Surely you have seen a sloppy person more than once. On the subway, he eats a greasy pie, and then stains his clothes with oil. At home, he leaves behind dirty dishes, not wanting to wash them right away. He bites his nails while away. His clothes have not known washing for a long time, and he has long forgotten about going to the hairdresser. This article will focus on the word "sloppiness". Alas, a common occurrence these days.
Part of Speech
There are different parts of speech in Russian. They perform different functions and are used to clearly express their own thoughts. What part of speech is the word "sleazy"?
This is an important question. To get an answer, you need to trace how this word is used in the sentence, what logical question you can ask to it. For example, you can make such a simple sentence.
"Your slovenliness infuriates everyone"
Let's analyze this sentence and the role of the word slovenliness in it. It has a dependent word: "slovenliness (what?)yours". It performs an action, is in the role of the subject: "sloppiness (what does it do?) infuriates".
Finally, "slovenliness" names a certain abstract concept. At the mention of this language unit, a specific image is immediately drawn in the imagination (everyone has his own): a woman in the market in a dirty apron, bitten nails, and so on.
So, "sloppiness" is a noun. It stands in the feminine gender. The plural form is also possible - "slovenliness" (but it is extremely rare in speech). The stress falls on the second syllable, the vowel "I".

Lexical meaning
Having determined the part of speech, we can proceed to the interpretation of the word "sloppiness". This is a common word, so it is important to know its interpretation. It has two main shades of meaning.
- Something without neatness, sloppy. This interpretation refers to appearance, clothing and personal hygiene. For example: messy hair, messy suit, messy hands.
- Something hastily done, reluctantly, carelessly. This word refers to the work that a person has done, its poor quality is emphasized. For example: sloppy tailoring, sloppy drawing, sloppy report.
It is worth noting that the meaning of the noun slovenliness is related to the adjective slovenly. Often in explanatory dictionaries the interpretation of the word sloppiness is not given. Instead, it is stated that it is a noun for the adjective "sloppy". Therefore, it is this adjective that needs to be looked up in the dictionary.

Sample sentences
The best way to remember the definition of the noun "sloppiness" is to make several sentences with this word.
- "Remember that being sloppy doesn't make you a nice person."
- "It seems to me that slovenliness is a direct indicator of how a person feels about himself."
- "Children are taught from childhood that slovenliness is a bad trait."
- "You ruin your relationship with others by being sloppy."
- "The slovenliness of this drawing is amazing, not a single clear line!".
- "Nobody will even want to take this notebook in their hands, your slovenliness is beyond all limits."
- "The car is strikingly unkempt, apparently it is not removed."
- "Sloppiness is not something to be proud of."

Synonyms for the word
Sometimes the word slovenliness is often used in a text or conversation. This greatly complicates the perception of information. To eliminate repetitions, it is better to use a synonym for the word "sloppiness". Below are some options.
- Negligence. "I am amazed at the carelessness you show towards my problem, I expected your sincere participation and help."
- Inattention. "Due to your inattention, the report is full of errors, you will have to redo it again and fix itinaccuracies".
- Uncleanliness. "Girls, uncleanliness is a sign of your laziness and an elementary unwillingness to take care of yourself."
- Untidiness. "We were struck by the slovenliness of this entertainer's shirt, it was covered in greasy stains."
- Sloppy (synonymous with stylistically neutral, can be used in all styles of speech). "Due to inaccurate calculations, the scientific experiment failed."
- Negligence. "He was ironing his suit with such negligence that I wanted to ask if he had ever held an iron in his hands."
- Bad faith. "You did the job with such dishonesty, mixed everything up, you should be very ashamed."
Synonyms should be chosen according to the specific context. They should clearly convey the information that the author wants to convey.

Antonyms for the word
It's nice to go from negative to something positive. The word inaccuracy also has antonyms. That is, these are words that indicate order, purity and diligence. Here are some examples.
- Accuracy. "The calculations were carried out with amazing accuracy, so the laboratory experiment was a success."
- Keeping order. "A person who respects order never loses important things."
- Neatness. "The drawings were made with care, without a single blot."
- Pedantry. "The pedantry with which Ilya Ivanovich worked caused whiteenvy, everyone wanted such order on the desktop and in business."
- Performance. "Vasily Petrovich can boast of amazing diligence, he never lets things take their course."
- Carefulness. "Masha always surprised me with her thoroughness, she never rushed and brought things to the end."
Such antonyms for "slovenliness" can be picked up. It is important to remember that they are not interchangeable. For example, the word "accuracy" is not appropriate to describe appearance. It is better to use the noun "neatness".

How to overcome sloppiness?
Can slovenliness be eradicated? Or will bitten nails and stained shirts remain forever? In fact, fighting slovenliness is not only possible, but necessary.
The habit of looking and working messy leads to confusion in thoughts and life. A person simply loses sight of important aspects of life.
To end the sloppy look and improve your life, you should start with something small. For example, clean up your bag. Trim your nails neatly. Perfect for ironing trousers. Or shine your shoes.
It's worth taking a small step first. Then gradually accustom yourself to neatness. Do not immediately move on to cardinal changes. This is a lot of stress. You need to change yourself little by little, but every day. And then no one will call you a sloppy person.