What is cursive writing - information designed not only to satisfy the thirst for knowledge of an inquisitive reader, but also having practical application for people whose activities are related to the need to perceive and process a large amount of oral text.
Historical background for cursive writing
The alphabet, created in the 9th century by order of the Byzantine emperor by the brothers Cyril and Methodius, was supposed to be used to translate Greek theological books into Slavic. But the clarity and ease of use of the Cyrillic sign system contributed to the rapid and widespread spread of Slavic writing and its use not only in the religious sphere, but also at the household and business level.

By the end of the 10th century, the Slavic alphabet began to be used on the territory of the Old Russian state as a church language. The Old Church Slavonic language is gradually changing under the influence of Eastern Slavic colloquial speech, which has introduced new elements into it.
The manuscripts that have come down to us have allowed scientists to trace the evolution of sign displayCyrillic. The stages of modification of the Old Russian font include the charter script (the oldest manuscripts date back to the 11th century), the half charter, which has been used since the 14th century and became the typeface for the first books printed in Russia, and cursive writing, which appeared almost simultaneously with the semi charter.
Stages in the development of the Russian cursive system
Old Russian cursive arose as a necessary element of a business letter, but rather soon gained wider use. What cursive writing was was known to the general population, and it was used in all areas of life.

During the 16th-17th centuries, cursive writing became practically an independent and mature type of writing, some elements of which have not changed in our time.
Main signs of cursive writing
Cursive had a number of peculiar features. The main difference from other types of ancient Russian writing was the almost complete rejection of the geometric signs, a significant simplification of the classical writing of letters, the convenience and speed of the image. The shape of the signs is round, the spelling of capital and small letters is different, the style is replete with strokes, loops, extensions that go beyond the line, there is a partial connection of letters.

The desire to speed up the process of writing gradually led to greater freedom and ease of writing letters, the appearance of a variety of their image (handwriting), and the continuity of writing lines.
By the first half of the 18th century, the formation of cursive writing, called Old Russian by historians, ends. The next stage in the development of cursive writing in Russia begins, which later received the name civil. It is characterized by simplification and proportionality of the style, the abolition of some elements, greater readability.
During the reform carried out by Peter I at the beginning of the 18th century, 10 letters disappeared from the alphabet and 4 new ones appeared (E, Yo, Y, Ya), superscripts were canceled. There was a separate spelling of words and phrases, a system is being developed for highlighting capital letters.
The appearance of a simpler, more convenient and understandable writing contributed to the development of Russian literature, the spread of literacy and education. The font used in civil cursive is used for printing literary works of a secular nature, scientific papers, government documents, petitions.
The influence of the Latin writing system affects the further development of civil cursive. By the middle of the 19th century, cursive was being formed, the font of which is used almost unchanged in our time.

What is cursive today
There are different ways of writing in short order, based on the use of systems of abbreviated word records - acronyms, abbreviations, abbreviations. Shorthand, cursive writing, semantography, note-taking are methods of speed writing that differ in the way information is recorded in writing, the use of certain sign systems, and the purpose.
Shorthand translation
With regard to translation activities, the question of what cursive writing is is one of the main ones for the implementation of a qualified translation, primarily oral sequential.
Unlike shorthand, which is actually a verbatim record, or note-taking, based on an abbreviated recording of the main essence, cursive translation is, in fact, an auxiliary memory tool that effectively acts to retain the text without significant load. It allows minimizing information losses when translating oral messages of large volume. The cursive used in translation is not a simple fixation of the text, but is accompanied by subjective comprehension to highlight and convey the key information of the message.
Basics of the method
The basic principles and techniques on which universal translation cursive is based include the choice of words with the greatest semantic load, a certain notation system, the exclusion of vowels in the middle of words, as well as double consonants, the use of symbols instead of letters to write semantic supports.
Convenience and effectiveness of the use of symbols lies in the speed of writing, visibility, the ability to focus on the content of the text at the stage of perception. Each translator determines the choice of symbols for himself, often using his own non-linguistic signs.

Today, the use of a high-speed recording system is gradually losing its relevance due to the developmenttechnologies. Nevertheless, for professionals involved in translation activities, knowing what cursive is is a confirmation of their professionalism.