Music lessons in kindergarten - a harmoniously developing personality

Music lessons in kindergarten - a harmoniously developing personality
Music lessons in kindergarten - a harmoniously developing personality

Music classes in kindergarten - introducing the youngest children to the world of music, all-round development of the personality, learning new forms of communication. Carrying out morning exercises, physical education and entertainment, as well as themed holidays, musical and didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games contribute to the expansion of the horizons of each child, instill a love of music, improve mood, inspire self-confidence, increase contact in communication with peers and adults.

music lessons in kindergarten
music lessons in kindergarten

Study progress

Music classes in kindergarten begin with rhythmic movements, in order to teach children to navigate in space, perform dance movements, march.

analysis of a lesson in kindergarten
analysis of a lesson in kindergarten

Thenlistening to musical works begins, where children learn to distinguish musical instruments that sound in the orchestra, get acquainted with the work of composers. In the older group, pupils already know strings, keyboards, wind and percussion instruments. At the end of the lesson, an orchestra of children's musical and noise instruments is formed, the children accompany the game with already familiar and even independently composed melodies. Music lessons are never complete without singing. Moreover, most of the time is devoted to him. Singing songs and fun exercises activate the singing apparatus, and the songs learned and learned in themselves give children great pleasure.

Professional help

Analysis of a lesson in kindergarten is done often, almost once a quarter, and in each group. Not only to control the quality of the work of the head. This helps him grow professionally and makes it easier to pass on experience to colleagues. Audio and video recordings, class notes are made.

Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities

Music lessons in kindergarten set multiple and challenging goals. This is primarily the development of the voice: articulation, breathing, vocal range, singing in an ensemble and a cappella, staging songs, staging folklore performances. Singing musical intervals and working on intonation improves hearing.

introspection in kindergarten
introspection in kindergarten

Dance moves to be mastered over the course of a series of musical sessions: jumping, straight canter, circling in pairs and one at a time, side step and alternating step. Children shouldbe able to rebuild and change the nature of movement in a two- and three-part form of a piece of music, move freely with objects (ribbons, balls, flags, etc.). As a result of the lesson and demonstration of freedom in creative improvisation - dance-game exercises using pantomime. Music classes in kindergarten involve educating children in love for singing. Also, the ability to listen to others sing, understanding the music heard, determining the genre, character, mood and, of course, the ability to beautifully, aesthetically move.

The Importance of Introspection

Self-analysis of the lesson in kindergarten is carried out by the teacher himself in accordance with the chosen topic and the tasks set. In the course of the lesson, he focuses on the drawn up plan so that all the planned material is mastered without loss of time and without fuss. The music director analyzes whether all types of musical activity have been covered by this lesson, whether the goals and objectives have been achieved, whether the optimal pace of mastering the material has been lost, and whether a friendly atmosphere has been maintained throughout the lesson.
