Chinese female names combine respect for tradition, beauty and tenderness. Parents, when deciding what to name a newborn girl, often make a choice based on the character traits that they want to see in their daughter. It is not only the meaning attributed to words that plays a role, but also the secret meaning hidden in them. Not surprisingly, choosing a name in China is often compared to art.
Chinese female names: history
Those who have an idea about the history of the state will easily notice the influence of historical eras on the choice of parents. Chinese names for women are directly related to what qualities are most ex alted in the country in a particular time period. Submission and beauty are virtues that have been valued in a beautiful field throughout the centuries-old history of the state. This was reflected in the girl's names. Examples: Jiao (beautiful), Yunru (pretty).

Slightly changed the situation with the advent of the 20th century. EducationRepublic was accompanied by a gradual recognition of the role played by the fairer sex in society. Names in Chinese for women have become a reflection of social trends, even containing references to the political situation in the country. This was most clearly manifested in the 50-70s, when they liked to call babies in the communist spirit. Examples: Wei Guo (defender of the nation), Ai Dan (loyal to the party).
The idea of what beautiful Chinese female names should be was finally formed at the end of the last century. The individual was put at the forefront, social values receded into the background.
Influence of traditions on the choice of name
Traditions have been respected in this state for centuries. Not surprisingly, Chinese names for women are often chosen based on the rules that are accepted in the family. Let's say all the relatives who decide what to name the child tend to favor the same topic (precious stones, flowers, weather phenomena). Another example of a common tradition is that babies belonging to the same generation receive the same character in the name.

Of particular interest is a custom that is still practiced by highly educated people. When choosing Chinese female names, such parents use the words of classical poetry. The result is beautiful and original.
Babies born in China get more than just names. Each girl must have an affectionate nickname used only by family members. In most cases, this is a short formofficial version.
Unique features
Parents who are going to have a girl don't open names in search of an original and beautiful version. Fantasy is the main tool they use. Mothers and fathers choose Chinese female names for a long time and diligently, the meaning is considered decisive for the fate of their daughter. In this state, there are no generally accepted lists, one of the variants of which can be considered. Absolutely all the words included in the dictionary are at the service of parents.

Interestingly, in ancient times, girls were often called dissonant words, trying in this way to protect babies from insidious spirits. Now it is a relic of the past, the main selection criteria are the lightness of sound, the absence of a negative meaning.
How many Chinese characters are used by parents naming children? Women's names mostly contain one or two. Even in the last century, the second option was more common. The situation has changed somewhat in recent years, as the inhabitants of the state have submitted to the crazy rhythm of life that is characteristic of the current century. Short versions are in vogue: Li, Xiu, Ji.
Combination of first and last name
If the number of words that can become the basis for the name of the fair sex is not limited by any framework, then the situation is different with surnames. In total, approximately 450 variants are known, most of which include one character: Zhang, Wang, Li.

Chinese female names and surnames must be perfectly combined - this rule is almost never violated by mothers and fathers. Not surprisingly, marriage is not considered by girls as a reason to change them. However, the heirs almost always receive the father's surname, which is the guide for parents who decide what to call them.
Names that define character
There is a belief in the country that it is possible to influence the fate of a child. Therefore, often fathers and mothers stop at names that give their daughters certain character traits that contribute to good luck, luck.

- Gee. This option is chosen by parents who dream that the newborn baby will be happy throughout her life. The word is translated as "lucky".
- Hu. A popular Chinese name that assigns its owner such traits as love of freedom, activity, independence, desire for a career. Interpretation of the word: "tigress".
- Shuyin. Who doesn't dream of a gifted child? It is for this purpose that the option is chosen, meaning "talent", "gift".
- Shu. Such a choice suggests that the family wants to raise a fair, reasonable girl.
Names associated with beauty
No matter how turbulent fashion is, many Chinese female names in Russian still sound like “beauty”. Any variations on this theme are popular in the country.
- Guanghui. A combination of hieroglyphs meaning "brilliant", "irresistible".
- Lijuan. Such a name will make its owner the embodiment of all the most beautiful, translated as "grace", "beauty".
- Meiksiu. Another combination of hieroglyphs that combines the two meanings above.
- Meirong. An ideal choice for couples who want to see their daughter not only beautiful, but also well-mannered.
- Lihua. The name not only endows the girl with charm, but also attracts fortune to her side.
Combinations of hieroglyphs are also in demand, extolling the beauty of nature, the features of the month in which the girl was born. For example, a child born in spring might be called Chonghua (spring flower), Ehuang stands for "charm of August".
Gems and female names
Hieroglyphs denoting the names of precious stones are also actively used by families considering how to name a newborn. For those who cannot independently come up with beautiful female names related to this topic, a list. Chinese parents often settle for versions such as Jing (gold), Yubi (emerald), Mingzhu (pearl).

Not only single hieroglyphs are used, but also combinations. For example, Liling is interpreted as "jade ringing", Mingyu as "bright jade".
What is the difference between male and female names traditionally used in China? There are no special endings characteristic of one sex, and there are no declensions. The same hieroglyphs are used, the division appears only in the final meaning.