Prophetic - what is it? Origin, meaning and interpretation

Prophetic - what is it? Origin, meaning and interpretation
Prophetic - what is it? Origin, meaning and interpretation

People have always loved mysticism. Moreover, some inexplicable phenomena amaze even inveterate rationalists. Remember the wonderful couple of federal agents - Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. After all, they personified faith and unbelief, the irrational and the rational. And the latter sometimes gave in to the facts. The article considers the word "prophetic". This is the case where many people agree and acknowledge the phenomena behind this definition.


Witch with red apple
Witch with red apple

Since the word is outdated, or rather, it makes such an impression, it will be interesting to look at its roots. Let's open the etymological dictionary.

The word comes from the same stem as "message". The latter is formed from the basis vd- (vdti - to know). He also has relatives in the form of "veche" and "broadcast". By the way, we note that to broadcast is to speak, now many people use these two words as synonyms. And broadcasting presupposes a certain knowledge. It seems froma lesson can be learned from this: if a person does not know, then it is better for him to be silent.

By the way, a witch walks somewhere not far from this meaning (the quotes have been removed so that the sentence can be interpreted in two ways). Because the word "witch" is derived from the verb "know". Initially, as M. N. Zadornov quite rightly said at one time, the witch was a good characteristic, as the healers were called. Then the meaning was distorted.


A typical image of a psychic
A typical image of a psychic

Not all obsolete words are high style, but in this case we were lucky. And this is not our conjecture, but the information of the explanatory dictionary. Let us turn to him for complete information: prophetic is “foreseeing the future, prophetic.”

And by combining the data of two dictionaries, we can say the following: "prophetic" are called predictions and messages containing certain knowledge. Moreover, this knowledge, as a rule, cannot be calculated. Predicts, suppose, a medium the fate of a person and everything comes true. But there are no rational reasons for this and cannot be. Of course, we could explain why sometimes forecasts work flawlessly, but now is another topic. True, in short, everything rests on the belief of the person himself in the prediction, that's all.

Prophetic dreams. Where does such knowledge come from?

Moon and stars in the clouds
Moon and stars in the clouds

You can't consider the meaning of the word "prophetic" without talking about prophetic dreams. The theme is inexhaustible. However, only two points are important:

  • first, the phenomenon of deja vu,
  • secondly, the phenomenonpredicting the death of another person in a dream.

Both phenomena, by the way, explain how prophetic dreams are. For many, it has happened that a person is in a certain situation and then he is visited by an insight or understanding that he has already been here, he has already said this. This is called "déjà vu". There is a version that the tired brain is to blame for everything, which is belatedly aware of the surrounding reality. But this happens even when a person is alert and full of energy. Sometimes we dream about what happens to us a year or two after, which is why deja vu happens. However, this is also a hypothesis.

But the word "prophetic" is sometimes something that frightens. Because a person often sees bad dreams that come true. You can pick up a lot of examples, but more often it is someone's death. A natural question arises: how can we know this? We have a huge reservoir of meanings built into us - the subconscious. Everything that does not fix consciousness flows into this mystical space, and then in a dream, when the power of consciousness weakens, the subconscious mind shares its observations with us, sometimes they hit right on target.

Prophetic is almost always interesting. The article only opens the door to the mysterious world of the human psyche, and whoever wants to can continue the search on their own.
