Hellas is the ancient name of Greece. This state had a significant impact on the further development of Europe. It was here that such a concept as “democracy” first appeared, the foundation of world culture was laid here, the main features of theoretical philosophy were formed, and the most beautiful monuments of art were created. Hellas is an amazing country, and its history is full of secrets and mysteries. In this publication you will find the most interesting facts from the past of Greece.
From the history of Hellas
In the history of Ancient Greece, it is customary to distinguish 5 periods: Crete-Mycenaean, Dark Ages, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
The Crete-Mycenaean period is associated with the appearance of the first state formations on the islands of the Aegean Sea. Chronologically, it covers 3000-1000 years. BC e. At this stage, the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations appear.
The period of the Dark Ages is called "Homeric". This stage is characterized by the final decline of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, as well as the formation of the first prepolis structures. About this periodSources are almost non-existent. In addition, the time of the Dark Ages is characterized by the decline of culture, economy and the loss of writing.
The archaic period is the time of the formation of the main policies and the expansion of the Hellenic world. In the 8th century BC e. The Great Greek colonization begins. During this period, the Greeks settled along the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. During the archaic, early forms of Hellenic art took shape.

The classical period is the heyday of the Greek policies, their economy and culture. In the V-IV centuries. BC e. the concept of "democracy" appears. In the classical period, the most significant military events in the history of Hellas take place - the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian wars.
The Hellenistic period is characterized by close interaction between Greek and Eastern cultures. At this time, there is a flourishing of art in the state of Alexander the Great. The Hellenistic period in the history of Greece lasted until the establishment of Roman domination in the Mediterranean.
The most famous cities of Hellas
It is worth noting that in Greece during the period of antiquity there was no single state. Hellas is a country that consisted of many policies. In antiquity, a city-state was called a polis. Its territory included the city center and the chora (agricultural settlement). The political management of the policy was in the hands of the People's Assembly and the Soviet. All city-states were different in terms of population and territory.
The most famous cities of ancient Greece are Athens and Sparta(Lacedaemon).
- Athens is the cradle of Greek democracy. Famous philosophers and orators, heroes of Hellas, as well as famous cultural figures lived in this policy.
- Sparta is a vivid example of an aristocratic state. The main occupation of the population of the policy was the war. It was here that the foundations of discipline and military tactics were laid, which were later used by Alexander the Great.

Culture of Ancient Greece
The myths and legends of Ancient Greece played a unifying role for the culture of the state. Each sphere of life of the Hellenes was subject to general ideas about deities. It is worth noting that the foundations of the ancient Greek religion were formed back in the Cretan-Mycenaean period. In parallel with mythology, a cult practice also arose - sacrifices and religious festivals, accompanied by agons.
Ancient Greek literary tradition, theatrical art and music are also closely connected with mythology.
Urban planning was actively developing in Hellas and beautiful architectural ensembles were created.

The most famous figures and heroes of Hellas
- Hippocrates is the father of Western medicine. He is the founder of the medical school, which had a huge impact on all ancient medicine.
- Phidias is one of the most famous sculptors of the classical era. He is the author of one of the seven wonders of the world - the statue of Olympian Zeus.
- Democritus is the father of modern science, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. He is considered the founderatomistics - the theory according to which material things are made up of atoms.
- Herodotus is the father of history. He studied the origins and events of the Greco-Persian wars. The result of this research was the famous work "History".
- Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, physicist and astronomer.
- Pericles is an outstanding statesman. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Athens policy.
- Plato is a famous philosopher and orator. He is the founder of the first educational institution in Western Europe - the Plato Academy in Athens.
- Aristotle is one of the fathers of Western philosophy. His writings covered almost all areas of society.

The importance of ancient Greek civilization for the development of world culture
Hellas is a country that has had a huge impact on the development of world culture. Here such concepts as "philosophy" and "democracy" were born, the foundations of world science were laid. The ideas of the Greeks about the world, medicine, civil society and man also influenced the fate of many Western European states. Any field of art is connected with this great state, be it theater, sculpture or literature.