As you know, the human body cannot function separately from nature. Man is a part of the biosphere, its component, its microorganism. The development of human society in a historical context must be considered in the system of its interaction with nature. At the same time, the successes of scientific and technological progress in this case were by no means always used by man for good. How the interaction of human society with nature has changed can be traced within the framework of the main stages of socio-historical development.
Primitive stage of development
This is the period of the greatest dependence of man on nature. Actually, at this stage of development, the individual did not separate himself from it. In addition, all natural objects and phenomena were endowed with a soul (animism), and some even became an object of religious worship, acquiring divine properties in the eyes of a person. Thanks to animationnature, a person conditionally received the opportunity to communicate with animals and plants at a special level of intangible nature. True, only shamans were endowed with this opportunity, but it was believed that in some cases an ordinary person could also speak with spirits.

Anthropologization of nature was a kind of human attempt to understand it. Forming an idea of the surrounding world in his own image and likeness, a person simultaneously demonstrated deep respect and awe. Nevertheless, with the development of primitive tools, as well as with the "taming" of fire, man begins to interfere more actively in the natural system. Also, speaking about how the interaction of human society with nature has changed, it should be noted a significant role in this process of hunting. A successful hunt made a person less dependent on the environment, adding to his self-confidence and self-confidence.
Go to the producing stage
Not only the development of labor tools, but also the material, spiritual, and cognitive preconditions for the development of society contributed to the transition from an appropriating type of economy to a producing one. Thus, the individual is separated from the biological world. At the same time, the impact of human society on nature is increasing, and the volume of consumed natural resources is increasing. Man is no longer limited to hunting and gathering, he is mastering a new type of activity - agriculture. From the point of view of V. I. Vernadsky, the emergence of agriculture became a turning pointmoment in the history of human society. Also, the discovery of this type of economy, what connects man with nature, is commonly called the "Neolithic revolution", since these events coincided with the beginning of the Neolithic.

The connection of man with nature in modern times
By this period, the attitude of human society to nature is undergoing significant changes. The divine essence is replaced by the essence of a utilitarian nature. Nature becomes an object of practical development and a source of scientific knowledge. Among the ideologists of a new attitude to the surrounding flora and fauna is F. Bacon. One of the first he advocates the development of nature empirically.

Modern (anthropogenic) stage of development
So, we have seen how the interaction of human society with nature has changed in a historical context. What can be said about our time? Undoubtedly, modern technologies have reached an unprecedented level of development, which has significantly expanded the possibilities for the exploitation of natural resources. The connection between man and nature at the anthropogenic stage is distinguished by the following features:
- there is an increase in human pressure on nature in the extensive (expansion of the area of influence) and intensive (expansion of the spheres of influence) plan;
- purposeful human actions to change the flora and fauna;
- violation of the ecological balance: due to the increased pressure on nature fromhuman society, the ecosystem does not have time to recover in the required volume;
- increasing threat of negative side effects of human society impact on nature.
The problem of restoring natural resources
The situation with exhaustible natural resources is a separate problem. These include flora and fauna, as well as fertile soils - renewable resources; Minerals are non-renewable resources. In the first case, the rate of consumption of resources is approximately comparable to the rate of their recovery, while in the second case, recovery is impossible. And although the processes of rock formation, as well as ore formation, occur continuously, their speed lags far behind the speed of mining these minerals.
However, there are also difficulties with inexhaustible resources (air, solar energy, wind energy, sea waves, etc.) at the present stage of interaction between man and nature.

Considering the question of how the interaction of human society with nature has changed, it should be noted that the influence of the anthropogenic factor on the environment has reached such proportions that the atmosphere and hydrosphere began to change in their physical state and chemical composition. These changes significantly reduce the value of air and water resources. Serious recovery costs are required to solve this problem.
Thus, based on the Michurin idea “We cannot wait for favors from nature, take them from her -our task” is costly to modern society. Human interaction with nature is currently not only reaching a dead end, but threatening a global environmental catastrophe.