The Faculty of Philology of Tver University annually graduates hundreds of new teachers into "adult" professional life. Some graduates are involved in publishing, advertising and public relations.
But before getting the speci alty "philologist" you need to enter the university by passing entrance tests in the form of exams. How to enter the faculty, what are the conditions of study and other nuances, will be described in detail in the article.

About the faculty: chronology of development
Modern TvGU began its way of becoming in 1870, but as a women's teacher's school. And in 1917, the educational institution was awarded the title of institute.
In the same 1917, the Department ofteaching Russian language and literature. Its creator was N. D. Nikolsky. After 2 years, a single department was divided into "Russian language" and "Literature".
By the beginning of the alarming 1941, as many as 6 faculties operated on the basis of the Tver Teachers' Institute. One of them was the faculty of "Russian Language and Literature". However, by October 1941, the work of the faculty, as well as the institute as a whole, was suspended due to hostilities. But a year later, the faculty again began a full-fledged admission and training of students. And in 1945, the first admission of graduate students in the areas of Russian language and literature began.
In 1952, a new faculty "Historical and Philological" was formed at the institute. Its purpose was to train qualified personnel for work in the field of teaching the Russian language, literature and history. In 1967, the faculty again underwent a transformation - it was divided.
In 1971, the Tver Student Institute was transformed into a university, which contributed to the division of faculties into departments. New specializations appeared at the Faculty of Philology from year to year:
- In 1971 the department "Methods of teaching the Russian language" was founded.
- In 1975 the department "Soviet Literature" was opened. Later, it was renamed "The Newest Literature of Russia".
- During the 1970s, another specialization was created at the faculty - "Theory of Literature".
- In 1991, when the need to collect, process and transmit information became especially acute,at the Faculty of Philology, the department of "Journalism" was organized, and after 6 years, the department of the same name.
- In 2006, the Faculty of Philology was updated again: the Department of "Advertising and the Philological Foundations of Publishing and Records Management" was opened.
- 2010 brought a new reform in the life of the faculty: two departments of "Russian Literature of the XX-XXI centuries" and "Journalism" were merged.
- And, finally, in 2012 the department "Philological foundations of publishing and document science" was renamed into "Philological foundations of publishing and literary creativity".

Faculty Leadership
For the benefit of the specialization of philology, highly qualified specialists work who are responsible for organizing the well-coordinated work of the faculty.
Dean is Mikhail Lvovich Logunov.

Irina Vladimirovna Gladilina is working fruitfully as his deputy for scientific work.
Another deputy dean, Petrov Alexey Andreevich, is responsible for the information support of the faculty.
Responsible for the implementation of a quality educational process is the Deputy Dean Karandashova Olga Svyatoslavovna.
Availability of chairs
There are 6 departments at the Faculty of Philology of TvGU:
- "Russian language". It is one of the oldest departments of the faculty and its education coincided withthe emergence of the Tver Pedagogical University in 1917. Moreover, initially this department was referred to as "Russian Language and Literature", and in 1919 it was divided into two separate departments. The largest number of graduates in the speci alty "Philologist" are trained in this specialization.
- "History and Literature". This is one of the departments that once formed a single department with the "Russian language".
- "International Relations".
- "Journalism and Public Relations." This department is one of the youngest at the faculty. Her education dates back to 2010. But "Journalism" had a predecessor in the "face" of "Soviet Literature", which has been functioning since 1975.
- "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" is another young department of the faculty, which appeared in 2011. The reason for its emergence was the merger of two others: "Advertising" and "Classical Linguistics".
- "Philological base of publishing and literary creativity".
The Faculty of Philology is over 100 years old, and during all this time the profession of a philologist has not lost its relevance for incoming applicants.

How to enter the philological faculty?
The process of admission to the Faculty of Philology of TvSU is no different from that of other faculties. First you need to pass the stage of final exams, and afterreceive the results, submit documents to the selection committee.
The following package of documents is required:
- filled out application form addressed to the rector of Tver State University;
- Russian passport (original and photocopy);
- original and copy of school certificate or diploma of secondary special education;
- certificate of the results of the exam (original and photocopy);
- photographs 3 x 4 cm in quadruple;
- Documents of available benefits, if any.

Entrance tests
Lists of applicants to the Faculty of Philology of TvGU are formed after school graduates meet all the conditions: documents are submitted and entrance exams are passed. If the first requirement is not difficult to cope with, then the second - you need to score a certain number of points.
The passing score for the Faculty of Philology of the TV State University varies from year to year, but not dramatically. To enter the budget, you must score more than 200 points.

For admission, USE results are required in the following subjects:
- Russian language.
- Literature.
- Social studies.
- Foreign language.
- Math.
- History.
The results of three subjects are required for each direction.
Paid branch
If an applicant does not qualify for a state-funded place due to a set of points (less thanpassing) or with late submission of documents, he has the opportunity to enter the paid department of the bachelor's degree, specialist's or master's program of the Faculty of Philology of the TV State University.
Tuition fees (in rubles) for 2017/2018 in the undergraduate program:
- "International Relations" - 88 520 (in person).
- "Philology" - 88,520 (in person), 40,000 (in absentia).
- "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" - 88 520 (full-time).
- "Advertising and Public Relations" - 95,690 (in person).
- "Journalism" - 95 690 (in person).
- "Publishing" - 95,690 (in person), 40,000 (in absentia).
- "Library and information activities" - 40,000 (in absentia).
- "Theater Studies" - 40,000 (in absentia).
Speci alty:
"Literary creativity" - 88,250 (in person), 40,000 (in absentia).
Master's (full-time only):
- "International Relations" - 97,830 rubles.
- "Philology" - 97,830 rubles.
- "Fundamental and Applied Linguistics" - 97,830 rubles.
- "Journalism" - 110 570.
- "Publishing" - 110 570.
- "Television" - 110 570.
- "Culturology" - 162 690.
Bachelor's degree is 4 years full-time and 5 years part-time. At the magistracy, the period of study will be 2 years.
Non-resident students have the right to apply for a room indormitory of TVGU. To do this, you will need to fill out and submit an application for student housing. Minor applicants must additionally provide an application from their parents or guardians.
Schedule of the Faculty of Philology of TVGU
The schedule of the educational process is formed separately for bachelor's, specialist's and master's degrees. It also differs for full-time and part-time education.

At the meeting of the Faculty of Philology of TvGU before the first of September, newly-minted students are given student cards and record books. The schedule can be viewed on the same day by coming directly to the university or in electronic format on the official website.
Scholarship payment
At the Faculty of Philology, successful students are en titled to financial incentives - a scholarship. For 2017, its size and conditions for obtaining are as follows:
- 1600 rubles paid to all first-year students until the winter session;
- 1600 rubles are received by students of all courses (bachelors and specialists) who pass sessions for the results of "good" and "excellent";
- excellent students, as an incentive from the university, receive a scholarship payment in the amount of 2250 rubles;
- first-year masters before the first session receive 1900 rubles;
- with positive grades during the intermediate certification, students are also paid 1900 rubles;
- masters-excellent students receive 2600 rubles monthly.
TVGUFaculty of Philology: student reviews
There is an atmosphere of benevolence at the philological faculty of Tver University. That's what the students say. The teaching staff, according to the students, perfectly teach their subjects, using modern methods of pedagogy.
According to students, the profession of a philologist increases intellectual savvy, literacy and even manner of speech. But she has one significant disadvantage - no matter how prestigious the philological education is, the problem with further employment is "acute". Only a small percentage of graduates find a decent job in their profession.
In general, with the exception of problems with employment, reviews of the Faculty of Philology are extremely positive.