Mark Twain is a famous American writer, journalist and public figure. The writer treated life with humor, which was admired by others. Most of the boys, and girls in childhood, read the adventures of the tomboys Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. Mark Twain was also known for the most witty aphorisms and quotes.
About education
This man was not only a writer, but also a public figure. He was an excellent orator and delivered fascinating lectures. From a young age, the future writer helped his older brother publish a newspaper, and often the most controversial articles came out from under his pen.
I never let school interfere with my education.
This is one of Mark Twain's aphorisms about education. The school is still limited to a certain program. Students don't always learn what they like. Therefore, it is important to instill in the child an interest in self-study and reading books.

About fools
Mark Twain made fun of human stupidity in many of his jokes. And it's not a lackeducation, but the lack of education and the unwillingness of a person to learn from more successful people and expand their horizons.
Let's thank fools. Without them, it would be difficult for others to succeed.
This is one of Mark Twain's aphorisms about human stupidity. Indeed, after all, some people do not have any special character traits. It's just that not everyone wants to become successful, so against their background, an active person looks energetic and admirable.
Never argue with idiots. You will sink to their level where they will crush you with their experience.
This aphorism of Mark Twain can be explained as follows: a stupid person always thinks that he is right. Therefore, no matter what a smart person tries to explain to him, he will remain with his opinion. A cultured person always tries to argue delicately and respectfully for the opinions of others. And it is important for idiots to prove their point of view. Therefore, if you argue with a stupid person for a long time, you will be the same as him.

Motivational quotes
Mark Twain was an energetic man, tried various professions, traveled the world as a correspondent. The writer urged young people to be more interested in life, to learn new things about the world:
In 20 years you will be more disappointed with the things you didn't do than with the things you did. So depart from the quiet harbor. Feel the tailwind in your sail. Move forward, act, discover!
Some people think thatthe most important thing is a successful career and a lot of money. At the same time, in pursuit of work, they cease to enjoy life, believing that they will save up money, then it will be possible to rest. But there are things for which a lot of money is not needed. For example, go hiking in the mountains or rafting on the river, read interesting books, communicate more with loved ones.
Work like money doesn't matter to you.
In this aphorism, Mark Twain urges people to work not for money, but for pleasure. It's important to find something that interests you. After all, only then can you do it well and enjoy your work.
The secret to getting things done is to start.
People often think that in order to succeed, you need to prepare, read various literature or have some special qualities. But you just need to take it and start, and then a person, even with small steps, will be able to achieve success.

About politics
The writer believed that only the people should rule. And all the kings and other members of the government patronized lazy, stupid people, oppressors. Therefore, there are many sayings and aphorisms of Mark Twain about elections and politics.
Pretend you're an idiot and pretend you're a member of Congress; however, I repeat myself.
This quote shows Mark Twain's attitude towards government. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that he treated him like that. The writer considered them oppressors of the people,who are not able to think about others, they only care about money.
If something depended on elections, we would not be allowed to participate in them.
Mark Twain in his aphorism about elections said that politicians are not interested in people's opinion. The writer was skeptical of those in power, so it is not surprising that his statements are full of sarcasm and irony. He believed that only the people should be in power.

About wisdom
Mark Twain not only has many sayings about human stupidity, but also about wisdom. The writer appreciated smart people, but those who did not boast about it, but were modest and respectful of other people:
Better to remain silent and seem like a fool than to speak up and dispel all doubts.
A smart person will not brag about his knowledge to everyone, he has the main quality - he knows how to listen to others. People who talk a lot usually do less. Therefore, they do not command respect, they are considered stupid. Wise people talk less and listen more.
If you take a yard dog outside and feed it, it will never bite you. This is the difference between a dog and a human.
This quote can be explained like this: if you help a dog, it will always love you and will always be there for you. A person will do what suits him. Therefore, some people treat animals better than their own kind.

About Literature
The works of Mark Twaindiffer from the works of other authors in that the writer raised important topics in them, including political ones. Therefore, some of them were censored. Mark Twain treated this with humor. Many famous writers believe that it was with him that American literature began.
Classic - what everyone thinks it is necessary to read and no one reads.
Classical literature is most often serious works, so not all people can not only read it, but also understand the meaning of creation. In addition, some works are written in a complex language that is difficult to understand. Therefore, most readers prefer something light.
He who does not read good books has no advantage over a person who cannot read them.
It's not just important to read as many books as possible, but this literature should raise important topics. A person, having studied the work, should think, discover something new, improve his cultural level.

About age
Mark Twain should learn a lot about age. People believe that only young people have advantages, while they do not see advantages in other ages.
Age is what exists in our thoughts. If you don't think about it, it doesn't exist.
A person can lead an active lifestyle at any age. After all, he can always enjoy life, there are so many interesting places in the world that you can visit. After all, it is not for nothing that some, in their vigor andenthusiasm is not inferior to young people, and sometimes even more active. them.
Life should begin with an old man, having all the advantages of old age - position, experience, we alth, and end it with a young man who can enjoy it all so brilliantly. And now the world is arranged in such a way that in youth, when there is no account for the pleasures that you get for a single dollar, you do not have this dollar. In old age, you have a dollar, but there is nothing that you would like to buy with it.
In society, the one who has power and money enjoys great respect. At a young age, a person is just starting to build his career, he still has the desire and desire to discover the world for himself. Unfortunately, many cannot enjoy the pleasures of youth because they do not have the means to do so. But a person should be able to enjoy life without money and treat it with humor.
About life
From the example of people like Mark Twain, people need to learn to treat life with humor and not stop loving it:
A person cannot be satisfied with life if he is dissatisfied with himself.
You must love and accept yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't cultivate. You must understand that there are no perfect people, but each person is special and that you have your own merits. When you are in harmony with yourself, you can enjoy life.
We like people who dare to tell us what they think, as long as they think like us.
This aphorism MarkTwain about life that we are more willing to communicate with people who hold the same views and who have the same values. People like it when another person expresses their views on life, and it seems to them bold. But when people begin to express an opinion different from ours, they sometimes seem stupid to us - this is a feature of human nature.
You can be casual in your clothes if that's in your nature. But the soul must be kept neat.
With his quotes and aphorisms about life, Mark Twain set an example of how important it is to be able to laugh at yourself and others. A person should develop, do good deeds and take care of their loved ones. If a person is loved and respected, and he deserves this with his actions and qualities of character, then his appearance is not important to others.

Mark Twain is an example of how a person has always tried to treat life with humor. As one of his quotes says:
The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up.
When a person tries to convince another that life is beautiful, then he begins to think the same way. To be able not only to laugh, but also to be ironic is a great art. Mark Twain in aphorisms and statements showed his attitude to life, this is part of his creative heritage. After all, they talk about things that apply to modern society.
With his jokes and aphorisms, Mark Twain did not seek to offend people, he wanted to show that one should not take others too seriouslyAnd you need to keep the ability to laugh. And his diligence and interest in life delighted his contemporaries. Mark Twain is not just a famous American writer, but a man who accepted life with all its advantages and disadvantages and did not lose his sense of humor. He was not only a writer, but also an active public figure, he helped young talents, inspiring them with his example and works.