Ending ing in English. Writing rules

Ending ing in English. Writing rules
Ending ing in English. Writing rules

In English, word endings play a huge role, although there are not so many of them when compared with the same Russian language. They change depending on what time is used and what role this or that part of speech plays in the sentence. In this article, we will consider the rules for writing the ending -ing in English.

Long time

First, let's figure out when to use the –ing ending in English? According to the rules of grammar, first of all, this ending is used to form long tenses that depict an action in progress. There are present, past and future long tenses. All of them are formed according to the same principle: the auxiliary verb to be in the required form, plus the semantic verb that ends in –ing. Examples:

I'm walking now. I am walking now. This continuous action is presented in the present tense

ending ing in English rules
ending ing in English rules
  • I was walking when she returned. When she came back, I was walking. And this long action is represented in the pasttime.
  • I will be walking tomorrow at six o'clock. I will be walking tomorrow at six o'clock. And finally, a long action in the future tense.

First Communion

Participle 1 has the properties of not only a verb, but also an adjective. According to the rules, the ending -ing in English is also written at the end of the first participle. It helps to describe an action that occurs simultaneously with another, expressed predicate. Examples:

Look at the woman reading this magazine. Look at the woman reading this magazine. The word "reading" (reading) appears in this sentence as a participle.

rules for writing the ending ing in English
rules for writing the ending ing in English

Adding the ending -ing in English. Rules

So it's not enough just to add this ending at the end of a word. Some conditions must be met, for example, pay attention to which letter the word ends with.

If a word ends in –e, then according to the rules, the ending –ing in English replaces the last letter:

Bite – biting, close – closing.

If the word ends with the combination of vowels –ie, then the ending is added as follows:

Lie turns into lying, and die by the same principle becomes dying. That is, –ie is replaced by y and an ending is added at the end of the word.

If the last letter is a consonant with the previous stressed vowel, then the consonant is doubled:

Run – running.

If the word ends with l, then a variable spelling is possible. It's connected withfeatures of British English and American.

These were the basic rules for using the –ing ending. They need to be learned and mastered, because in oral speech it is very often necessary to mention any long actions or use participles. It is necessary to use endings correctly, this is the key to correct speech and writing.
