that not only the shape, but also the size is not at all random. This is part of the knowledge, having comprehended which, you can understand the universe and the mechanics of our huge planet.
It doesn't matter if the question of how the pyramids were built is revealed, but it is these structures that attract a huge number of tourists every year to Egypt. BUTtourism business is one of the main areas that replenishes the state treasury.
And one can only assume that even the truthful answers to questions, for example, when the Cheops pyramid was built, will be kept a big secret by the authorities so as not to lose their attractiveness and mystery for tourists from all over the world.
One can only sum up all that has been said: whoever built these gigantic masterpieces of a unique form, he is truly a real creator who, with his work, makes the greatest minds of mankind struggle to unravel this mystery.