To be able to correctly express your own thoughts, you need to train and write essays often. The modern educational program at the school provided for a task in the thematic planning, performing which children write an essay on the topic: “Description of a cultural monument.”
Monuments of culture surround us everywhere, so writing about them for children will not be difficult. To do this, firstly, you need to look at the monument you like. Secondly, remember all its features that will be useful for description.

Composition plan
To successfully write an essay on the topic: “Description of a cultural monument”, you need to think over the text in advance. When the child knows the sequence of actions, the work moves faster.
Descriptionmonument can be divided into several points:
- Intro.
- A few words about the historical object.
- His description.
- Feelings caused by viewing this item/masterpiece/object.
- Results, conclusion, own conclusions
The monument is a message from the past
School essays on the topic “Description of a cultural monument” should be filled with a special meaning, so students need to use a variety of artistic techniques that give the text freshness and artistic expression. The best technique is comparison, because thanks to this turnover, the object being described is visualized, and the author’s experience of viewing it is also better felt. For example, the stern look of Peter the Great can be compared to a sparkling lightning, and his left hand outstretched forward is an imperial message: "Remember, I'm here!"
Supplement phrases with epithets. Then it will be easier to transfer all your feelings to a clean copy.

If you had to write an essay on the topic “Description of a cultural monument”, then you need to complete the task with trepidation and love. Describe the monument carefully. Think of a system for describing its appearance. Pay attention to the emotions that a cultural object evokes in you. It is from such small details that the overall picture is recreated.
Thanks to this, the reader will be able to imagine the image of the described monument.
In closing
It is necessary to write an essay on the topic “Description of a cultural monument” using comparisons, metaphors, epithets and other tropes. However, you should not overload the text with them. A competent combination of tropes, a rich vocabulary, as well as grammar and spelling will lead to the achievement of the goal - a quality essay!