Building vocabulary: agreement is

Building vocabulary: agreement is
Building vocabulary: agreement is

Silence is a sign of consent. Consent strengthens the house. Where there is love, there is consent. These proverbs are familiar to almost everyone. What unites them? That's right: the word "consent"! From this article you will learn what it means, how it changes in cases and numbers. What synonyms can this word be replaced to avoid repetition?

Consent is…

The approximate meaning of the word "consent" is known to everyone. To clarify it, let's turn to explanatory dictionaries for help.

consent is…
consent is…

Consent is:

  1. An affirmative answer to a question or request, permission.
  2. Agreement between the parties.
  3. Common worldview.
  4. Peaceful, calm relationship.
  5. Harmony.

Morphological characteristics, declension

From the point of view of morphology, consent is a common and inanimate noun of the neuter gender. All inflected neuter nouns belong to the second type of declension.

Case Question Singular Plural
Nominative What? Agreement begins with understanding. consent
Genitive What? After many months, the boys finally reached an agreement. consent
Dative What? When will you come to an agreement? consent
Accusative What? Watching harmony and love in their house and a little envy. consent
Instrumental What? Karina, without hesitation for a second, agreed to the marriage proposal. consent
Prepositional case About what? In harmony lies the secret of harmony in the family. about consents

I would like to note that plural forms are practically not used in everyday speech.

Consent: synonyms

Synonyms allow you to choose the most appropriate from a variety of words with a similar or the same meaning.

Consent: synonym
Consent: synonym

Consent is:

  • "yes";
  • harmony;
  • agrement;
  • permission;
  • favor;
  • understanding;
  • ready;
  • agreement;
  • friendliness;
  • unity;
  • unity;
  • permission;
  • agreement;
  • lad;
  • "okay";
  • "yeah";
  • "yeah";
  • approval;
  • permission;
  • permission;
  • consonance;
  • deal;
  • unison.

Phrases with the noun "consent"

What adjectives go with "consent"?

Complete, incomplete, partial, immediate, instantaneous, written, mutual, general, universal, public, popular, silent, preliminary, final, written; oral; national; political; international; economic, principled, voluntary, absolute, amiable, forced, necessary, belated, formal, factual, friendly, conjugal, sincere, unanimous, ostentatious, insincere, false, unambiguous.
