Building vocabulary: a guest is

Building vocabulary: a guest is
Building vocabulary: a guest is

What words do you associate with the noun "guest"? For example, with the words "permanent", "stand", "cost". I wonder if the real meaning of this word has similarities with one of these associations? In this article, we will talk about the meaning of the noun "guest", its morphological features and select synonyms for it.

A guest is…

To find out the exact meaning of this word, let's turn to explanatory dictionaries for help.

Terrible guests
Terrible guests

So, a guest is a temporary resident, that is, someone who was allowed to stay.

Morphological characteristics

From the point of view of morphology, "guest" is an animate common noun, masculine, second declension.

Case Question Singular Plural
Nominative Who? The guest brought a terriblemess. My sixth sense told me that it was not the guests who were to blame for the incident.
Genitive Who? The guest was not in the apartment. All summer, Ariadne was looking for suitable guests.
Dative Who? We never got used to the guest with his quirks. The girl tried not to catch the eyes of the guests.
Accusative Who? Nikita Viktorovich did not like the new guest at first sight. Marina has never seen such guests before: they should definitely have their own accommodation.
Instrumental Who? Larisa Andreevna was pleased with the guest: a quiet, non-drinking intellectual. Clouds gathered over the hotel guests.
Prepositional case About whom? What can you tell us about your latest guest? The guests were wearing the same robes, probably official ones.

Synonyms for "guest"

Synonyms make our speech more beautiful and varied. What synonyms can be chosen for the word considered in the article?

A guest is a tenant, a lodger.

Phrases with the word "guest"

What can a guest be like?

Strange guests
Strange guests

Young, new, old, old, evil, kind, fat, thin, last, mysterious, strange, deceitful, honest, mean,sincere, rich, poor, beggar, we althy, skinny, hungry, unemployed, drunk, sober, he althy, sick, talented, lean, lazy, hard-working, rude, polite, drunk, temporary, constant, the only one, bored, cunning, artless, cheerful, sad, well-fed, small, tall, well-mannered, educated, illiterate, deaf, blind, lame, economic, loud-mouthed, quiet, married, single, taciturn, adult, interesting, eloquent, tongue-tied, ragged.
