Gallery is a noun that came to us from the Italian language. You must have met him at least once in a speech. Now it's time to find out what meanings this language unit has. And it is multi-valued and is used in a variety of speech situations. With the help of Efremova's dictionary, we will figure out what interpretations the word "gallery" has.
Architectural term
This is the name of a long corridor, with the help of which separate buildings or their parts are connected. It could be a corridor inside a building.
Also called a gallery a room in which one of the longitudinal walls is a continuous row of large windows: a glazed gallery. This is a bright room, which freely enters a large amount of natural light.

Efremova's dictionary indicates that a gallery is also called a long building, the walls of which are glazed. Or is it a room that is open from the sides. It is used for walking or relaxing.
Top Tier
Theatregoers know exactly what a gallery is. This is the top tier, where the mostaffordable places. They cost an order of magnitude cheaper, you can’t compare with the partner.
But the disadvantage of the gallery in the theater is that it is difficult to see anything on the stage. You have to use binoculars. The sound quality is also not the best. But the tickets are attractively priced, so the gallery (colloquial name for the gallery) is always crowded.
Underground corridor
In war, all means are good. For some combat operations, you have to go underground.
Gallery is a special underground passage used for military purposes. For example, there is such a term - "mine gallery". This is such an underground passage that is laid under the enemy fortifications, and then mines are laid there.
Exhibition space
From war to art. A gallery is a special room in which works of art are exhibited. Or this is a collection of individual works, for example, a gallery of landscapes.

The gallery performs a colossal educational function:
- introduces different artistic movements;
- brings aesthetic pleasure;
- preserves cultural heritage.
Variety of something
The noun "gallery" is endowed with a figurative meaning. So called variety of types or images.
It is about abstract concepts. The word is used in context:
- literature;
- cinema;
- painting.
Meaning of the word"gallery" strikes with variety. This noun is used in architecture, theatre, visual arts, military, and has a figurative meaning.