How to compose a fable? Approximate instruction, as well as related reflections

How to compose a fable? Approximate instruction, as well as related reflections
How to compose a fable? Approximate instruction, as well as related reflections

Sometimes a person comes up with all sorts of thoughts and strange questions, such as how to compose a fable. For all lovers of strange questions, we will try to give a certain direction in solving this problem. Naturally, most likely, a person who asked such a question is unlikely to claim the laurels of La Fontaine and Krylov, and nevertheless, sometimes a person wants exotic things, or he has schoolchildren. And at school, as you know, there are all sorts of tasks.

how to write a fable
how to write a fable

Moral of the fable

Before you think specifically about how to compose a fable, you need to understand what kind of morality you want to “mount” in it. Simply put, what should this creation teach.

If we read interviews of different writers, they almost unanimously say: "The idea is the head of everything." In this case, the volume of the work of art is completely unimportant, the main thing is that it does notwas meaningless.

Usually if a person asks himself how to compose a fable with a moral, then he has a clear goal, why he needs this fable. For example, a parent wants to compose something to show a child how good it is to keep their room clean. The plot is built according to the author's intention.

Since our task is to show a specific example of composing a fable, we will use the moral of the fable "The Fox and the Grapes" and come up with new characters, or rather, even a face.


write a fable with a moral
write a fable with a moral

The next step in solving the "how to compose a fable" problem is choosing a character. Usually these are animals that are very similar to people. But here it is important to observe some realism. Animals should really be like people in their habits or in those ideas that are traditionally accepted in society. For example, the ant in the fable cannot be lazy, and the dragonfly cannot be a workaholic. For this is contrary not only to certain images of animals, but also to cultural tradition. And yes, this is especially important when it comes to how to compose a fable with a moral.

In other words, maybe a fable is, of course, a fiction, but everything in it must be realistic and built on the basis of at least worldly common sense.

A dog and a shop window, or a Fox and grapes in a new way

compose a fable grade 5
compose a fable grade 5

Imagine a wet hungry stray dog walking the streets, he is malnourished and underdrinking. And then a butcher shop window appears in front of him, there are hams, chicken, meat for every taste andprosperity. But here's the problem: dogs are not allowed in the store. Our dog walks around the window this way and that, but no. Glass does not allow him to break through to the desired object. And then he says to himself: “Probably they sell rotten stuff,” and goes away to dig in a nearby trash can.

This is how the essay turned out, we wrote it as an answer to the question of how to compose a fable. It cannot be said that we succeeded, like the classics, but it also seems to be quite tolerable.

Now let's talk about what to do if the fountain of fantasy has dried up.

How to find a plot and moral for a new fable?

Again, depending on what the author wants to get from the fable. In general, you can use the fates and characters of your immediate environment as material, but only in such a way that the prototypes do not guess.

By the way, that's why the main characters in fables are usually animals. They are some collective images of all people, and if all, then no one in particular. They are laughed at because no one thinks of himself and everyone looks at his neighbor. They cackle at our smaller brothers. And all because the fabulists, thinking about the plot of the next fable, are wondering what kind of fable to compose about animals? But if animals composed, then we humans would not find it enough.

If nothing comes to mind, and you are creatively barren, then try to imagine those around you in the guise of animals. Your wife, boss, colleagues, friends. In this case, life itself will helpfully suggest a plot.

The child and the fable

write a fable about animals
write a fable about animals

True, if a child decides to take up creativity, then everything is much easier for him. Children think very figuratively, probably up to 15 years, then, when the turbulent time of puberty begins, a person loses the connecting thread with childhood, and thinking becomes “adult”.

After all, Christ not for nothing bequeathed: "Be like children." And the point here is not only that the newcomers to the world are sinless and very close to God, but that children's thinking is not yet blinkered, they are very close to life, to its primary source, so writing is very easy for them. For them, writing is like breathing. It is also indicative that for a child the fantasy world is closer than the real world. Children could subscribe to the words of G. Hesse: “Reality is rubbish”, but when people grow up, they take this rubbish seriously and forget about the important things.

Thus, if you offer a student, for example, 5th grade to create a fable, he will easily do it. True, only if the parents control the process. They should ask themselves the question of how to compose a fable. 5th grade, for example, can be chosen as a target, so he should take it favorably. If you are lucky and you have a quick-witted fifth grader at home, then give the composition of the fable to him at his mercy, just direct your child’s violent fantasy into the mainstream of cultural norms and common sense.

We hope that the article will help to write at least one decent fable.
