An essay on the topic “Description of the monument” can be written by any schoolchild without any problems, because in the cities and villages of our vast country there is a huge number of a wide variety of symbolic structures. Some marked places of military glory, others were placed in honor of politicians, scientists, writers and poets, religious figures. Still others refer to cultural sites once located nearby. In cities, you can often see sculptures and steles, memorial plaques and engraved inscriptions, each of which emphasizes the significance of a person, event or object in the past. Let's discuss how to do creative work on a given topic.
How to choose
Each cultural object is of interest to a certain group of people. For example, some people are interested in art, but science is absolutely indifferent. In this case, the choice of the scientist’s sculpture for the essay “Description of the Monument” would look somewhat unreasonable, because in the work you will need to write about the reasons that contributed to the installation of the monument, about the role of the chosen person in history, artisticobject values and so on.

In addition, you need to have some knowledge about who was involved in the embodiment of the monument in metal, stone or other material, according to whose drawings and drawings it was created, in what year it was built. If you've never seen the subject you're about to write about, your task becomes more difficult. However, no one forbids you to make an "acquaintance" with the monument after choosing a topic - the essay "Description of the Monument" is aimed not only at developing the student's knowledge of the Russian language, but also at his acquaintance with the cultural heritage of mankind.
What to write
Any scientific and creative work has its own structure, which the teacher expects to see. Before moving on to the topic, it is necessary to provide an introductory part consisting of at least a few sentences. Express your thoughts about the value and usefulness of monuments in general, about their place in the cultural image of your city and country.

Next you go to the main information of the essay "Description of the monument". How to write content? Express your thoughts by referring to the statements of famous personalities, supporting ideas with facts, arguing your position. Remember that your work must have both content and literary value.
Finally, in the conclusion it is necessary to put, as they say, the final "point" - the text should look complete. If you started talking about something in the main part, the topic should be disclosed, and the relationshipall fragments is obvious.
Abstraction and concreteness
Make sure that the work contains both generalizing words and references to specific objects, life examples are given. If in the essay “Description of the monument” the teacher sees only a lot of vague wording, you will not see a good mark.

From the point of view of style and grammar, the most interesting thing for a teacher is the details. How do you use language constructions, participial and participle constructions, introductory expressions. How to build compound and complex sentences, use dashes and colons. What literary techniques you can use: metaphors, allusions, epithets - all this creates your unique author's image, for which any teacher will give you "excellent".
If you chose a writer or poet as the hero of the essay "Description of the Monument", tell us what works he created, thanks to which he became famous. If this is a scientist or researcher, tell the reader what theories and laws he discovered, what inventions became possible thanks to his work or were proposed directly by him.
Think about it: monuments are only rarely created during a person's lifetime. More often they are established by descendants as gratitude for certain deeds. Answer, at what point in time did the authorities or residents of the city decide to create a monument to the hero of your essay? Why did it happen in this and not another historical period? What detailsdo biographies support your position?
Difficulty of work
A small note for the future: over time, the student's knowledge of all subjects will be integrated, that is, united around the main profile of his activity. In this case, the creative work can be considered as a fragment of the real article on the topic of interest to the student. If you want to be an engineer, then you will need knowledge of the literary Russian language first of all to write engineering documentation, presentations or scientific papers on this topic. The same applies to other speci alties, as well as other subjects.

In the 8th grade, in the essay “Description of the Monument”, the student should already be able to give arguments in support of his opinion, skillfully apply logic, refer to certain historical events - it’s no longer enough just to write “it seems to me that …”, you need to also be able to prove their case.
Now that you know how to start the essay “Description of the Monument”, how to complete it and what features of your text construction the teacher especially appreciates, you need to practice. You can write a work in the form of an article and post it on a social network on your page, accompanied by a colorful photo.

Users often do this after long trips - I must say, your friends will surely be interested. This is especially true if they have not seen the monument you have chosen before. Show your fantasyand you won't be disappointed.