In the article we will talk about Boris the Tsar of Bulgaria, who is also called Boris III. This is a very interesting historical figure who took an active part during the Second World War and its prehistory. Let's get to know this famous king from the earliest years of his life.
Boris (King of Bulgaria) was born on January 30, 1894. The boy was born under gunshots. Thus, the royal family announced that their first son was born - the son of Tsar Ferdinand and his wife Maria of Bourbon-Parma.
The political situation in the country at that time was quite tense. The Grand Duchy was created only in 1878, it was still too young. A small Orthodox state that is a vassal of the Ottoman Empire and is ruled by two Catholics. At that time, relations with Russia were strained, since the Russian nobility did not like the fact that a Catholic and a native of Austria-Hungary was chosen to rule Bulgaria. At the same time, one must take into account the fact that Ferdinand was chosen by the anti-Russian campaign. Despite the fact that Russia was also Orthodox, she did not want to recognize the authority of the new ruler.

Prince Boris of Tyrnovo was originally baptized as a Catholic, but his father thought about converting the boy to the Orthodox faith. This would help improve relations with their people and establish more friendly relations with Russia. However, this state of affairs could significantly worsen relations with Europe, where some rulers threatened war or excommunication in the event of such an outcome. However, political motives eventually prevailed and little Boris, the Tsar of Bulgaria, was transferred to the Orthodox faith. Nicholas II became the godfather of the future ruler. Ferdinand was excommunicated from the Catholic Church for this, and his wife and their second son Cyril had to disappear from the court for a while.
Bulgarian Tsar Boris was handled by my father's grandmother Clementine of Orleans. The fact is that the boy's mother died in January 1899, that is, almost immediately after the second daughter Nadia was born. The daughter of King Louis-Philippe of France, Clementine of Orleans, also died, but much later. She left this world in 1907. Further, the upbringing of the young ruler fell on the shoulders of his father. Ferdinand was personally involved in the selection of teachers for the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris 3. It was he who gave them instructions to be as strict with the boy as possible.
His son studied exactly the same subjects as all children in Bulgarian schools. In addition, he also studied French and German. I must say that Boris mastered them to perfection. After that, he also learned English, Albanian and Italian. Talented people arrived at the palaceofficers for doing the guy's military education.
Ferdinand paid special attention to the scientific and natural disciplines, and believed that they should be studied with special care. It must be said that his son Boris carried his love for such sciences throughout his life. The son and father were very interested in technology and in particular locomotives. In the fall of 1910, the guy successfully passed the exam for a railway mechanic. Despite all this, Boris rather hard endured life in the palace, with all the many rituals, ceremonies and conventions, calling it a "prison". Nor was it easy to get along with my father, a rather authoritarian man.
In the winter of 1906, a young man with the rank of lieutenant entered the Military School. After 6 years, the guy graduated from college and received the rank of captain.

Politics around
In September 1908, Ferdinand came to the throne. Then he publicly declared that the country is completely independent. From 1911, the future prince of Bulgaria, Boris, began to travel abroad and gradually get out of the full care of his father. At the same time, the boy became more and more popular and famous on the world stage. In 1911, the young man visited two important events. He witnessed the coronation of George V, which took place in London, and attended the funeral of Queen Maria Pia, which took place in Turin. At the same time, the young guy was not just an observer, he entered the circle of members of royal families, noble families and heads of state.
Balkan wars
September 1 guy went to visithis godfather. At this time, the young man witnessed how Prime Minister Pyotr Stolypin was killed in the Kyiv opera. Finally, in the winter of 1912, the guy became an adult. Until that moment, the future tsar associated himself with both Catholics and Orthodox, but after coming of age he admitted that he was faithful only to Orthodoxy. As we already know, in the same year he received the official rank of captain. And just 9 months later, the First Balkan War was initiated, in which the union of Serbs, Montenegrins, Greeks and Bulgarians opposed the ruler of the Ottoman Empire in order to recapture Macedonia. Boris was directly involved in the war as a liaison officer, and was on the front lines more than once.
Despite the fact that they still managed to win, the union of the winners simply could not share the fruits of their work among themselves. Then Bulgaria decided to take active steps and attack its former allies in order to divide Macedonia. This was the beginning of the Second Balkan War. In this case, Tsar Boris of Bulgaria again took part in the course of the war. The war ended in defeat, as a large number of soldiers suffered from cholera. Young Boris, who observed the situation, became a pacifist after this incident.

