The priority national project "Education" was designed to draw public attention to the Russian education system. This article provides information about its significance and distinctive characteristics.
The priority national project "Education" has the following goals:
- promoting public education policy guidelines;
- support for civil society institutions;
- highlight in the educational system of modern management;
- support for talented, capable, enterprising youth.

Project Objectives
Thanks to the innovations taking place in the system of secondary and higher schools, high-level university centers have now appeared in the country. The implementation of the priority national project "Education", for example, made it possible to create the Northern Arctica federal university that has become the pride of the region.
Main Tasks:
- formation of large university centers in the country;
- improving the quality of domestic education through the concentration of resources;
- training managers of the new time.
To solve the tasks set, two ways are allowed: the opening of united universities and the formation of business schools for training management personnel in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Improving the quality of education
The priority national project "Education" is designed to solve the following tasks:
- creating "points of growth", which means improving the quality of education;
- support for primary school teachers and class teachers;
- encouragement of youth activity in the development of villages, cities, regions;
- stimulating entrepreneurial initiatives;
- support for the achievements of young people in culture, science, sports;
- highlighting the best educational practices, disseminating experience in the regions.

Ways to solve problems
In order to cope with the tasks set, since 2006 a competitive selection has been carried out for state support of innovative programs. The implementation of the national project "Education" made it possible to single out the best educational institutions operating in the Russian Federation. The amount of support for secondary education is 1 million rubles, and for the highest level - from 500 thousandrubles up to 1 million.
The national project "Education" allows educational institutions to purchase laboratory equipment, software, and modernize classrooms. It allows you to improve the level of qualifications in the courses of teachers of secondary schools.
Competitive Selection Criteria
The national project "Education" is carried out on the basis of regulations developed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. They indicate the procedure and main criteria on the basis of which the selection of schools and higher educational institutions is carried out to receive federal funds from the state for the development of innovative activities.
The national project "Education" in the framework of higher professional education is aimed at identifying selection among universities in natural science and engineering education, medicine. Based on the criteria, the best educational institutions are systematically selected.

Educator encouragement
The national project "Education" contributes to the annual selection of 1000 best teachers in the country. The experience presented by educators is recognized by society. The winners of the competition receive a monetary reward of 200 thousand rubles. Re-participation in competitive trials is allowed after five years. In addition to the federal stage of the competition, each constituent entity of the Russian Federation also has its own (regional) competition, the winners of which are awarded material rewards in the amount of 50 thousand rubles. The list of winners of the federal level is approvedby order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, is published on the official website of the department.
National projects in the field of education contribute to raising the status of the Russian teacher, changing the attitude towards teachers on the part of schoolchildren and their parents.

Currently, there is a direct connection between high-quality, modern education and the possibility of building an efficient and secure economic state.
For a country that focuses on an innovative development option, it is important to advance the system of domestic education.
The priority national project "Education" is a modern and effective form of solving a significant number of problems in the development of the educational sector within the country.
Due to the absence for a long period of time of a single, clear mechanism for the material and financial support of the Russian educational system, it was difficult to talk about achieving quality indicators. Prior to the introduction of new educational standards in Russian preschool and school educational institutions, the educational and educational process did not involve the identification and development of talented and gifted children, the selection of individual developmental trajectories for them.
The development and implementation of the priority national project "Education" contributed to the modernization of methods and techniques for teaching and educating the younger generation. The principle of individualization and personal approach ineducation, which is currently used by teachers, is an effective tool for meeting the social order of society in accordance with the criteria for selecting the best teachers in the Russian Federation.