Esperanto is interesting! History and features of a unique language

Esperanto is interesting! History and features of a unique language
Esperanto is interesting! History and features of a unique language

Each language has a bizarre history, but, as a rule, they develop spontaneously, and it is simply impossible to determine the exact date of occurrence. These languages have been around for as long as people have. Esperanto is quite another matter. It is an artificial language invented in 1887. Why is it needed and who became its creator?

Esperanto is
Esperanto is

The idea of Lazar Zamenhof

In 1887, a Warsaw doctor came up with the idea of creating a language ideal for international communication. Lazar Zamenhof decided to come up with a system that would allow people from different countries to communicate without difficulty. The new language was supposed to be neutral and more accessible for learning. The idea turned out to be relevant, in addition, Esperanto soon turned into a cultural value. Many different literary works have been written on it. It is interesting that such a project is neither the first nor the only one - people have tried to create an artificial international language more than once. However, only Esperanto is known worldwide and can be considered exemplary in many ways. Zamenhof did not create it alone. He prepared only a draft, which was supplemented in the process of using the language. Development does not stop – everyone who starts learning Esperanto can contribute to itdictionary.

international language
international language

Why are existing languages not suitable?

Many people think that English is quite an international language. It is understood all over the world and taught in schools around the world. However, Esperantists believe that there are better solutions. Like any national language, English is quite difficult and takes time and money to learn. In addition, its use may be discriminatory against others. English-speaking people from birth will always know it better than those who learned it as adults. Esperanto is a great way out of the situation, it is the second for everyone. It is much simpler than any of the existing national ones. Everyone who decides to study it needs a minimum cost, and everyone is on an equal footing.

Artificial international language
Artificial international language

How many native speakers are there?

The exact number of people who use Esperanto is unknown. According to various estimates, it ranges from one hundred thousand to a couple of million. Even according to the most pessimistic data, there cannot be less than twenty thousand Esperantists. In this sense, the international language is not in the worst position - sometimes even fewer native speakers speak national languages, sometimes the figure is double-digit. Considering that Esperanto has existed for only one hundred and fifteen years, this is not a bad figure. In addition, the language is very widespread geographically - it is used in hundreds of countries. Even if there are few Esperanto speakers in the city, electronic meeting calendars and address directories help them get together.

Learn Esperanto
Learn Esperanto

How is language used?

Esperanto is the ideal language for correspondence and oral conversations. But there is also a whole cultural space. Both books written in Esperanto and translated into it are constantly published, radio stations broadcast in this language, about a hundred magazines are published. Carriers are easy to find on the Internet. In addition, scientists often use it. Esperanto is the working language of conferences, symposiums and an entire academy of sciences located in San Marino. It is also used as an intermediary when translating into other languages. Original literature includes texts from a wide variety of genres. The translation impresses with its vastness - for example, almost all Russian classics can be found without problems. It is not difficult to find journalism and textbooks. Sometimes works created in Esperanto are translated into national languages.

What is learning?

Why do you need to know the international language Esperanto? There are many different reasons. Firstly, each bearer supports the justice of international relations, tolerance and equality among all peoples. Secondly, an Esperantist can find an interlocutor in any corner of the Earth. The meetings of the bearers are connected with the original traditions, they are accompanied by a unique atmosphere. Esperantists often provide each other with free accommodation, looking for guests through a special youth program. In addition, the language is distinguished by an interesting and multifaceted culture. It is more accessible than any national, as it can be identified with each specific person. The student does not have to loseown culture. The fourth reason is the opportunity to expand the perception of the world. Understanding that contact with other people from any country can be easy and affordable changes many outlooks on life. Esperanto helps to gain freedom from prejudice. Finally, it's just a way to make interesting acquaintances. Esperantists are unusual people, often with excellent education and many hobbies. The final reason is the ease of learning any other language. Those who know Esperanto learn foreign words and grammar faster than those who start from scratch to learn English or French.