After this outcome, it seemed that there was no other way out than Ferdinand's abdication. The advisers believed that Boris should immediately leave the palace and go to the ranks of an ordinary army. For a time he had to separate fromfather, so as not to be associated with his reign. However, the guy himself spoke out that he would not hold on to power, and if the monarch leaves, then his son will also leave the palace. However, things didn't turn out quite the way they expected. Ferdinand did not abdicate, and Boris was sent to the Military Academy.
In 1915, Ferdinand decided to enter the First World War, but Boris did not support the decision. Great Britain and France found out about this and recognized him as king in 1918.
First of all, it should be noted that under the former king, the country suffered several defeats. At first it was the Second Balkan War, due to which Bulgaria lost territories and even paid reparations. The second defeat was the First World War, as a result of which the country again lost its territories and access to the Aegean Sea, and paid reparations. The population was dissatisfied, other rulers did not want to recognize the king. He abdicated in favor of his son, and in the autumn of 1918 Boris came to the throne.
His reign did not start very well, as he lacked experience, he could not communicate with his family. In addition, crop failure, foreign occupation and the rationing system affected. All this led to the fact that the activity of ultra-left parties increased. It should be added that of all the countries participating in the First World War, only Bulgaria retained monarchical rule.

First time
In 1919, the results of the elections won the Bulgarian Agricultural People's Union. The tsar had to appoint Alexander of Stamboliyskiyprime minister. Since Bulgaria remained an agrarian country, Alexander was loved by the people. The man showed a negative attitude towards the army and the middle class, towards the monarchical system and tried to build an authoritarian rule. Boris, the Tsar of Bulgaria, has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with him, but nothing has changed.
In the summer of 1923, a military coup took place, as a result of which Stamboliysky was shot, and the leader of the movement, Alexander Tsankov, was appointed prime minister of the new government. This event marked the beginning of a long period of instability. In the fall, the communists raised an uprising, and after that the "white terror" began. As a result of the actions of terrorist and anti-terrorist forces, more than 20 thousand people died. In 1925 Greece declared war on Bulgaria. Despite the fact that the League of Nations tried to improve the situation inside the country, the situation remained extremely precarious.

Assassination attempts
In 1925, during a hunt near the town of Orkhaniye, there was an assassination attempt on Boris, but he managed to escape in a passing car. Three days later, in the Cathedral of the Holy Week, the funeral of the general killed during the assassination attempt on the tsar was held, which was attended by many representatives of the authorities. Communists and anarchists took the opportunity to plant a bomb. The explosion happened during the ceremony itself, killing more than a hundred people. Boris was late for the general's funeral, as he was at the funeral of his friend. After that, there was a wave of repression by the government, many people were arrested on suspicion of rebellion.and sentenced to death.

Recent years
Only in 1934 did the man get married. Giovanna, the daughter of Victor Emmanuel III, became his chosen one.
In the same year there was a military coup that led to the complete dictatorship of Boris. Some of the tsar's ministers expressed a desire to get closer to Hitler, and the tsar did not put any special obstacles to this. In 1938, he participated in world politics to "appease" Hitler. As a result of the division of lands, Bulgaria received Southern Dobruja, some areas of Macedonia, and access to the sea. Realizing that most of his people were pro-Russian, the tsar did not declare war on the USSR and decided not to send his soldiers to the Eastern Front. Who would have thought that on August 28, 1941, Tsar Boris of Bulgaria had only a year to live.

At the same time, the ruler managed to save about 50 thousand Jews. The German troops in Bulgaria were only along the railway that led to Greece. On August 28, 1942, Tsar Boris died in Bulgaria, presumably from a heart attack. This happened a few days after the meeting with Hitler. The successor was his son Simeon, who at that time was 6 years old.
On August 28, Tsar Boris died in Bulgaria under rather vague circumstances, which will be investigated more than once.
In art
The actor Naum Shopov portrayed the great king on the screen. In 1965, the film "The Tsar and the General" was released, and in 1976 the film "Soldiers of Freedom" was released. In the famous television series "Vangelia" of the kingplayed by D. Dimov. The reason for the death of the Tsar of Bulgaria Boris in each tape is explained in its own way. At the same time, no one believes in the natural outcome of events.