The names of the ancient goddesses of Greece are probably known to everyone. To know them, it is not necessary to read myths. They are so well known. But who are the ancient goddesses of Greece? What power were they endowed with and what did they give people?

This goddess is considered the wife and sister of the chief god Zeus. She is known as the patroness of marriage and personifies marital fidelity. The ancient goddesses of Greece are described in different ways in myths. Hera is portrayed as the guardian of morality. She punishes her offenders. Her rivals and even their children are especially hard hit. In ancient Greece, Hera was credited with traits such as vanity and lust for power. It was they who forced her to brutally crack down on women who put their own and even other people's beauty above her own.
Like other ancient goddesses of Greece, Demeter was responsible for a certain industry. The Greeks revered her very much, as she sent down a good harvest. Demeter was considered the goddess of fertility. As a rule, she was depicted in a wreath of poppies or ears of corn and in a long dress. Another option was ears or poppy heads in one hand, and a torch or sickle inanother. Demeter's face was sad. This is due to her periodic separation from her daughter Persephone, who was forced to descend to her husband in the underworld.

Even if the ancient goddesses of Greece say little about any personality, probably everyone has heard about Aphrodite at least out of the corner of their ear. According to myths, she was the daughter of Uranus and was born in the sea foam near Cyprus, which is why she was called Cyprida. Aphrodite was the deity of the productive force of nature. However, in later times she was considered the daughter of Dione and Zeus and was the goddess of beauty, the personification of earthly love. However, in ancient Greece, there was no difference between these deities. In myths, Aphrodite is called both the daughter of Zeus and the foam-born. Since she was the goddess of beauty and love, she was depicted lightly covered or completely naked. All the goddesses of ancient Greece had their own unique attributes. Pictures with them can be seen in this publication. The main attribute of the images of Aphrodite was nudity.
Pallas Athena
This goddess was the favorite daughter of Zeus. Athena is an ancient Mycenaean deity. She was born from the head of the main god of Olympus. According to myths, the goddess of the mind, Metis, was pregnant by Zeus. According to the predictions, the child was supposed to surpass his father in his strength.

Zeus made Metis shrink in size and swallowed it. However, the fetus did not die, but continued its development in the head of the main god of Olympus. Prometheus (Hephaestus, according to other sources)at the request of Zeus, he cut his head, from which Athena emerged in full military equipment. She controlled many spheres of life and natural phenomena. Athena commanded the heavenly elements, was a healer, a deity of fertility. According to legend, it was she who taught people how to tame horses and build houses.
This goddess is the sister of Apollo. She patronized the forests and their inhabitants, springs, wet glades, helped with childbirth, when the baby came out from night to day. Artemis was considered the giver of dew, the patroness of hunters and the personification of the moon, displacing the more ancient lunar goddess, Selena. As a deity of hunting, she is depicted with a doe at her feet and in a short dress. Like the goddess of the moon on Artemis, she had a long dress and a torch in her hand.