"Proportionately" is both "within" and "harmoniously"

"Proportionately" is both "within" and "harmoniously"
"Proportionately" is both "within" and "harmoniously"

A person cannot navigate in an abstract space, he needs to use comparisons to understand the world. And the universal word "proportionately" is a wonderful criterion when you need to draw parallels between two objects. Even if they are different, the researcher identifies a certain commonality of properties and analyzes them already. It is very convenient both in scientific work and in raising children, when you can convey valuable knowledge using simple analogies.

What are the interpretations?

Native speakers subconsciously understand the meaning. However, sizing is only part of the term's options. There are three decryptions in total:

  • corresponding to the measure - as an adjective;
  • harmonious – when evaluating an object;
  • compared to something - "proportionately" as a preposition.

The first option speaks about your capabilities. Someone wants to fly and is not able to study at a flight school, while others dream of becoming famous figure skaters, which is why they work hard every day at the rink under the supervision of the best teachers. If the request is adequate to the efforts made oravailable resources, the dreamer will succeed. This is a simple calculation, formal logic and an attempt to cut costs.

proportionately it
proportionately it

However, we can talk not only about proportional concepts, but also about the correspondence of the elements of the whole. This is revealed in the second option, when the interlocutors discuss the human figure or the architectural merits of the building. Proportionation, visual elegance and practicality allow the definition to be used as an extraordinary compliment.

What can you offer?

If you leave out adjectives, strict binding by parameters disappears. There are two questions answered by nouns with the preposition "in proportion":

  • What?
  • With what?

Such a formulation does not imply a strict correspondence to a certain measure, you just focus on it. So, you can increase your expenses this month so that you can go on austerity next month. As a result, you are out of budget at the moment, but still sticking to the general course.

proportionate concepts
proportionate concepts

How to be in everyday life?

The negative connotation appears only when the definition is given the meaning of "boring", "gray". For many contemporaries, "living within our means" is not interesting. However, the word is positive. If every moment of your life is proportionate, this is a sign of stability and predictability. It is easy to make plans, predict and save funds without fear of unforeseen situations. A positive characteristic is also true for objects: excellentaddition and balanced structure look attractive. It's a sin not to take advantage of this and not praise it!
