"Vizhd" - what is it? This lexeme is rarely used in speech. It occurs mainly in poetic speech, when it is required to give the text a sublime coloring. This word is known to the general public from a poem by A. S. Pushkin called "Prophet". You can learn more about the meaning of "see" in the article.
Indefinite form
The word "see" is a verb in the imperative mood, its initial form is "see". For a better understanding of the essence of the issue, it would be advisable to refresh the knowledge concerning its properties about the properties of the verb.
Each of them has a special initial form, also called indefinite or infinitive. It is she who represents the verb in the dictionary. The questions she answers are "what to do?" and “what to do?”. In our case, as mentioned above, the indefinite form is “see.”
Studying the question of what it is - see, you need to consider the dictionary interpretation of the infinitive.
Meaning of the verb

There are several meanings of this word in the dictionary:
- Have a visualability to have vision. Example: "A person can't see well in the dark."
- To perceive any object with sight. Example: “No one saw when he managed to grab things and jump over the fence.”
- Figuratively, it means dating someone. Example: "It so happened that Andrei has not seen Olga for a whole week."
- Also, in a figurative sense, it is to understand, to realize something. Example: “She clearly saw that her power over this man was ending, her spell was no longer working.”
Having de alt with the interpretation of the verb in an indefinite form, you can proceed to a direct consideration of the meaning of the word "see".

Verbs are used in three mood forms. It is about (about):
- Indicative - actions that are happening, have happened and those that will happen.
- Conditional - an action that may occur under certain circumstances.
- Imperative - a call to action.
As for the verb in question, “see” is the third of the indicated forms of the verb “see”, which is also called the imperative. It can be expressed in the form of a request, an order, advice, an appeal. This form is outdated. It is taken from the Old Slavonic language, therefore it is archaic in nature.
The modern synonym for "see" is the colloquial form - "see". As for the modern literary language, the imperative mood from the verb "see" is not formed in it. The obsolete form is applied whenwhen there is a desire to give the text a sublime coloring, a special pathetic meaning, to make a reference to continuity, to history.
In conclusion of the consideration of the meaning of the word "see" it should be said about the most famous case of its use.

This is the name of the poem by A. S. Pushkin, where there are the words: “Arise, prophet, and see, and listen …”. In the memoirs of Alexandra Osipovna Smirnova, maid of honor of the Russian imperial court, nee Rosset, who was a friend and interlocutor of the great poet, there is an interesting episode associated with the creation of this work. It was recorded from the words of Alexander Sergeevich himself.
The poem was written after the poet once again visited the Svyatogorsk Monastery. Once in the monastic cell, he saw that on the table lies the Bible, which is open to the sixth chapter - the Book of the prophet Isaiah. Pushkin read a passage, which he then paraphrased in the poem "The Prophet".
This passage startled the poet and haunted him for several days. One night he wrote a poem. The prophet Isaiah is called the Old Testament evangelist, he has many predictions about the coming of the God-man - Jesus Christ. The poem "Prophet" will be called the best among all that were previously written by the poet. His creative heritage will be divided by literary critics into two periods. Starting with "The Prophet", the "mature" period in the work of the genius of Russian literature will be marked.

The biblical legend says that the prophetIsaiah was God's messenger - Seraphim. Strongly impressed by this meeting, Isaiah began to preach the Law of God among the unbelievers. The author of the poem has completely preserved the biblical story with a slight change.
Instead of the prophet, a poet was depicted, in front of whom is Seraphim. The poet is ready to be reborn as a prophet in order to begin spiritual service to society. In the calling of the poet, as well as the prophet, Pushkin saw the spiritual enlightenment of his contemporaries, bringing them the truth.
To do this, he must carefully monitor everything that happens in the life around him, understand it and pass it through his heart. To emphasize the significance of this lofty mission, the poet uses lofty vocabulary, to which the word "see" refers.