Leary Method - Description and Interpretation

Leary Method - Description and Interpretation
Leary Method - Description and Interpretation

The method of diagnosing interpersonal relationships was developed in 1954 by the American psychologist Timothy Leary (1920-1996) in collaboration with G. Leforge and R. Sazek, and in 1957 published in his monograph The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality. Interestingly, this test is still actively used by US intelligence agencies. Due to its compactness and informativeness, Leary's method is also widely popular among psychologists.

Description and purpose of the technique

The test examines the person's ideas about himself. At the same time, it can be used to evaluate ideas about both the real "I" and the ideal one. It can also be used to evaluate others if it is necessary to ascertain the vision of one individual in the eyes of another. In the process of diagnosis, the dominant type of attitude of the individual to others is singled out. There are two key factors that determine interpersonal relationships:

1) domination - submission;

2) friendliness - aggressiveness.

Leary technique
Leary technique

These factors were singled out by M. Argyle as the main characteristics of interpersonal behavior. They also correlate with the two axes of the semantic differential of Ch. Osgood, who used bipolar scales (for example, hot-cold, strong-weak, etc.) with a fixed number of divisions on each of them to study psychological variables.

Schematic representation of factors

For a schematic representation of the main social orientations of an individual, Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relations includes a conditional scheme: a circle divided into 8 sectors - octants. There are two axes in the circle (corresponding to the factors of interpersonal relations described above): "dominance - submission" and "friendliness - hostility". At the same time, Leary assumed that the relationship of these variables is the stronger, the closer the results of the respondent are relative to the center of the circle. The sum of scores for each of the orientations that Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relations determines is translated into an index corresponding to the dominant axis. The distance obtained between the indicators and the center of the circle determines the adaptability of interpersonal behavior.

Qualitative characteristics of selected sectors (octants), which are determined by T. Leary's method of interpersonal relations, can be represented as follows:

I. A good leader, mentor and adviser.

II. Confident type, independent and competitive.

III. Sincere, direct, persistent in hisachievements.

IV. Skeptical, nonconformist, realistic in his judgments.

V. Modest and shy, willing to take on other people's duties.

VI. Needing help and trust from others.

VII. Friendly, cooperative.

VIII. Empathetic and able to help others.

Liri's method of diagnosing interpersonal relationships
Liri's method of diagnosing interpersonal relationships

Procedure and processing of results

The Leary Method includes 128 value judgments, each of the 8 types of relationships which form 16 points. These items are listed in ascending order of intensity. At the same time, the methodology is constructed in such a way that the characteristics aimed at identifying a certain type of relationship are located in a special way: not in a row, but in groups, four judgments in each, repeating through an equal number of judgments.

The Leary Method, which focuses on interpersonal relationships, can be accompanied by two types of instructions. In the first of them, the respondents are asked to carefully read and evaluate judgments that characterize the psychological characteristics of a person and relationships with other people. If, in the opinion of the respondent, the judgment corresponds to his idea of himself, then it is necessary to mark it with a “+” sign, if it does not correspond, with a “-” sign.

In the second version of the instruction, Leary's technique involves an assessment of not only the real "I", but also the ideal one. Example: “After evaluating your real “I”, please read all the judgments again and mark with a “+” thoseof them that match your idea of how you would like to see yourself ideally. In this case, it is subsequently possible to determine the level of discrepancy between the individual's real and ideal ideas about himself. Evaluation of the relationships of others can also be reflected in the instruction that the Leary technique offers. Example: “As in the first case, please evaluate the personality of your colleague (boss, spouse, child, etc.).” Appropriately, it is possible to diagnose the vision system of one individual by another.

Processing the Leary technique includes several steps. Initially, the number of points is calculated for each of the identified 8 types of interpersonal relationships (authoritarian, selfish, aggressive, suspicious, submissive, dependent, friendly, altruistic).

The next step is to determine the degree of type expression. The maximum level score for each type, which is assumed by the Leary technique for interpersonal relationships, can be 16 points, which, in turn, are divided into 4 degrees of severity of the relationship:

  • 0 to 4 points: low severity (adaptive behavior);
  • 5 to 8 points: moderate (also adaptive behavior);
  • 9 to 12 points: high severity (extreme behavior);
  • from 13 to 16 points: extreme severity (extreme to pathological behavior).

The third stage of processing, which implies T. Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relationships, isis the definition of indicators for two main vectors: dominance - friendliness. Calculations are made using the following formulas:

Dominance=(I - V) + 0.7 x (VIII + II - IV - VI).

Friendliness=(VII - III) +0.7 x (VIII - II - IV + VI).

method of diagnosing interpersonal relations t liri
method of diagnosing interpersonal relations t liri

Finally, as a final step, Leary's method implies a qualitative analysis carried out by comparing the discograms built on the basis of the data obtained for each respondent with each other. It is also possible to build an average profile of interpersonal relationships in a particular group. It seems optimal to use the questionnaire in the system of general educational institutions. In addition, a longitudinal study (for example, within a particular class) may turn out to be indicative, the possibility of which is also provided by T. Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relations.

Interpretation of the main indicators of the ratio is carried out according to 8 types:

I. Authoritarian type of relationship

From 13 to 16 points. A type of strong personality, characterized by an imperious, dictatorial character. Prefers to lead in all types of group activities. He relies only on his own opinion, does not like to listen to the advice of others, while he himself constantly instructs everyone. Others, in turn, prefer to recognize authority on the part of this individual.

From 9 to 12 points. It is characteristic of an energetic dominant personality that demands respect. She is successful in business, enjoysauthority, likes to give advice to others.

