Many words within the framework of Russian speech sound almost the same, which makes even native speakers into a stupor. What can we say about the unfortunate foreigners who are forced to memorize not only definitions from dictionaries, but also master the conversational format?
Here, for example, the word "shock". "It's something to do with haste," you say, and you're wrong. So how did this concept come about? What feelings and emotions does it hint at? Just look at the languages of the Slavic group.
Etymological analysis
There are many options for old and modern Czech. It has many meanings mixed in:
- torment, flour;
- drunk, dope;
- numbness;
- delight.
It becomes clear that consciousness in this state is literally torn from multidirectional emotions. A person falls into a slight stupor, cannot fully decide whether to rejoice in him or suffer.

The Old Russian version of "Otorop" is more specific and means:
- confusion;
- insensibility;
- confusion;
- fright.
For an ordinary person, the word "take aback" does not have the most positive meaning. A state of severe stress, physical and spiritual numbness, when it takes some time to fully analyze the situation. This happens with the news of an unexpected dismissal, an incident involving a loved one. However, not so sad situations are possible: news about the imminent birth of a child or winning the lottery.
Modern interpretation
The term is considered colloquial, it has no place in an official discussion or at a social event when you want to demonstrate refined manners. It is deciphered in two ways:
- extreme confusion;
- fright due to a sudden incident.
If you want to declare your condition or tell some entertaining story to those present, the word will be appropriate. It allows you to elegantly bypass the concept of "fear", to veil it with sublime intonations. In addition, "take aback" is a broader definition that describes how you feel in any environment.

Home use
When can you feel it? The word is more often remembered in unpleasant situations: someone scratched your car, or they sent an exorbitant bill from the bank. But there is no negative connotation. After all, any non-standard, unusual circumstances for a person can cause bewilderment.
Thus, older people feel dumbfounded when they need to work on a computer, and young people when studyingnative language. This is a natural state that allows time for reflection. First stops, and then mobilizes the mental resource of the body.