Each part of speech is characterized by certain features peculiar only to it. This allows you to group the words of the Russian language depending on their grammatical properties. They are studied by a special section of the Russian language - morphology, which takes into account, among other things, the non-permanent and permanent morphological features of the adjective, noun, verb, etc. Knowledge of the features of significant and service parts of speech helps to accurately morphologically analyze and correctly build phrases and sentences.
There is a clear scheme of analysis in Russian. For each independent part of speech, it includes the definition of a generalized grammatical meaning (including a question), morphological features (permanent and non-permanent), a syntactic function in a sentence.

What is an adjective
This is a significant part of speech that is often used in descriptive texts. Adjectives denote constant attributes of objects andanswer the questions: what? whose? They enter into semantic connections with nouns and, when forming phrases, agree with them in number, gender, case (non-permanent signs). This part of speech can denote the property of an object without its relationship (young age) or through its relationship (winter day, cow's milk) to other objects and phenomena. Depending on the value, three digits are distinguished - this is a constant feature - an adjective. In a sentence, the words of this part of speech perform the function of a definition or a predicate.

Division into digits
An adjective can describe an object from different angles:
- in shape and position in space: round ball, steep slope;
- size and color: huge tree, green lawn;
- by physical qualities: warm day;
- in intellectual and physiological properties: stupid child, kind person;
- temporally and spatially: morning newspaper, city noise;
- according to the material from which the thing is made: straw man;
- by purpose: sleeping suit;
- according to accessories: uncle's suitcase.
The constant signs of an adjective are their division into three categories: qualitative (hot coffee), relative (winter walk) and possessive (daddy's tie). They are based on meaning, which necessarily correlates with the noun.
Quality adjectives
The most productive group of this part of speech. qualityadjectives are carriers of such a feature that can be observed in an object to a greater or lesser extent, which often manifests itself in the formation of a degree of comparison. The second important property of this group is the use in a short form. It does not change by case and is a predicate, that is, a predicate, in a sentence.

The permanent signs of this category of adjectives are shown as follows.
- The word can have a short form along with the full one: the table is huge.
- Having a degree of comparison: this picture is more beautiful, that house is taller, the strongest fighter, the biggest celebration.
- Ability to form the following groups of words: adverbs in -o, -e: sweeter; abstract nouns: greens; forms containing a subjective assessment: smart; compound adjectives (by repetition): delicious-tasty; cognate word with the prefix non-: not stupid.
- Ability to enter a pair of synonyms or antonyms: hot-cold-warm (tea).
- Used with adverbs with degrees of AT ALL, VERY, EXTREMELY, etc.: very heavy rain.
Not all of the above constant features of the adjective must necessarily appear in the word. At least one of them is enough for the adjective to be classified as qualitative. By the way, some of them have only a short form: must, glad, etc.

Many words of this category are not derivatives: hot, blue. There are also frequent casesformations from nouns (cream color), verbs (moving boy), other adjectives: qualitative (gloomy look) or relative and possessive - golden hands, bearish gait. The formation of new words by adding single-root or repeating words should also be noted: white-white carpet.
Knowing all the features allows you to correctly determine the constant features of the adjective, i.e. the category.
Formation of degrees of comparison
The ability to manifest itself in an object to a greater or lesser extent is sometimes perceived as a constant feature of an adjective. Meanwhile, the category of the degree of comparison can have several forms (this is an indication of inconstancy). It is a distinctive feature of quality adjectives.
Formation of degrees of comparison:
Positive (no rating) | Comparative | Excellent | ||
simple | composite | simple | composite | |
Beautiful | More beautiful | More beautiful | Beautiful | The most beautiful, the most beautiful of all |
As the table shows, the simple form is formed by suffixes (-e, -ee, -she, -aysh-, -eysh), and the compound form is formed by special words added to the full form (more, less, most) or simple comparative degree (all). Another way is suppletive, i.e. from a different basis: good is best(comrade).
Words used in the simple comparative degree do not change.
Signs of relative adjectives
It should be noted right away that this group of words does not have any of the above qualities. The sign that they designate necessarily correlates with another object or event. This is manifested in the possibility of replacing the phrase [noun + adjective] with the synonymous [noun + noun]. For example, a wooden fence=a wooden fence. The relation of one object to another for relative adjectives can be as follows:
- by time: last year's meeting;
- in place: church chant;
- by material: metal rod;
- by purpose: mantel clock.
The relative also includes compound adjectives, the first part of which is a numeral: a two-story building, a three-year-old baby.
The constant morphological features of the relative adjective are also manifested in the fact that they have only a full form.

The derivative basis for relative adjectives are nouns, verbs, adverbs, and the method of formation is suffixal (-n-, -an-, -yan-, -in-, -enn-, -onn-, -l-). For example, hazy look, clay bowl, lecture time, skimming.
Permanent signs of the possessive adjective
This group expresses the belonging of an object to someone: a person, an animal. Primarilythey can be identified by the question: whose? They, like relative ones, do not have a degree of comparison, full and short forms. These are the main constant features of the adjective of this category.
A feature of possessive adjectives is their morphemic composition. They are formed from nouns with the help of suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -ij-: fathers office, mother's coat, fox ears. If for qualitative and relative adjectives -i is the ending (blue-its-eat), then for possessives it is a suffix visible when recording the transcription (sound composition) of the word. For example: fox [l, is, th, -eva].

Transition of adjectives from one category to another
The meaning and grammatical features of an adjective are often conditional. They can acquire a figurative meaning and move from one category to another. Thus, the relative adjective often acts as a qualitative one, especially in works of art (an additional means of expressiveness). This can be seen in the example of phrases with the adjective IRON: the door is relative, the will is qualitative.
Reverse processes are not so frequent. A quality adjective usually changes rank if it is part of the term: light industry.

Possessive adjectives have a similar property. And more often this applies to words associated with animals. For example, combinationswords HARE with different nouns: nora (possessive), hat (relative - from what?), cowardice (qualitative).