From 0 to 8 points. It also distinguishes a self-confident personality, which is characterized by perseverance and perseverance. However, this person does not have to be a leader.

leary technique on interpersonal relationships
leary technique on interpersonal relationships

II. Selfish type of relationship

From 13 to 16 points. Independent, proud and narcissistic personality type. Calculating, likes to shift difficulties to others. On the one hand, it seeks to rise above other people, on the other hand, it keeps itself somewhat aloof from them. Also distinguished by boastfulness and arrogance.

From 0 to 12 points. There are egoistic traits and a focus on oneself. Competitive.

III. Aggressive relationship type

From 13 to 16 points. Behavior towards others is harsh and aggressive. Hostility borders on antisocial.

From 9 to 12 points. It is distinguished by frankness, straightforwardness and exactingness in relation to others. Irreconcilable, irritable - inclined to blame others for everything; ironic and harsh.

From 0 to 8 points. Energetic and persistent type, characterized by perseverance and stubbornness.

processing of the liri technique
processing of the liri technique

IV. Suspicious relationship type

From 13 to 16 points. A type of suspicious and touchy person who doubts everything. Resentful, often complains about others. Seeks to isolate himself from the outside world, considering it hostile and vicious. It can occur in a schizoid type of character (Leary's technique in this casemay be supplemented by the MMPI test).

From 9 to 12 points. Closed covert type. Due to suspicion and constant fear of a bad attitude towards himself, he may experience difficulties in interpersonal relationships. Skeptical, disappointed in people; negative attitude towards others can manifest itself in verbal aggression.

From 0 to 8 points. Shows criticality both in relation to others and in relation to all phenomena of social reality.

V. Subordinate relationship type

From 13 to 16 points. Tends to yield to others; characterized by humility, passivity and weakness of will. Self-abasement and self-condemnation can also take place, attributing guilt to oneself. He puts himself last. Looking for support in someone stronger than himself.

From 9 to 12 points. This personality type is characterized by meekness and shyness; is easily confused. Can obey a stronger personality, regardless of the conditions of a particular situation.

From 0 to 8 points. Characterized by a compliant, modest and timid personality. He does not differ in his own opinion, easily obeys, obediently fulfills his duties. Emotions prefers to restrain.

the attitude of parents to the defect of their child of the Pari Leary method
the attitude of parents to the defect of their child of the Pari Leary method

VI. Dependent relationship type

From 13 to 16 points. Strongly dependent on someone else's opinion. Dependence of this type is explained by his sharp lack of confidence in himself and his own abilities. Experiencing anxiety and obsessive fears for any, even a minor reason.

From 9 to 12 points. Is helpless andinability to show resistance to others, sincerely believing that they are always right. Obedient and fearful.

From 0 to 8 points. Trusting and conformal type. Inclined to trust others and admire them. Soft and polite.

VII. Friendly relationship type

From 9 to 16 points. This type is characterized by a focus on social acceptance and approval, trying to be good for everyone, without taking into account the peculiarities of the situation. In relation to others, he is friendly and amiable. Repression and suppression predominate among the defense mechanisms. Characterized by emotional lability. A hysterical type of character is possible (an additional use of the MMPI test is also possible).

From 0 to 8 points. Flexible in problem solving. In conflicts seeks cooperation and compromise. Consciously shows signs of conformity, as it seeks to reach agreement with others. Obeys conventions, observes the rules of good taste. Initiative and willing to help others. It is also distinguished by the desire to be in the center of attention, to receive recognition and love from others. Sociable and friendly.

methodology for diagnosing interpersonal relationships t liri interpretation
methodology for diagnosing interpersonal relationships t liri interpretation

VIII. Altruistic type of relationship

From 9 to 16 points. It is distinguished by pronounced hyper-responsibility, as well as responsibility for others - often unjustified. Ready to help others to the detriment of their own interests. At the same time, in his help, he can be excessively active and even obsessive. However, in some cases this behavior may bealso a kind of mask. In this case, we are dealing with the opposite type of relationship.

From 0 to 8 points. This type is characterized by unselfishness and responsiveness. He is responsible in relation to other people, shows responsiveness and compassion to them. Soft, delicate and caring.

Interpretation of results

T. Leary's method of diagnosing interpersonal relationships suggests a sufficiently wide amount of information to study the respondent's personality. If testing was carried out in a group form, then the researcher, as already mentioned, has the opportunity to compare the results of individual individuals with the group profile, as well as with each other. When interpreting the results, it is important to focus not on absolute values, but on the dominance of indicators of one type over others. This is also important to take into account if there is a negative attitude of parents towards the defect of their child (Leary's "PARI" method).

If an assessment is made of both the "I" of the real and the "I" of the ideal, then normally there should not be significant discrepancies between them. In turn, if there is a moderate level of discrepancy, then this indicates the possibility of self-improvement, which, in fact, is indicated by the Leary technique. Interpretation of the results of the questionnaire revealed the fact that most often dissatisfaction with oneself is characteristic of people with a low level of self-esteem (corresponding to the 5th, 6th and 7th octants) or for people experiencing a state of prolonged conflict (corresponding to the 4th octant).

If the respondent has simultaneousthe predominance of the 1st and 5th octants, this indicates that he has a problem of authoritarianism and painful pride; 2nd and 6th - there is a contradiction between the desire for independence and the need to obey (for example, when, due to official necessity, an individual is obliged to obey, despite his internal protest). The conflict between the 3rd and 7th octants takes place when the motives of self-affirmation and affiliation conflict; 4th and 8th - manifests itself when an individual suppresses hostility towards others for the sake of recognition by them (the desire for recognition from the group and the simultaneous feeling of hostility towards it).
