Socialization is a complex of social and mental processes due to which a person acquires knowledge, norms and values that define him as a full member of society. This is a continuous process and a necessary condition for the optimal functioning of the individual.

Socialization of preschool children in the GEF DO system
According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES), socialization and communicative development of a preschooler's personality are considered as a single educational area - social and communicative development. The social environment acts as the dominant factor in the child's social development.
Main aspects of socialization
The process of socializationbegins with the birth of a person and continues until the end of his life.

Includes two main aspects:
- assimilation of social experience by an individual due to his entry into the social system of public relations;
- active reproduction of the system of public relations of the individual in the process of his inclusion in the social environment.
Structure of socialization
Speaking of socialization, we are dealing with a certain transition of social experience into the values and attitudes of a particular subject. Moreover, the individual himself acts as an active subject of perception and application of this experience. The main components of socialization include the transfer of cultural norms through social institutions (family, school, etc.), as well as the process of mutual influence of individuals within the framework of joint activities. Thus, among the areas to which the process of socialization is directed, activity, communication and self-consciousness are distinguished. In all these areas, there is an expansion of human ties with the outside world.
Activity aspect
In the concept of A. N. Leontief activity in psychology is an active interaction of an individual with the surrounding reality, during which the subject purposefully influences the object, thereby satisfying his needs. It is customary to distinguish types of activity according to several criteria: methods of implementation, form, emotional tension, physiological mechanisms, etc.

The main difference between different types of activity is the specificity of the subject to which this or that type of activity is directed. The subject of activity can act both in material and in ideal form. At the same time, behind each given item there is a certain need. It should also be noted that no activity can exist without a motive. Unmotivated activity, from the point of view of A. N. Leontiev, is a conditional concept. In reality, the motive still takes place, but it can be latent.
The basis of any activity is individual actions (processes determined by a conscious goal).
Communication sphere
The field of communication and the field of activity are closely related. In some psychological concepts, communication is considered as a side of activity. At the same time, activity can act as a condition under which the process of communication can be carried out. The process of expanding the communication of the individual occurs in the course of increasing his contacts with others. These contacts, in turn, can be established in the process of performing certain joint actions - that is, in the process of activity.

The level of contacts in the process of socialization of an individual is determined by his individual psychological characteristics. The age specificity of the subject of communication also plays a significant role here. The deepening of communication is carried out in the process of its decentralization(transition from a monologic form to a dialogic one). The individual learns to focus on his partner, to more accurately perceive and evaluate him.
Sphere of Self-Consciousness
The third sphere of socialization, self-awareness of the individual, is formed through the formation of his I-images. It was experimentally established that I-images do not arise in an individual immediately, but are formed in the course of his life under the influence of various social factors. The structure of the I-individual includes three main components: self-knowledge (cognitive component), self-assessment (emotional), self-attitude (behavioral).
Self-consciousness determines the individual's understanding of himself as a kind of integrity, awareness of his own identity. The development of self-awareness in the course of socialization is a controlled process carried out in the process of acquiring social experience in the context of expanding the range of activities and communication. Thus, the development of self-consciousness cannot take place outside the activity in which the transformation of the individual's ideas about himself is constantly carried out in accordance with the idea that is emerging in the eyes of others.

