One of the most important sectors of the economy is agriculture. Thanks to him, people get food, and processing enterprises get raw materials. Due to the importance of agriculture, the training of qualified specialists for this area is very relevant. In Russia, agricultural educational institutions are engaged in this, one of which is the Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University. Abbreviated designation - KrasGAU. What faculties are there? What speci alties does the Agricultural University (Krasnoyarsk) offer?
Form of ownership and history of creation
Agrarian University in Krasnoyarsk is a state university. This means that it provides its applicants with not only paid places, but also free ones, provides certain categories of students with benefits, scholarships, and issues a state diploma to all graduates.
The year 1953 is considered the date of the emergence of the Agrarian University. In Krasnoyarsk, a higher educational institution was founded at that time, but with a slightly different name. This wasagricultural institute. It functioned until 1994. Then there was a reorganization, as a result of which Krasnoyarsk Agrarian University continued educational activities in the city.

University today in numbers
Educational organization is currently a modern educational institution. The Agricultural University (Krasnoyarsk) offers applicants a correspondence and full-time department. In any of these forms of education, you can get a quality higher education. You can verify these words by analyzing the main figures inherent in the university and its activities:
- the university has 8 institutes, 52 departments;
- there are more than 500 teachers here, most of whom have a degree;
- the university consists of 14 teaching and laboratory buildings, a library room, a training and production center with workshops and a garage;
- the university has 35 innovative divisions, including research laboratories, small innovative enterprises, research and testing center.

Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk): faculties (institutes)
After the founding of the university, several structural divisions - faculties - were created in the agricultural educational institution. The university gradually developed. New divisions appeared in its structure. Now there are no faculties. They were merged intoinstitutions.
The currently existing structural units can be combined into 2 groups - institutions where you can study on a budget, and institutions that train students only for their money.
Institutions with budget places
This group of structural units includes the following institutions:
- Agroecological technologies. In 2007, the Agricultural University (Krasnoyarsk) created this subdivision. The applicant is offered directions related to agronomy, agroecology, agrochemistry, agrosoil science and landscape architecture.
- Veterinary medicine and applied biotechnology. This structural unit appeared in 2008 by order of the rector. It trains specialists for work in such areas as animal husbandry, animal treatment, veterinary and sanitary examinations, production and processing of agricultural products, wildlife research and protection of its we alth.
- Energy and engineering systems. This institute was founded in 2016. In it, students study general engineering disciplines, mechanization of agriculture, its power supply, repair and operation of the machine and tractor fleet.
- Food production. The structural subdivision began its work in 1997. It provides training for the processing and food industries.
- Land management, cadastre and environmental management. The Agricultural University (Krasnoyarsk) offers speci alties here that are related to land management, geodetic,cadastral works, water resources.
- Economy and management. The Institute combines many different areas. They are related to economics, management, state and municipal administration, applied informatics, advertising and public relations in the field of agro-industrial complex.

Institutions that provide only paid educational services
This group of structural subdivisions includes a legal institute. It has been operating since 1992 (then it was a faculty). The Institute trains lawyers and experts. In the learning process, modern technologies are used that allow you to best assimilate the material. Practice plays an important role. They begin with students from the first year.
Among the departments that provide only paid educational services, one can also single out the Institute of International Management and Education. Its history began in 1998. In all areas of training, a foreign language is studied in depth. Successful and promising students are offered internships abroad.

Training areas with budget places
Speci alties Agricultural University (Krasnoyarsk) at the budget department offers the following:
- "Agrochemistry and agrosoil science".
- "Agronomy".
- "Biology".
- "Veterinary".
- Technospheric security.
- "Food from vegetableraw materials.”
- Agroengineering.
- Applied Informatics, etc.
It is not difficult to enter the listed areas of training, because quite a lot of budget places are allocated for them. For example, in 2016, 175 people were credited to the budget for Agroengineering. At the same time, the average sum of points for all entrance examinations was equal to 141.48 in this speci alty. The Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk) also offered many places at Veterinary. Got on the budget of 60 people. The average score was 175.95.

Professions in which education is received only for a fee
The university has areas of study that do not provide budget places:
- "Economy".
- "Management".
- "Personnel Management".
- "Municipal and state administration".
- Business Informatics.
- Jurisprudence.
- Advertising and Public Relations.
- "Service".
- "Economic security".
- "Forensic examination".
In 2016, many people were enrolled in "Jurisprudence" full-time. The documents were accepted by the selection committee from 237 people. The average score was 163.14. The second place in terms of the number of enrolled is "Management". 37 people were accepted for this area of training. The average score for 2016 is 144, 42.

Reviews about the educational organization
Agrarian University (Krasnoyarsk) receives positive feedback from its students. Students point to such advantages of the university as the availability of budgetary and targeted places, a huge list of areas of training and profiles, good teaching staff, and provision of hostels for non-residents.
The only drawback, according to students, is that after graduation, there may be problems with employment, because agriculture is not particularly developed by the country and the city of Krasnoyarsk. Despite this, the Agrarian University still deserves attention. A lot depends on the students, on their purposefulness. With a good study, the university can recommend a graduate of a particular organization. As a result, a person can be hired if he agrees.