Olaf Kaldmeier is an admiral who does not expect indulgence

Olaf Kaldmeier is an admiral who does not expect indulgence
Olaf Kaldmeier is an admiral who does not expect indulgence

The fantasy world is extremely rich in strong personalities, whose bewitching actions make you forget peace and sleep, seek to expand the horizon of events offered by the author. One of the haunting worlds is the amazing Universe created by the imagination of Vera Kamsha - Eterna.

Taking the ship
Taking the ship

Olaf Kaldmeier

The character with the Scandinavian name is the inspiration behind the famous author and performer named Chancellor Guy. Hearing the songs of the Chancellor at least once, he will never forget their soul and heart tearing piercing. What set Olaf apart from the others inhabiting Eterna? Reflections of Eterna is a saga about the people who inhabit Catriana. Initially, Eterna's task was to contain the evil power of "strangers", whose main task is to destroy the world. But then things went wrong…

Everything that happens leads to the death of Katriana, especially in the fate of Talig - the central kingdom of this world. One of the iconic events is the naval battle between the Talig and Driksen fleets. Drixen's fleet was commanded by Admiral Olaf Kaldmeier. His squadron was almost completely destroyed, andhe, wounded, was captured by Rotger Valdez, along with his adjutant Rupert fok Felsenburg.

Admiral in captivity

fantasy heroes
fantasy heroes

Olaf Kaldmeer, nicknamed the Iceman, came from a hereditary gunsmith family, but over time he realized that his element was the sea. Olaf ran away from home and joined a ship. Thanks to his character traits and personal qualities, one day Kaldmeer was promoted to admiral zur see.

He got the nickname Icy for the property of his eyes, which at the moment of emotional stress turned into ice, and his face seemed to freeze. Like a sphinx, he impartially looked at the world. For Kaldmeer, such concepts as duty, honor, and homeland are very important. He fights for his people, for the king, for the interests of Drixen. He sees it as his duty to protect the comrades who fight alongside him…

And now, Olaf is in captivity. Chancellor Guy in the romance "Olaf Kaldmeer" seemed to look into the soul of the admiral, which is why she sings:

The days go by like seagulls

The more surprising this strange captivity:

I lost what I could lose, But getting much better in return!

The author of the romance is the Canally Crow

Chancellor Guy
Chancellor Guy

Chancellor Guy (real name Maya Kotovskaya) is the one who once upon a time was called the word "minstrel". The depth of the songs and their historicism speak of the knowledge that the Chancellor is trying to convey to the world. The style of the songs is quite diverse: lyrics, humor, blues. The author plays the electric guitar in his band"Country Bragan d´Erth" and prefers to be called by his stage name, so sometimes there is confusion in the minds of some listeners.

By the way, the Chancellor has other pseudonyms in use: the Red Chancellor, Gui La Ross, the Canally Crow. When the Chancellor was asked how she writes songs, she replied:

"Songs are written simply because they are written. Two-thirds of them do not contain any hidden layers under them."

Of course, you can not regard it as "walking, walking and found". Any creativity is inspired by what always gives impetus - a film, a book, an event. Creating his romance, Chancellor Guy in Olaf Kaldmeer, his words and thoughts conveyed so many longings, feelings and experiences of the admiral that the listeners will have enough to listen and reflect on the nature of Iceman's feelings for a long time.

Caldmeier and Valdes
Caldmeier and Valdes

You will inevitably think about the addressee of the romance. Of course, there is no alternative: Chancellor Guy dedicates Olaf Kaldmeer's romance to Rotger Valdes - the one who defeated the Drixen fleet, Vice Admiral Taliga, who inspired the Chancellor to a new song already addressed to Olaf:

Admiral, you are defeated. As sad as it is, Luck turned away from you today.

Your heart is dark and piercingly empty:

Everything as it is - no offense, no embellishment…

Icy and Mad

How many conversations two sailors had, equal in strength and devotion to their ideas! Olaf first met Rotger Valdez in this battle, but later he will playan important role in confronting Taliga with his enemies.

At first glance, Rotger Valdes and Olaf Kaldmeer cannot find a common language, because they are so different! This is noticeable by their nicknames - Ice Caldmeer and Mad Valdez. What do they have in common? Lot. They are united by an awareness of the nature of honor, both willing to die for what they believe in. What feelings can overcome the captured admiral in the evenings?

We do not expect indulgence from each other, Midnight wine flavored with wine, But I won't regret anything:

My fight is lost - but still not lost by me!

Heroes of the Chronicle of Eterna
Heroes of the Chronicle of Eterna

Romances owe their origin to medieval Spain. Among the directions, an elegy (reflection) and a ballad containing a plot are distinguished. Without particularly listening to the words of the romance, we can conclude that this is an elegy. Reflections that the hero's world has changed, that certain events in life make Olaf reconsider values and understand who is more sincere.

Twisting Fate

It cannot be said that in captivity Kaldmeyer was immersed in thoughts about his unfortunate fate. He cannot imagine himself without his service, although he is no longer so immersed in it, because he is in captivity. What can he do?

In Olaf Kaldmeer's romance from Chancellor Guy, the lyrical hero is overwhelmed by conflicting feelings:

My blood laughs in spite of duty, My spirit rushes around like a bird in a cage:

We knew that the South and the North cannot be brought together, But Izlom doesn't know the words "no" and"may".

It's time to compare the break with fate. What is possible, what is impossible - a person will find out only after he dares to touch the unknown, or after something happens that seemed impossible before.

Agree, it is impossible to be 100% sure in advance - the conclusion can be drawn from the opposition. Of course, the cardinal directions cannot change their location, but without changing the impossible, Kaldmeer has changed. Unexpectedly for himself, he finds out that a friend is worse than an enemy, and the anger and temper of the one who is nearby is better than calmness, and peace does not come from searching and throwing.

And I hope, keeping faith in my heart, On one of those long and glassy days

Come where you wait for me, My enemy is better than the most devoted friends!

The evil fire of crazy eyes is so dear to me;

The time will come - and we will get everything, Just remember - I'm happy to meet you

My enemy, Madman is my inseparable friend…

What happens next

Chancellor Guy created a magnificent romance with a surprisingly subtle syllable, where she was able to beautifully and expressively show the full power of feelings that are hidden under the impassive shell of Icy. This romance could be called a confession to Rotger Valdez Olaf Kaldmeer.

The Admiral does not blame anyone, he himself did not expect that everything would happen like this: the death of the fleet, and his captivity, and the treatment of him as a guest, and not as a prisoner - soon everything will change, he will return home, but will be again under arrest, however, thistime not formal. And you can repeat the words again:

Well, lit is supposed to burn, We don't know what fate will throw soon:

She will give life to someone, death to someone, Well, the sea will always judge us with you.

His former entourage will try to blame Valdes for all the troubles in order to justify themselves. Indeed, it is better to be with the enemy…
