The explanatory note to the project is considered one of the fundamental documents in the course or thesis. It is here that all the necessary information is collected about the justification of the chosen design, its description, scope, technical characteristics, all the necessary calculations are given.

In order to develop this document correctly and competently, it is necessary to deeply study the special educational, normative and periodical literature. The explanatory note to the project should highlight all the main issues of the topic. This document should contain both an analysis of the literature and the results of independent research or experiments, all the inherent features of the design or part must be considered, a complex mathematical calculation of all the main components should be carried out.

Any project, whether it is a student thesis on the development of a new unit or machine part, the introduction of new equipment in production or design development, architectural design of a buildingor structures, must necessarily consist of two parts: design and explanatory. If there is no explanatory note to the architectural project, thesis or term paper or it is executed incorrectly, then the graphic part will be considered only theoretical developments.
The text part of the work must be drawn up in accordance with the applicable ESKD standards (Unified Design Documentation System) and the requirements of SPDS standards (Project Documentation System for Construction) for design documents. Sheets with text must have the appropriate form and title inscription, all (except the title one) are numbered and filed in a special folder.

The explanatory note to the graduation project must have the following sections:
1. Title page with the name of the project theme.
2. The content of the work - the relevant sections and subsections, a list of attached drawings and diagrams.
3. An introduction consisting of a review of the sources used, analytical and theoretical parts.
4. The economic part, substantiating the technical and economic indicators of the design being developed.
5. Part with safety calculations for the operation of the structure and labor protection.
6. The final part contains conclusions about the project, the significance and rationale for the choice.
7. List of used literature and sources.
8. Applications (diagrams, tables and design drawings).
Explanatory note toThe project should have a clear structure and a consistent line of presentation. Convincing arguments and accurate calculations, concise and clear formulations are the main requirements when compiling the text part.
Explanatory note to the project is done on A4 paper. The text can be written by hand in a clear and understandable handwriting or made using printing technology. When using office equipment, text should be double-spaced.