Vanity is a meaningful and ambiguous characteristic. Sometimes it is true, sometimes not. But there is a word, why don't we discuss it? Learn the meaning, origin and make sentences. If everyone is ready, then we begin.
Fuss - is it an objective assessment or a subjective one? Rather, the second. Why? Because for the source of fuss, the latter always makes sense, even if from the outside the activity seems like mouse fuss. Therefore, if you try to give a philosophical definition, then vanity is an activity devoid of any meaning from the point of view of the observer. But if someone spends his time in this way, it means that he finds some content in it (the bustle). More examples will follow. And we would like to turn to history.
It turns out that the noun comes from the word "sui", which in Old Church Slavonic meant "empty, insignificant".
Therefore, our ancestors were also quite successful in separating the important from the unimportant. Another thing is that even then all these judgments were of a relative and evaluative nature.

Ifeverything is so, and the noun has been with us for a long time, it will probably be interesting to find out how much the word has changed or, on the contrary, retains its connection with the roots. Let's open the explanatory dictionary and see what's there:
- Everything is vain, empty, without true value, dust (in the second meaning) - obsolete and bookish.
- Hurry and disorderly chores, excessive haste in movements, in work, in behavior.
The previous story was devoted to the first meaning, and we practically did not cover the second. Although this fuss, of course, is much more common. As for futility, this is always a very controversial issue. The main thing is not to dwell too much on this thought.
Sentences with the word

However, let's look at examples of what is meant. Definitions are good, they make you think more clearly. But without examples, such information still remains an abstraction. Let's move on to the offers:
- After he was never promoted, he considered all his work to be vanity and useless nonsense.
- After his parents returned, Sasha began to fuss a lot: firstly, he threw more paper on his desktop so that it looked like he was studying; secondly, he took on a thoughtful air, bending over this mess. From the outside it looked funny. In other words, vanity dominated his actions.
- The guests came - and the fuss arose, which immediately began to unnerve.
You can both ex alt worldly trifles and underestimate. We calltake them well. There is only one problem: how exactly to understand what is important and what is not? Sometimes it takes a lifetime to solve such a problem, and understanding the meaning of trifles can begin with understanding the meaning of the word “vanity”. Let the reader believe that he has already successfully overcome the first stage.