For everyone who studies any foreign language, it is important to know their level of proficiency in it. This is necessary, first of all, for those who plan to enter universities, start work or practice abroad. How to determine the level of English, which is one of the most common today around the world?
Of course, you can get acquainted with the existing criteria and find it out yourself. But would such an assessment be adequate? In addition, you will not receive any document confirming your level of English proficiency. Therefore, it is best to contact special schools where you will be asked to be tested. Please note that the institution has the necessary certificate for its holding.
So, what would be the level of English proficiency?
Don't rush to assign yourself a zero. This level may be for those who have never encountered English at all. For example, if you studied French at school. Beginning groups first learn the alphabet, pronunciation, and so on. So, most likely, this knowledge remained with you from school, and the record in"zero" group would be a waste of time and money.
This level of knowledge of the English language can be assigned to those whose competence is limited to the primary grades of the school. If you know individual simple words and set phrases like “How are you?”, But you can’t build a coherent sentence, then the elementary level is right for you.

A person is able to build simple sentences, as well as understand the speaker. Vocabulary must be sufficient to be able to "survive" abroad. For example, you already know how to ask where the cafe is, and you can also order there.
At the lower intermediate level, you are already able to communicate easily on simple topics and speak without error. A foreigner can understand you, and if he speaks slowly and clearly, then you will understand him too. In principle, it is already permissible to try to pass an international format test, such as the Cambridge PET or TOEFL. The result, of course, will not be very high, but why not try?
Don't believe the title. In fact, the average level of knowledge of English is quite difficult. You should be able to communicate freely on various topics, even if the vocabulary is sometimes not enough, and sometimes you have to think about grammar. Intermediate level of English will already allow you to pass the international exam for average scores.
You speak fluently and don't make mistakes. If the test confirms this level, then you have the opportunity to enter a foreign university or get a job there that does not require complex highly specialized communication. It is Upper-intermediate that is required in most higher education institutions.

On Advanced, you know a lot of terms, fixed expressions that you actively use in your speech. Having passed the exam at this level, you almost one hundred percent pass to any university abroad. There are several more above this step, but you will most likely reach them when you already live in England.