Every citizen should know about the restoration of certain documents. Almost everyone in Russia has an idea of how to "reanimate" an identity card or some previously obtained certificate. But how to restore a diploma? Sometimes, but this process is necessary. What should citizens know about this? Indeed, documents on education in practice rarely have to be restored. It is for this reason that few people know about this process. But the situation is easily remedied.
When needed
When do I need to get a duplicate diploma? This question is important. As practice shows, if you need to provide a duplicate of this document, you can make a copy of it. Maximum - to assure. And do not think about recovery.

At the moment, the procedure being studied is needed:
- If a citizen ruined a diploma. For example, he broke it. The arrival of a diploma in disrepair is the basis for restoration.
- When the document was lost. A huge rarity in today's world.
- If the mentioned paper was stolen. In practice, such situations almost never occur.
In any case, not everyone knows how tobring the idea to life. But this question will be clear very soon.
About the registry
The thing is that in Russia there is a register of diplomas. Each issued document is registered in accordance with the procedure established by law. And he is given to a graduate only after this procedure.
All information about diplomas ever issued is stored in the named service. It is she who will come in handy when studying the issue of restoring a document. However, it is not at all necessary to search for the register of diplomas and then submit a request there. There are several alternative solutions.
By the way, if the diploma was not included in the register, then it is considered invalid. So, there is no point in restoring it. More precisely, you will have to prove that the document is not a fake. Fortunately, such situations are rare.

It is worth noting that the restoration of a diploma is a process that requires confirmation of the loss, theft or damage to a previously issued sample. In the latter case, everything is simple - it is enough to present the relevant document to one or another authority. But what if the paper is lost or stolen?
Then first you need to go to the police. There, a citizen with an identity card writes a statement about the loss or theft of a diploma. Further, the applicant will be issued a special certificate in order to be able to receive a new model diploma in the future. The police conclusion is extremely important.
Through university
How to restore a diploma? To do this, you need to collect a small list of documents (but they canproblems arise), and then submit them, along with the corresponding request, to the university where the person studied. You need to contact the dean's office. There, according to archive data, they will be able to make a new copy of the document.
What is required from the applicant? To be able to get a duplicate diploma, a former graduate brings to the university:
- application for a copy of a document of higher education;
- certificate-grounds for satisfying the request (for example, an extract from the police);
- identity card;
- documents indicating a change in personal data (for example, a marriage certificate).
It is worth noting that this procedure is not free. Each university has its own rates for the restoration of a diploma. Only after providing a receipt for payment of the process, it will be possible to wait for the result.

Not so fast
Diplomas of universities of the USSR and the Russian Federation are being restored. This is a well known fact. Just have to take into account one more nuance. Which one?
The process being studied is a very long exercise. If documents on higher education are lost, then one should prepare for the fact that they will not be restored quickly. And this wave is a normal phenomenon. As some citizens say, on average, it takes about 6 months to produce a new diploma. Sometimes even more.
That is why it is recommended to take care of the diploma. Its absence can cause a lot of inconvenience in employment. If the diploma was stolen, you should prepare for a very long wait. When the duplicate is ready, you can get it,presenting an ID. In cases of impossibility of personal receipt, the document is sent by mail.
Presence of insert
Diplomas have special inserts. Their presence greatly simplifies life. It should be noted that if this document exists, then it must be attached to the application sent to the university. Then you can speed up the process, albeit slightly.

But if there is no insert (which is more common), then there will be no additional problems with recovery. You just have to wait until the authenticity of the lost document is verified. We are talking about the fact that the diploma was actually issued to the applicant. Forgery of this document is not allowed. This is a serious crime.
How to check
Now it is clear how to restore the diploma. But the question arises: how can you verify the authenticity of the paper produced? It has already been said that everyone has the right to use the register of diplomas. All data on higher education documents are stored there.
To verify the authenticity of the paper, just visit the site frdocheck.obrnadzor.gov.ru and enter the relevant data at the bottom of the screen. After that click on "Check". Just a few seconds of waiting, and the job is done - the test result will appear on the screen. If there is no information, this will be reported.

Tempting offer
Some citizens, thinking about how to restore a diploma, sometimes see quiteattractive offers from various organizations. They offer for a fee to make a duplicate as soon as possible and deliver it to the owner. And there are many such proposals. Most of them are found on the World Wide Web.
Should we believe these offers? No. It is best to formalize the production of a duplicate. Yes, the process is very long, but this is normal. Do not trust suspiciously tempting offers. How to recover a lost diploma of higher education? Only in an official manner through the university where the citizen studied. All other proposals (with the exception of applying to the register of documents in higher education) are a hoax. They were invented specifically to breed people for money.
Now it's clear how to get a new sample diploma to replace the old one. In general, the process is not very difficult, but you need to properly prepare for it. And, as already mentioned, be patient.

If we divide actions into stages, then a citizen must:
- Report the loss/theft of your diploma to the police.
- Get an extract from the police or any other authority that can confirm the fact of loss.
- Collect a list of documents (certificate of theft / loss, identity card, statements on the change of personal data - if available).
- Submit an application to the university where the person studied. You need to pay for the production of a duplicate before that. The cost is specified in each university.
- Wait for readiness and pick updiploma.