The process of socialization, therefore, should be considered from the point of view of the unity of all three spheres - both activity, and communication and self-awareness.
Features of social and communicative development in preschool age
Social and communicative development of preschoolers is one of the basic elements in the system of formation of the child's personality. Processinteraction with adults and peers has an impact not only directly on the social side of the development of a preschooler, but also on the formation of his mental processes (memory, thinking, speech, etc.). The level of this development at preschool age is directly proportional to the level of effectiveness of its subsequent adaptation in society.
Social and communicative development according to GEF for preschool children includes the following parameters:
- the level of formation of a sense of belonging to one's family, respect for others;
- the level of development of the child's communication with adults and peers;
- the level of readiness of the child for joint activities with peers;
- the level of assimilation of social norms and rules, the moral development of the child;
- development level of purposefulness and independence;
- the level of formation of positive attitudes towards work and creativity;
- level of formation of knowledge in the field of life safety (in various social, living and natural conditions);
- the level of intellectual development (in the social and emotional sphere) and the development of the empathic sphere (responsiveness, compassion).
Quantitative levels of social and communicative development of preschoolers
Depending on the degree of formation of skills that determine social and communicative development according to GEF, low, medium and high levels can be distinguished.
A high level, respectively, takes place with a high degree of development of the aboveparameters. At the same time, one of the favorable factors in this case is the absence of problems in the sphere of communication between the child and adults and peers. The dominant role is played by the nature of relations in the family of a preschooler. Also, classes on the social and communicative development of the child have a positive effect.
The average level, which determines social and communicative development, is characterized by a lack of skill development in some of the selected indicators, which, in turn, causes difficulties in the child's communication with others. However, the child can compensate for this lack of development on his own, with little help from an adult. In general, the process of socialization is relatively harmonious.
In turn, the social and communicative development of preschool children with a low level of severity in some of the selected parameters can give rise to significant contradictions in the sphere of communication between the child and the family and others. In this case, the preschooler is not able to cope with the problem on his own - the assistance of adults, including psychologists and social educators, is required.

In any case, the socialization of preschool children requires constant support and periodic monitoring by both the child's parents and the educational institution.
Socio-communicative competence of the child
Social and communicative development in the preschool educational institution is aimed at the formation of social and communicativecompetence. In total, there are three main competencies that a child needs to master within the framework of this institution: technological, informational and socio-communicative.
In turn, social and communicative competence includes two aspects:
- Social - the ratio of one's own aspirations to the aspirations of others; productive interaction with group members united by a common goal.
- Communicative - the ability to obtain the necessary information in the process of dialogue; readiness to present and defend one's own point of view with direct respect for the position of other people; the ability to use this resource in the process of communication to solve certain problems.
Modular system in the formation of social and communicative competence
Social and communicative development within the framework of an educational institution seems appropriate to accompany in accordance with the following modules: medical, module PMPK (psychological-medical-pedagogical council) and diagnostics, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical. First, the medical module is included in the work, then, in case of successful adaptation of children, the PMPk module. The remaining modules are launched simultaneously and continue to function in parallel with the medical and PMPK modules, until the release of children from preschool.
Each of the modules implies the presence of specific specialists acting clearly in accordance with the tasks of the module. The process of interaction between them is carried out throughmanagement module, coordinating the activities of all departments. Thus, the social and communicative development of children is supported at all necessary levels - physical, mental and social.
Differentiation of children in the preschool educational institution within the PMPk module
As part of the work of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, which usually includes all subjects of the educational process of the preschool educational institution (educators, psychologists, head nurses, heads, etc.), it is advisable to differentiate children into the following categories:
- children with poor somatic he alth;
- children at risk (hyperactive, aggressive, withdrawn, etc.);
- children with learning difficulties;
- children with pronounced abilities in one area or another;
- children with developmental disabilities.

One of the tasks of working with each of the identified typological groups is the formation of social and communicative competence as one of the significant categories on which the educational field relies.
Social and communicative development is a dynamic characteristic. The task of the council is to monitor this dynamics from the point of view of harmonious development. An appropriate consultation should be held in all groups in the preschool educational institution, including social and communicative development in its content. The middle group, for example, is included in the system of social relations during the program by solving the following tasks:
- developmentgame activity;
- inculcation of elementary norms and rules of the child's relationship with adults and peers;
- formation of patriotic feelings of the child, as well as family and citizenship.
To implement these tasks, preschool educational institutions should have special classes on social and communicative development. In the process of these classes, the child's attitude to others is transformed, as well as the abilities for self-development.