To understand the essence of a particular science, you must first of all enjoy learning, discovering something new. In this case, it's chemistry. Believe me, she can give the student of her true pleasure. And this is not just an accumulation of knowledge with a dry balance of facts. It is very interesting to observe chemical transformations, and illustrative examples in the laboratory can arouse the brightest interest in the student! Because chemistry is the basis of the foundations of all substances, those from which the world around us is created. Welcome to this interesting world!

What does chemistry study
Let's figure out what the subject of study is. Simply put, chemistry is the science of matter (which, as we know, takes up volume and has a certain mass). So, this science investigates the structure and properties of substances and all the changes that occur with them. Any of them is either pure, or may consist of a mixture of elements. BUTthe transformation of one into another is called a chemical reaction. A new substance is formed - and it's like magic! Not for nothing that in ancient times alchemists were treated as wizards, believing that they could obtain gold from other metals.

General classification
Chemistry is a mighty tree with powerful branches - sections of this science. They are quite different in their tasks and methods, but they are firmly connected. Chemistry sections:
- Analytical. Tells about how much and what substances are contained in a particular mixture. Performs analysis (quantitative and qualitative) using a wide range of tools.
- Biochemistry. Its subject of study is the chemical reactions that occur in organisms. Metabolism and digestion, respiration and reproduction - all this is the prerogative of this science. Research is carried out by scientists at the microscopic or molecular level.
- Inorganic. It is associated with research in the field of inorganics (for example, s alts). The structures and properties of these compounds and their individual components are analyzed. All elements of the periodic table are also studied here (excluding carbon, which "got" organic chemistry).
- Organic. This is the chemistry that studies the compounds of carbon. Scientists know a great many (millions!) of such compounds, but every year they discover and create more and more new ones. They are used in petrochemistry, polymer production, pharmaceuticals.
- Physical. Here the subject of study is the patterns of reactions in relation tophysical phenomena. This branch deals with the physical properties and behavior of substances, develops models and theories of action.
Relatively new branch of chemistry and biology. The subject of study is the modification or creation of genetic material (or organisms) for certain scientific purposes. The latest technologies and research in this area are used in cloning, in obtaining new crops, developing disease resistance and negative heredity in living organisms.

Ancient history
The meaning of the word "chemistry" for human civilization can be assimilated by tracing the stages of development of this science. Since time immemorial, people, sometimes without realizing it, have used chemical processes to obtain metals from ore, to dye fabrics and dress leather. Thus, at the dawn of cultural life and the development of the civilized world, the chemical doctrine was born.
Medieval and Renaissance
Alchemy appears in the new era. Its main task is the acquisition of the so-called "philosopher's stone", and the passing - the transformation of metals into gold. By the way, many historians believe that it was alchemy that gave a huge impetus to the development of chemical science.
In the Renaissance, such studies began to be used for practical tasks (in metallurgy, the production of ceramics and paints, glassmaking); there is a specialized direction of alchemy - medical.
17-19th century
In the second half of the 17th century, R. Boyle gave the first scientific definition of the concept of "chemical element".
In the second half of the 18th, the transformation of chemistry into a science is already coming to an end. By this time, the laws of conservation of mass in chemical reactions have been formulated.
In the 19th century, John D alton laid the foundation for chemical atomism, and Amedeo Avogadro coined the term "molecule". Atomic-molecular chemistry is established in the 60s of the 19th century. A. M. Butlerov creates the theory of construction of chemical compounds. D. I. Mendeleev discovers the periodic law and the table.

Many of them have been established throughout the development of chemistry. The following are only the main ones.
A substance is a type of matter that has certain chemical and physical properties. This is a collection of atoms and molecules, which is in a state of aggregation. All physical bodies are made of substances.
Atom - chemically indivisible, the smallest particle of substances. It includes a nucleus and an electron shell.
What about chemical elements? Each of them has its own name, its own serial number, location in the periodic table. To date, 118 elements are known in the natural environment (the extreme Uuo is ununoctium). Elements are labeled with symbols that represent 1 or 2 letters of the Latin name (for example, hydrogen is H, the Latin name is Hydrogenium).